The US increasingly believes that Iran mistakenly shot down a Ukrainian airliner, according to multiple US officials. The working theory is based on continuing analysis of data from satellites, radar and electronic data collected routinely by US military and intelligence. All 176 people on board the Boeing 737 were killed. #CNN #News
Sources: US increasingly believes Iran mistakenly shot down Ukrainian airline

How do you “Mistakenly” identify and kill someone?
Connor Meixner well if your shooting from
The ground with a radar that’s locked on you fire a damn TOr system rocket at it u would think they would be damn sure it was a rocket. What makes you or they think that US would fly over Tehran hours after a attack..better yet be that low in altitude to be shot down that close. It was only a accident because they have to say it was, it’s always a meant to be action with the wrong outcome that makes a mistake
@Creatotron hahahhaha!
@Derek Castillo first I was talking about the us accidently killing civillians drone strikes, second that’s the only reason I can think of right now other than the dude opperating it switched it to automatic while taking a piss. Seriously tho what do you think happened?
ask the united states, they did it to an iranian civilian plane in 1988
Russian built anti-aircraft missile “accidentally” shoots down a Ukrainian airliner. That’s ironic
Technically a soviet built missile
@Dusty Nickels and how the hell you realized it was a Russian missile?
@Dusty Nickels they assume Iran has Russian missiles, but yes, who pressed the trigger?
@Nancy Thompson Yes we can always ignore fiction.
“I said lunch not launch” – Iranian scholarIranian
@Yeti Rider true, it’s not funny but I couldn’t help myself……HAHAHA
But they wouldn’t be speaking english so the joke doesn’t work
Stoopid idiots (in their accents)
This BS in the Middle East has been going on since the beginning of time.
@Loll free yeah right dude. If what you are saying is true, middle east wont be as chaotic as it is since then until right now. “Tolerant”? That guy? Who you trying to use your taqiyya with here?
@Gumby Snacks Their are sects of Islam Sunni Shia and Kharijite. Shia:Good, Sunni:Good, Kharijite:Evil (Acts like Isis).
The prophet Muhammad said if the Khariijite lived in my era i would wipe them off the face of the world he also said that a Non believe is more closer to Islam then they are.
As for Isis and terrorism the prophet condemned them and said that anyone who goes to extremes will go to hell
Abd-Allaah ibn Mas’ood (may Allaah be pleased with him) who said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Those who go to extremes are doomed.” He said it three times.
Narrated by Muslim (2670).
@Gumby Snacks Islam was dead at the turn of the 20th century. It was the West that brought it back.
Ultimately why the world will end
Canada, who lost 70 people claims the plane was shot down.
63 people, including mostly women and children from Canada, and remember also over a hundred from Ukraine and other countries… and it isn’t a claim, they f**king have satellite video and also ground video of it.
Yeah I believe the U1 operation went through Canada.
@CJ P.,read up on some Sun Tzu. I do believe there will be a change in heart from Iran. The [enemy] is LOSING. Oh,by the way, declassification is still coming.
@Lance Boil The shah of Iran had sent four hundred million for military Equipment to the U.S. the country had a revolution. the money was froze. Obama sent One point Five Billion back.To a country that had a revolution. Under the law I don’t think we owed the new country anything at all. However we will never know. Obama stopped the U.S. claim to the money.
They destroyed our embassy and kill Americans and took hostages. Then and now they supported Terrorist around the world. And that’s what our hero Obama gave one point five Billion too.
Wheres proof that it was an accident
@F Flanman
My condolences on the death of your terrorist friend.
But I’m glad he’s dead.
The sheep do not need evidence ….
@F Flanman “imminent threat” ? he wasn’t a threat, he was a murderer.
@Harpoon_Bakery Implying our foreign policy hasn’t lead to the death of innocent civilians at a hospital in Yemen.
The lesson here is “do not act on emotion”
Don’t ever let your emotions over ride your judgment. It’s a no win situation.
*_When your Hellstorm hits the wrong target_*
Hycine to real
Nah, the plane was targeted. Expect a change of heart in Iran.
In 1988 U.S shot down an Iranian airline killed 200+ people during the Iran Iraq war and people ARE NOT TALKING ABOUT THIS. THIS WAS NOOOO MISTAKE IT WAS RETALIATION PLEASE DO YOUR RESEARCH WATCH THIS
@today world -_-
Mistakenly shot down just like Epstien mistakenly killed himself.
@gsg9ff golden question nobody asks
Marcus in
@ftrent70 – “Wrong. Lies” about what citizens see leftists have done, what they are currently doing and what they plan? I live in California and see first hand the results of leftists (Democrats) complete take over.
Killed by republican Acosta who gave Epstein the plea deal
@Come again Follow God well, u must be an idiot. If you don’t lose your semen in sex, how can u make babies. You must follow a fake god because God said get married, make babies, populate the earth and enjoy good sex with your wife. It’s important that real love exist between both husband and wife otherwise than you will feel tired after sex and get drained of energy. When love exists between both, the energy gets recycled between you both and can do it the whole night. Been there done that.
