SpaceX Starship | Massive uncrewed rocket explodes on launch attempt

SpaceX's massive rocket Starship experienced a 'rapid unplanned disassembly' and exploded during the first launch attempt.

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SpaceX Starship | Massive uncrewed rocket explodes on launch attempt


    1. How many times did SpaceX try to land a Falcon 9 booster before success? They crashed and crashed. Why? They were learning how to do it. Now they nail every landing because they know how.
      This launch is for practice and data. SpaceX did not expect a successful mission. If it made orbit, that would be incredibly special. If the booster then landed, that would be miraculous. This “failure” won’t cause any surprise or disappointment at SpaceX. Testing, Testing, Testing…

    1. what do u think would happen if this massive thing didn’t explode 35km in the sky but instead crashed down on Earth?

    2. @Jeff Wang That’s why it has self-destruct circuitry on board. Even the Space Shuttles had it – a fact not widely advertised. You can be sure that the explosion was deliberate – they had the telemetry, the vehicle was clearly failing, time to cut your losses

    3. @613 Space X is gathering data for self landing for rapid re-use and that’s why star ship was rotating. never meant to reach orbit or separate.

  1. You couldn’t pay me to fly on a spacex rocket. The stories from engineers that work and worked for SpaceX are like a nightmare.

    1. I heard the same stories from engineers working on the A-380. It is hard to distinguish how much reality is in complaints…

    2. You mean out of the over 100 successful launches and landings they have had with crew in it and succeeded every time even reusing that same material. To bad.

    1. It produces the emissions of no more than 3 747s, plus materials are stainless steel and basic stuff. Try harder, this ain’t it chief

  2. Test to Failure , This test was a data mining extravaganza ! Well done Elon , well done SpaceX, You got this !!!!!

  3. Uneven thrust as too many of the Raptors didn’t perform as indicated by the bottom view showing uneven Raptors firing.

  4. Spacex need to redesign launched pad , heat reflected from flame cause the metal of booster rocket to expand so Starship couldn’t separate.

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