Spanberger: Conspiracies About Jan 6th Attack ‘Create Fertile Ground’ For Extremists To Take Hold

Democratic Congresswoman from Virginia and member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Rep. Abigail Spanberger, reflects on her experience being in the Capitol during the Jan 6th attack and argues for the need to open a commission to analyze what happened because it was “an attack on our very democracy”. Aired on 04/15/2021.
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#RepAbigailSpanberger #Jan6thAttack #MSNBC

Spanberger: Conspiracies About Jan 6th Attack ‘Create Fertile Ground’ For Extremists To Take Hold

Spanberger: Conspiracies About Jan 6th Attack ‘Create Fertile Ground’ For Extremists To Take Hold


  1. Why isn’t DJT charged with treason and insurrection and in jail awaiting trial? Evidence is mounting day by day.

    1. @mario Dias if you have the hey google feature on your phone with the little microphone it can help you out somewhat 👍

    2. @Doug Ohaver lol yeah I do n use it often English is hard to write in Spanish you pronounce every letter the way you write it

    3. @Paul Wilson It’s not that the democrats dont have the guts….it’s more like the republicans don’t have a spine, or morals about defending the constitution, and don’t want to bite the hand that feeds them, or they might have to look for a real job.

  2. Take the traitor’s words for it, many have admitted _”this was maga, there was no antifa presence in the capitol”_ are some magats afraid of the consequences of their actions?

    1. @Akram T Remind me, how many police were killed in that “storm” , how much damage was done to the Capitol that day and who did they construct a noose for?

    2. @Akram T Where it was held (Capitol Building of the Federal Government of USA), and deaths, injuries resulted.

    3. @Akram T – you sure your name isn’t Billy-Bob? You sure sound like a white supremacist trumper.

    4. @Harley Rider 07 haha antifa and blm was peaceful haha nice joke like when they shot a 6 year old black girl or what when they shot and murder 2 16 boys when they was driving their car why your Media didn’t show you or when they stabbed a black man oh wait your Media didn’t show you that or when they media the zone Chaz and murder 3 people or when they attack homeless trans woman and almost murder a man for helping the trans woman oh wait your Media didn’t show you that or in the first 1 million March when they attack everyone from Black to white from young woman’s and kids to old man and oh wait your Media didn’t show you that too because I waiting what the media have to say about it poor you 😔 ha do you want more

  3. The weakness was trump who instigated this horrific riot. Trump set the whole atmosphere of mistrust and violence with repeated lies. Why trump has not been imprisoned is beyond my understanding.

    1. @Beanie Green Trump failed coup attempt was the reason. I’m sure it shocked his pamper off after it failed. The fool was celebrating and watching it happen on television after his lie that he would meet his Mob.

    2. The ‘incitement/instigation’ claim is a BIG LIE.

      T******* installed 21+ extreme-right loyalists in the Pentagon WELL AFTER the election was over. Together, they planned and executed ‘Operation Capitol Crime’ (OCC, aka ‘The Insurrection’).
      Read the wiki for Christopher Miller, the guy T******* appointment SecOfDef — again, AFTER the election was over — and see what he did leading up to OCC, as well as on the day. DIRECT ACTS OF SEDITION.

      So while the foot soldiers are being indicted, the generals are walking free. No surprise, really, since they’re all in on it…the Left, Right and media.

  4. We listen to the same facts being repeated again and again.
    It seems unreal to see that obvious facts are ignored while people go about their business as though nothing had happened.

    1. @Mephistopheles Count Caliostro Yes, and I think those purveyors of lies will have to be changed or eliminated before we can get back to sanity in this country.
      Of course it may already be too late anyway.

    2. Yes, I cannot understand why Trump is not in jail for inciting the insurrection and all of his dirtbag followers are not a threat to society and have to wear an ankle bracelet to keep them from roaming. It just baffles me that we are not seeing justice.

  5. Police beaten by American flags and blue life matter flags but not trump flags. Trump flags were used as standards to denote the rioters victory. Justice needs to happen sooner than later. The whole trump clan needs to be in prison

  6. How much “truth” do you need? When will T and the others pay for these treasonist acts? When? Instead they get invited to run again. It’s sickening,

    1. @Mimzy Jinx That is BS. You live in an alternate reality. You don’t know what any of those things mean you just spew the words like a sheep.

    2. @Ozworldz How so? 19 people died in 14 days across the country last June. Not participants in the mob violence. People caught in the path. One was an 8 year old black girl. Secoria Turner. But nobody says her name. What a total fraud you are.

  7. The commission should not include the GOP as they will do anything to avoid being exposed for what they did.

  8. Somebody better be mounting a case against Trump himself for inciting this. Bill Barr was directly involved with every prior event where police clashed with peaceful demonstrators. But Barr left just 2 weeks prior to this. He must have known in advance what was coming. This seems to be in plain sight and Barr has been MIA since late December.

    1. The charge of ‘incitement’ is horsesh1t.

      T******* installed 21+ extreme-right loyalists in the Pentagon WELL AFTER the election was over. Together, they planned and executed ‘Operation Capitol Crime’ (OCC, aka ‘The Insurrection’).
      Read the wiki for Christopher Miller, the guy T******* appointment SecOfDef — again, AFTER the election was over — and see what he did leading up to OCC, as well as on the day. DIRECT ACTS OF SEDITION.

      So while the foot soldiers are being indicted, the generals are walking free. No surprise, really, since they’re all in on it…the Left, Right and media.

    1. What’s worse is a few weeks ago, he said there was no threat, they were hugging and kissing the police officers. Insane!

  9. Anytime something “Extreme” happens like January 6th, it draws Extremists like mosquitoes to a bug zapper.

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