May I offer my sincere condolences to the all the victims and there families and friends at this terrible time peace
m p their Hugh go, a well ritten centenseif I ever sal won.
that inner dinosaur is surfacing. albeit a herbivore variety.
Terrible time of peace
“Some people did something”
Loll free just like trumps impeachment?? Ha ha this has only solidified trumps re-election. Trump punched Iran in the face and they backed down. Unlike obummer who begged them to like him with a billion dollar + palette of cash
@Cr6479,the data you present is lacking in DETAILS, luckily declassification will fill in the blanks .
The Dadalorian you mentioning someone

Noted: don’t fly in or near an active war zone.
@J Fer
The 63 on board in question were dual citizen Iranian/Canadians that were visiting family, over the holidays.
It would be a stretch to mistake them for Americans.
They essentially killed their own people.
Did Iran declare War? YoundumbA$$
Just imagine how the world would look like in 2040s with flying cars and busses and taxis if Iran EVER does want or does not want war, just imagine how iran behaves or not and accidentally shot down the flying school bus packed with kids in 2040s!
Jordan Garza you do realize flying cars will never happen..
How do you “mistakenly” shoot down a passenger Airplane then try to cover it up?
Ask Russia (MH17).
Did she say “mistakingly “
Iran Air Traffic: “There may be Americans on the flight”
Iran Military: *”Say no more”*
Jokes aside, condolences to the innocent people lost and families torn
In 1988 U.S shot down an Iranian airline killed 200+ people during the Iran Iraq war and people ARE NOT TALKING ABOUT THIS. THIS WAS NOOOO MISTAKE IT WAS RETALIATION PLEASE DO YOUR RESEARCH WATCH THIS
@DJ Golf – Must’ve been a hermit these past few years. Hollywood is flourishing with diversity and inclusivity!
AnonyPersona nobody on social media is joking about this. I’ve only seen this person joke. I got the joke but it wasn’t funny and I decided to have a grounded response instead of a childish one.
So, I c ur quote n raise u another one…
‘But Sir, It’s an American Ship…’ ‘Never Mind, Hit Her!’ When Israel Attacked the USS Liberty.
I think ur barking up the wrong tree … Netanyahu has been SCREAMING for the U.S. to attack Iran … n we all know when Trump says we have intelligence – we know who he’s referring to. Now, unfortunately for Netanyahu, this was descalated … n since the last time Trump backed off w/in minutes of firing missiles at Iran (re the tankers – rmbr that) … this time – they drew some Ukrainian insurance, just incase the killing of the general did not get the U.S. finally in2 an all out war w/ Iran.
Besides, this whole thing has been quite a timely distraction from Netanyahu’s corruption n bribery charges b4 yet another election n Trump’s impeachment .. u scratch my back, I’ll scratch urs. SICK!
I say sick …. bc it’s always innocent ppl that pay for a rich man’s war!
This was no accident. Iran knew damn well and CNN can stop trying to protect Iran.
@Berzerk Llama ok democrat
@Awakened One you’re right
@Noah Big boy coming from a dirty democrat
@enrique ordaz you’re prob from mexico, right?
Imagine Iran accidentally getting nuked
Ain’t gonna happen, expect Iran to change for the better. [DS]is being eliminated in Iran. [They] are sending distress messages. Check out[their] tweets. [HRC] in particular.
That would be whimsical
The Mysterious Now imagine joking about killing millions of innocent women and children
CIA plan could be it. Oops we don’t know they just accidentally nuked themselves.
President Trump: “Iran is standing down.”
Iran: “Hold my beer.”
Joseph Abraham They dont drink beer
trump kills 1 Iranian
Iranian Superme leader= cry’s death to America kills 200 Americans 300 injured shoot down a plane wtf
Killed 180 civilians a board and claiming killed 80 us military!! Fucking coward!!
@P D Trump indirectly commits war crimes by allowing the U.S. forces to refuel a Saudi jet that then bombs a hospital (a war crime under the Geneva convention) against an Iranian proxy. Iran doesn’t respond.
U.S~Lets bomb a Iraqi civilian airport to kill someone who maybe a threat in the future.
Iran~gives notice and then launches proportional damage under Geneva Convention.
U.S.~Pickachu suprised meme. Why would they attack us?
Literally what’s happened over the last 6 months.
Also half of the occupants on the flight that got shot down were Canadians, so I’m struggling to find out how the flight let to 200 American casualties + 300 wounded.
@NEEL -Uronchondi Shouldn’t have been near Iranian Airspace after an escalation of conflict.
Iran: ok we won’t make rockets or nukes just give us the money.
Iran: hey russia you need some money cuz we can’t make what we want.
Thanks Obama. Blood on his hands.