1. For some reason all cameras that lead to Jeffery were under maintenance and out of order. I think we know what that reason is.

    1. Comrade TrumPutin : Trump has just CONFESSED that Epstein was murdered to protect Trump. We all KNOW when he comes out with a Conspiracy Theory, he’s projecting his OWN guilt, so . . .

    2. Ash Roskell Trump knows the truth getting ready come out so that why he tweets about Clinton’s body count.

  2. Oh come on, everyone knew he was gonna get knocked off. This stuff happens every time someone has dirt on the elite.

  3. Why do these news programs never mention the surveillance camera record? It’s like they are ducking the issue.

    1. @S Camp You’re right, they finally get around to mention cameras, but they mistakenly suppose he would be monitored! That was also the supposition of Rudy Giuliani and some guy named Preet who is a former official. I’m not buying this ‘overtaxed facilities’ narrative. It’s like saying they couldn’t afford to put a fire extinguisher in the White House. My cheap laptop is capable of 24/7 video-recording so how come the Justice Dept. can’t do this for a super high-profile prisoner?

    1. You mean that guard with the new sneakers and brand new iPhone 10+, yeah I know him. We used to goto wal-mart together to buy the cheap food. Weird thing that I didn’t see him in wal-mart this weekend. Maybe he could afford eating out. Some guys have just all the luck of winning the lottery!

    1. My opinion is CNN and their bosses/ handlers are doing what they can to increase the odds of removing Trump. And that an economic befalling is upon us SOON. Then we (hopefully not me) will all be government’s slaves.
      But that’s just me…

    2. @Ash Roskell Are you in for a surprise ,the declass is exposing a lot of people ,all democrats.
      It was the Clinton’s if he is dead,you only know what the media want you to know,and that is nothing.

    1. I DON’T think Hillary Clinton had anything to do with Jeffrey Epstein’s murder—I mean unexpected suicide. And she really feels sad about Julian Assange’s and James Comey’s upcoming suicides in their near futures.

      She harbors absolutely no murderous rage toward Mr. Assange or the James Comey and DOES NOT blame them for her humiliating 2016 election loss. It’s all just blood under the bridge at this point.

      (Am I off the Clinton hit list now?)

    2. @Rodney Boehner I don’t know, sir. I can smell the sarcasm through my phone, but let’s hope it’s just me.

    3. @Rodney Boehner
      You mean the same Julian Assange who coordinated with the Russians to help sway the elections in Trump’s favor? Are you saying he may suffer the same fate as Trump’s good pal Epstein? Is that what you’re saying?

    4. @Gracey Phillips wow what a imagination you have,Trump authorized Sessions to dig into Epstein,
      Without Trump Epstein would still be on his island.
      Did you miss the part about Bill Clinton and his parties with Epstein ?
      But you agree Epstein had a black book with all the dem politicians and judges in it ?
      I think you shot yourself in the foot with your post.

    1. Dustin Nemos did a really good piece on YouTube regarding this. The stiff in the photos released by the NYT is not Epstein. The ears and nose are an entirely different shape than Epstein’s. So, where do you suppose he was spirited away to. Inquiring minds want to know…

  4. Epstein was given the choice, messy or neat. His cell mate was inexplicably removed shortly before the event.

    1. @Ingrid Dubbel oh thank you so much. I’m sorry I was using my speaker I still am using my speaker cuz I’m busy. Thank you

    1. He was probably on suicide watch because he believed that would be the best way to maintain monitoring and safety, constant watch would mean he may have a chance to live. Guess it didn’t work out anyway.

    2. Yeah they do when they know they’re number’s finally up. They do it so they don’t have to face the consequences of what they’ve done.

    3. J B : Trump has just CONFESSED that Epstein was murdered to protect Trump. We all KNOW when he comes out with a Conspiracy Theory, he’s projecting his OWN guilt, so . . .

    4. True JB. In Epsteins twisted mind, he is so proud of what he achieved and I bet you he was plotting to rat out everyone to get a plea deal to get a leaner sentence. I bet you he did everything in his power to stay alive and let everyone in the world know how important he was amongst the elites, until they murdered that snitching shomo.

    1. @J G how much are they paying you to suppress the truth or are you that naive? You probably don’t believe 9/11 is an inside job, am I right?

    1. Paul ManaFRAUD : Trump has just CONFESSED that Epstein was murdered to protect Trump. We all KNOW when he comes out with a Conspiracy Theory, he’s projecting his OWN guilt, so . . .

    2. Hell yeah, they found a look-a-like convict in the prison system, murdered him, shut off the camera and made the switch. Then when the paid off guard returned and discovered what happen. And when the corpse was transported out the main gate, they let Epstein drive away from the backgate. Oldest trick in the book!

    3. Hulagan 808 : Why are you mentally ill types, always telling me your problems? I don’t care that you’re as, “stoopid,” as your spelling 🤣

    4. @Ash Roskell
      That was the first thing I thought of. Trump actually is the best at _one_ thing: projection.

  5. How stupid does the Government think American Citizens are? Seems like the US is run by a large group of Political Criminals.

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