1. Gotta admire the Trump University Pride on this thread.



    1. All of our products are byproducts of petroleum. It also powers much of our modern age and technology. So we are actually now in the petroleum age.

    2. We’re lucky the earth’s gravity is what it is or that wouldn’t even work. It’s a razor thin margin

  2. Bruh that’s crazy how they hit the stratosphere In under 2:30 and hit the engine’s… *That’s Crazy* 💯

  3. I can only imagine gravity pulling down on you. Probably feels like an elephant sitting on your chest.

  4. As a Boomer this is beyond fantastic…. My daddy let me stay up all night to see us on the moon !!!!!

  5. God bless the crew that goes to space to spend 6 months off earth to bring new technological advances


    Urgently we the west, need to adopt a ‘neutral’ stance towards India regarding Trade Tariffs.

    By declaring to be Neutral, they are working against our goals.

    In order to utilize the information we have, being the economic powerhouses we are, we need to immediately adopt a ‘neutral’ stance. It means no more discounts on import and export tariffs for India, for the foreseeable future.

    1. @Chace Crowell China also got a rover on Mars and what did that do? Not much, at least not for long.
      Obviously authoritarian regimes can achieve a lot in 1 sector but it will come at the cost of many other sectors, from economy to quality of life.
      They are never very well balanced and never for the good of it’s citizens.
      Look at the space programs nowadays and tell me how much better authoritarian regimes do compared to the free world.

    2. @weekiely 123 Everything, as science progression is very limited in authoritarian regimes. Instead of working together they usually obstruct progression due to idiotic goals.

  7. Your thoughts on the current controlled extraterrestrial reality disclosure process and related US GOV cover-up?
    When the nervous contagious giggling subsides,

    how will our civilization adapt to this publicly known reality?

    What might be some of the potential implications of disclosure of this reality?
    New energy sources perhaps? Religions? History?

    Do we really want to know the full truth?

  8. Jesus Christ called people everywhere to repent, so if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe with all your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved and inherit the kingdom of heaven and eternal life. To this, people would accept Jesus Christ in life in their hearts and told other people how Good he is, how he saves, heals and frees and gives eternal life for freе 1

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