CNN's Jackie Wattles is in Boca Chica, Texas, where she shares her experience seeing the latest SpaceX rocket launch. Starship is SpaceX's most ambitious project yet and designed for deep space travel. #CNN #News #shorts
SpaceX rocket explodes after launch. See CNN reporter’s reaction

It did well. It was a 50/50 getting off the pad, according to Elon.
Lol. It blew up. The faa has to investigate. It was not expected.
@Tim from Las Vegas it was expected actually. That’s why it was unmanned. You don’t know a hell of a lot when it comes to rocket launch test runs and physics, do you?
Looks like we have another highschool dropout in the comment section. But to be perfectly honest even most highschool dropouts know about this. So you’re really making yourself look pretty dumb here.
@Tim from Las Vegas LOL, controlled detonation. So I guess you forgot SpaceX’s operating model, huh? Try again.
50/50 isn’t good enough when your mistake is littering the Gulf of Mexico
The youngsters don’t remember NASA rockets blowing up all the time.
You try breaking through the glass ceiling. Many have tried and many have failed.
youngsters know NASA crawled for others to fly. … except for some “geniuses”.
better be at a tupperware party
When was this?
This morning.
Come for the launch, stay for the fireworks
*Someone get elons reaction ASAP

He definitely fired everyone lmao
@JQZ why would he?
@JQZ Elon is probably happy with the results he got
@JQZ how. They blew it up because it was out of control..
@Josh B r/wooosh
Looked and sounded powerful.
Biggest rocket ever made. It better sound like it.

The onboard shot from space was just icing on the cake!!!! can’t believe this finally actually happened, what an incredible incredible test!!!!!!
We learn the most when it go *boom*
Can’t wait for super-heavy booster flight number two!!!!!
Strange how crazy unstable it was, despite the experience of SpaceX, they make over a 100 successful launches a year iirc. Good luck next time, I hope they find the issue.
Elon planned it this way. He’s a genius’s genius.
Ya, ok
Hard to believe we were able to go to the moon 60+ years ago…
This rocket is twice as powerful as the moon rocket, 10x cheaper, and can land itself from both parts, it’s much more complex to get right especially with 33 engines and re entry method.
Rocket science isnt easy to comprehend for many but It’s not hard to believe at all! Ppl believe in religious stuff all the time. Believing is easy!
Pretty crazy, eh?
no, it really isnt hard to believe at all
@Miguel lopez
That’s a problem. Getting 33 rocket engines to play nice together. Just ask the Soviet engineers of yesteryear. It’s one of the big reasons they gave up on their version of a moon rocket booster stage. Also, the Rocketdyne F1 (Saturn V boosters) remains the most powerful single rocket engine ever developed. A true engineering marvel, it took only five engines (4 gimbaled… another engineering marvel in its day) to get the massive Saturn V on its way to the moon.
Elon pretty much gave it a low % of making obit he mainly wanted it to clear the tower and pass max Q.
Didn’t see it making that far! Impressive!
Clearly a successful test not failure
even tho they’ll created record history by lifting of that humungous amount of weight Kudos to spacex and Elon Musk
Elon Musk created the biggest, most expensive fireworks ever!

“I’m so stoked! Everything was fine, until the (first) stage separated. Woohoo!”
Tell that to the astronauts.
Young lady reporting is just adorable. She’s like an elderly woman in the body of a young person.
If they had a real man on board, a proper man that saves the day like we used to have, he would have unstrapped himself from the cockpit to knock out the connecting lynch pins with a mallet, take over manual control and save the day. When will we learn I ask?