CNN’s Jeff Zeleny is in South Carolina where two Republican members of Congress face primary challenges after voting to impeach former President Donald Trump. CNN’s Jake Tapper hosts a political roundtable that discusses what these intra-party battles mean for the GOP. #CNN #News
South Carolina Republicans face tight primaries after voting against Trump

SC: where brains go to die
Soooo many Democrats celebrating pride month
California’s must have moved to SC
@reality Christian
I’ve learned two things after watching the 1/6 hearings…1) Trump lost…2) his supporters are psychotic
@Erstwhile Savvy that language alone tells me you’re under 25
Let’s go Brandon!
@Let’s go Randall poor deluded Trumper. Don’t forget to donate and remember he loves the poorly educated
Keep this in mind, they are likely not to get any smarter, any time soon.
Democrats have never been known for being the sharpest tool in the shed
Indeed they are ignorant for life sad
No matter what party we stand on we need to be loyal to our truth not our party
Correction: we need to be loyal to *_THE_* truth
A very serious distinction there…
Trump has always, only been loyal to his own truth, but never THE truth… and that was one of his biggest flaws.
This feels incredibly wrong and awkward to say, but… I might even go far enough to say that _had he_ be about *the truth* instead of _his_ truth, it’s possible that he wou…
would’ve actually been a-
… sorry… a _good_ president… 
There is no “our truth.” There is only “the truth.”
Best President in history!!! Trump 2024!!!!
I will never understand how people thought a reality TV ” Star” who willingly paints himself Orange mind you. With 5 bankruptcies and zero understanding of the geo political world we live in. Would some how make this nation a better place.
Like taking a Walmart Greeter and making CEO of the company and being upset that its not doing better.. like really?.. what did you expect.
@lgbtSRgro0mrs shows your level of intelligence if you really believe the president has anything to do with the price of gas. Lol
So much for principles. The radical right base wants the other guy
“When stupidity is considered patriotism, it is unsafe to be intelligent”.
Isaac Asimov.
“If you didn’t vote for me, then you ain’t black” -Democratic President Jim Crow Joe
Yes, we saw Pol Pit’s efforts to wipe out every educated person in Cambodia, that sure advanced that country, didn’t it?
Frightening and true

People with the media you have to LISTEN close to the words they chose to you. Daring to speak out? Why not say heroically spoke out? Elected officials should speak out against corruption.
Indeed they should

Trump: “The election was stolen!”
AG Barr: “Bullshit!”
Ivanka: “I believe Bill Barr”
something basic as speaking the truth shouldn’t be rewarded. it’s basic duty as an elected official, and a basic to being a decent human being. the fact that they have to contemplate if they should be speaking truthfully or not is all you need to know about how easily they’ll flip flop.
Trump already has a note from his doctor to get out of criminal trials:
Phone Spurs.
There’s a cure for that: solitary confinement in a mental healthcare institute
@Tele Bubba too kind.
The American people know that we get what we pay for. Therefore we know that we need a fully democratic government — even if it’s a bit more expensive — that we may get some quality governing done and put an end to the GOP’s American genocide.
@Tele Bubba trump should get the treatment he wanted for pence.
I laughed bigly
Elected or not, they can face God and know they did what was right!!!
How could any entity face a fantasy invented by people?
People make gods, not the other way around.
“The world is in more peril from those who tolerate evil or encourage evil than from those who actually commit it.” -Dr. Albert Einstein, 3/30/1953
But the terminally stupid don’t even realize when they’re staring evil in the face…
@coda creator and eating up every lie begging for more. Trump knew there was a stupid problem in America. And he capitalized on it like no con who has come before or since.
Trump for prison 2022

It will be interesting to see how many people are let in the GOP who actually care about the Constitution than about the ravings of an orange Mad Man. I think the GOP is lost to the GQP.
Well said, Trump’s on his revenge tour.
Nobody.Let me type this one TIME.NOBODY can stop inflation, it’s the private company’s doing. Inflation is not a real political debate.
Love how Bill Barr discredited 2000 Mules as a crock of sh*t.
At least they stood up for what was right!!! Win or lose!
I can see it now: ‘The MAGA Documentary: Detached from Reality.’
The American people know that we get what we pay for. Therefore we know that we need a fully democratic government — even if it’s a bit more expensive — that we may get some quality governing done and put an end to the GOP’s American genocide.
With SC being one of the least educated states, this shouldn’t be a surprise.
1 Carla Corcoran Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
Ig we all can see how great your educated state of CA is
@Karan Kapoor south carolina ranks 44, CA 20th, get a hold of yourself
Would Trump still have power over these people if he was sitting in a prison cell?
No, he won’t.
Absolutely he would own them while he was in prison. They’re all sheep.
1 Anon Ymous Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer