President Donald Trump intends to choose Amy Coney Barrett to be the new Supreme Court justice, according to multiple senior Republican sources with knowledge of the process.
In conversations with some senior Republican allies on the Hill, the White House is indicating that Barrett, a federal appellate judge and Notre Dame law professor, is the intended nominee, multiple sources said.
All sources cautioned that until it is announced by the President, there is always the possibility that Trump makes a last-minute change but the expectation is Barrett is the choice. He is scheduled to make the announcement on Saturday afternoon.
A former law clerk to the late right-wing beacon Justice Antonin Scalia, Barrett would tilt the balance of power on the court further to the right, possibly ahead of a consequential case on health care to be argued the week after Election Day. If her Senate confirmation is successful before the November election, the appointment would mark Trump's third Supreme Court pick in one presidential term, cementing a conservative stronghold in the court for a generation.
#AmyConeyBarrett #CNN #News
I can see the Trump interview, vetting process of Amy Coney Barrett..
“Now stand up, take your jacket off and spin around for me, oh yes you will do just fine”..
@quiktri1 Ah, you poor soul. Ya wish you lived here, don’t you?
@quiktri1 No, that’s your assumption. I love how you morons create delusions and then begin believing them as if they’re true. And then you actually wonder why you’re having your asses handed to you…
Chinese are spying and watching you America….
you satanic people have some nerve. joe biden pins a woman against the wall slides his fingers into her, then says what’s wrong i thought you liked me. you know she filed a complaint right away, and also told family and friends. she didn’t wait 40 years either. yet you people are so fked up in the head you can’t see straight.
Made in China products is shipped with coronavirus to American and around world. .’
Vote as your life depends on it, USA on a crossroad
Mr. Precedent jaja your funny
Trump 2Q2Q
Dummies for trump raise your right hand !!!!!!!
US Constitution Way @ Liberal Anarchist Blvd.
Vote Constitution Way or just take the High Road.
The High Rd.(red) @
The Low Rd. (blue)
Made in China products is shipped with coronavirus to American and around world. @
Hi everyone from Thailand
Wooo! Thailand!!!
It stinks over there
Made in China products is shipped with coronavirus to American and around world. ”
Nobody should have a job for a lifetime smh I don’t care what party it is that is ludicrous
So agree!!!
@Terminal Insanity Huh really? Here I thought Trump was going to nominate and have the senate confirm three judges. It’s no surprise you can’t tell the left from the right. You can’t tell democracy from authoritarianism either.
Chinese are spying and watching you America.””
312vandal Biden is being advised not to secede when he loses.
Made in China products is shipped with coronavirus to American and around world. *^
New Soap Opera…”As the worm turns”!!
“You’re maybe about a 3… I’d say a 3 and everyone agrees, I’ve got a good eye. So a solid 3, a 3.25 maybe, but at least a 3. Still, I’m going to need a favor, Amy.”

that’s hilarious! Did you come up with that all on your own?

Thank you! That was a great laugh. I will sleep great tonight. Wow
Chinese are spying and watching you America…..
Made in China products is shipped with coronavirus to American and around world. ‘.
You have a queer eye for the Obama guy.
soooooooooooooooo He wins again
So do the unborn babies
Whaaaaaa!!!! I’m melting
Made in China products is shipped with coronavirus to American and around world. ”
Good choice!…. i like her
As long as Pelosi hates her, she’s a good choice.
She seems like a good person. Let’s see if she has anything like Kavanaugh? “I like beer! You like beer Senator?!”
she taught at Notre Dame so she must like beer. Not nearly as uch as Bill Barr does however.
I think Trump chose a woman to avoid the sexual assault allegations that Democrats would manufacture against a male candidate.
@Gorilla Lives Matter, RIP Harambe Na, Trump was like, “ah, Ginberg woman, I pick woman, yeah…” Beats chest, eats banana. I’m actually impressed he didn’t go with another controversial nut
Well she got 7 kids so you know she puts out.
Terrible to like beer.
she sounds like she is oke with a few favours though (thats my subjective opinion in the moment)
May this be the end of legislating from the bench…We all want the constitution interpreted originally as written!
Yeah, with slaves, and no women in the bath houses.
Uh no the original constitution didn’t consider me a person. Some of it should be interpreted as its written, some of it should be forgotten forever.
Trump is president
@Cyntia Chew The thing is, the 9th Amendment clearly says that just because it is not written in the Constitution, doesn’t mean I don’t have that right. People always skip over this one.
PELOSI is Catholic, so is Schumer. But, they will bash her for it.
The thing is, abortion is a personal thing. And shouldn’t be done willy nilly. People that don’t like it shouldn’t do it. But don’t cry for the unborn when poor people of color don’t get sh..!
They like all the left are children of the lie
They will love her if she was a Muslim.
If Pelosi is a Catholic then I’m Santa Clause. Funny that Pelosi doesn’t seem to know about, or follow, the Catholic churches stance on abortion.
Finally someone younger than me Wow Lets Make America Great Again!!!!
But I tell you that every careless word that people speak, they will give an accounting for it in the day of judgment. For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.” (Matthew 12:36-37 NASB)
I mean if she’s qualified why not let her do the job congratulations to her hope she does the job well..
May God helps to Amy b in the Supreme Court
God ain’t real ya weirdo.
The Democrat-Media-Smear-Machine is about to go into hyper warp speed.
Really as a veteran I voted via mail all the time. Why the hell would you say that it could be rigged?
@Debra Meyer Did they send you a ballot without you requesting it, or registering for it?
Made in China products is shipped with coronavirus to American and around world.”
@Debra Meyer well you were the ones that called the election 2016 rigged its only fair we do it back just so you can see how it feels
and we actually have a reason this time unlike you.
Looking forward to CNN tears
I can’t wait for Trump to win and Durham puts Hillary, Comey, and others in prison.
Look what just happened with regards to all those Military Ballots !