Trump donor turned U.S. ambassador Gordon Sondland is speaking with lawmakers today as part of the House impeachment inquiry. Stephanie Ruhle breaks down what we are expected to hear from Sondland today and how it will affect the Democrats’ case. Weighing in: Senior Fellow at the Center for American Progress Michael Fuchs, Washington Post White House Reporter Ashley Parker, former White House Cabinet Secretary Chris Lu, and Princeton University Professor Eddie Glaude. Aired on 10/17/19.
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Sondland Says He Doesn’t Have To ‘Salvage Anything’ Before Testimony | Velshi & Ruhle | MSNBC
He is spending thousands of taxpayer money to redo his residence in Brussels….no honor with this guy.DO NOT expect anything from him that will help with the impeachment.Another Trump loyalist.
Dumb a$$ . that “residence” is the US Ambassadors resident. It will be used by all future ambassadors. There’s plenty to be outraged about , dob’t be a dip$hit
Yes, the ambassador that has net worth of $60 MILLION is out for a quick buck..lemming
Chuck Dinsmore
Quick buck, no….political influence worldwide, absolutely.
A sober evaluation of Trumps years as president shows that he have, and still is the biggest asset Russia ever had in history!!!!
@Joh: I’ll state the obvious: the rich “don’t see” it because they no longer have to pay taxes; the corporations “don’t see” it because all of those pesky employee, environmental and consumer protections were eliminated; and trump’s beloved “uneducated” don’t see it because they are too stupid. There’s your 30%.
@Tiffany k so you can’t read? Muller said that what your trying to say is false! Peace should be the goal of our president not making enimies or further divides between adversaries.
‘Allies’ don’t actively work to undermine your elections.
It’s embarrassing that you don’t get that.
You all know that it was Obama and Hillary that sold 20% of weapons grade Uranium to Putin.
As a result the Clinton Foundation received hundreds of millions from Putin.
Also remember that it was HRC who paid the Russians via Ukrainians for dirt on DJT to prevent him winning.
When they couldn’t find any they made it up.
So is that salacious dossier explain how Trump won because of Putin’s help?
He imposed tougher sanctions on Russia than any other President, and sent Ukraine military aid when Russia was attacking.
When Ukraine asked Obama for help to defend themselves he sent blankets and pillows!
None of these Dimwit’s claims make any sense.
The only way this type of ignorance can be explained is that the lying MSM won’t tell you these facts.
Is it any wonder they have lost over 40% of their viewing public.
The good news is that a lot of decent and fair minded people are waking up to how they have been deceived by the propaganda arm of the DNC.
He’s right, he’s got no reputation that is worth salvaging.
That’s the way I’m taking it
EXACTLY. Who needs reputation, when you can “donate”/bribe with millions to get an undeserved post.
Jelly Belly sadly true. He looks in his wallet and says nothing to salvage here. Still rich, still privileged. Let’s hope this is a turning point and that we can salvage the country.
I agree wholeheartedly! He is a nobody who has never done anything in his life for America. “Looking for corruption.” DOUBTFUL!
Trump is obsessed with Peter and Lisa. Must be jealous.
It’s weird and creepy how fixated Trump is with their text messages.
Integrity S – he’s obsessed with recreating his 2016 win over and over again. All these people are bit players in that movie. He doesn’t realise the rest of the world has moved on and will be struggling to remember who peter and Lisa are.
nOt just them
There is nothing to salvage here folks when tRump has destroyed all Foreign Policy & accountability. Impeach the whole lot beyond just tRump.
@Joseph Hill haha
Yes and Sondland doesn’t have any credibility. He should never have evn been put in that position. However, ignorance of the law is not a defense. That is what they tell every-day-people all the time. No special rules for people who dish out $1 Million for a presidents election party! It is a gross disregard for the people of America to appooint this dork as a Diplomat. OMG
@Joseph Hill you meant Donald !
JoAnn Holmes you have summed that up perfectly
That dude will only lie, just like all the other tRUMP bottom feeders.
Blue Victory you’re right… lying is their default setting
@Candyslim501 If he’s stupid & scared he’ll try & lie has way through the deposition. If he’s just scared, he’ll tell the truth.
@AnnoyedLawStudent 87 – I just read your link. Sondland is distancing himself from the President. He’s seen what happens to people close to Trump – He’ll chuck them under the bus without a thought to protect himself. It’s clear Sondland is biting the bullet now to avoid suffering worse later. Sensible decision. —-> I don’t buy Sondland’s denial he coerced Ukraine to investigate Biden. John Bolton knew what Sondland was doing back in July. Sondland was pushing it in that meeting when Bolton stormed out and told Fiona Hill “I’m not part of whatever drug deal Rudy and Mulvaney are cooking up”. Bolton sent Ms Hill to keep an eye on Sondland, who was meeting privately with a couple of Ukrainian delegates. She testified that when she entered the room she heard Sondland talking about Burisma Holdings (the company Hunter Biden was on the board of that the President’s trying to dig up dirt on).
But the House investigators may be willing to let that slide if Sondland’s testimony is valuable enough.
They are lying and protecting THEMSELVES and THEIR power. They are as dangerous as Trump.
They are Americans, they are a threat to the entire planet.
@Jim Battersbee These CREATURE DEMONS
can’t be called Americans!! They are foreign assets!! 
Only looking out for themselves and their MONEY!! It’s always about MONEY!! 
Some are lying. Some are telling the truth
@Celena Newell
As I said……….. Americans.
There are no “demons”, it’s a mental illness to believe there is.
The only way to stop this happening in every Republican presidency is to forbid all positions in public office to psychopaths.
@pr0xZen I would think that the very fact that Trump and McConnell attained office proves the constitution unfit for purpose. Add an amendment, that’s what amendments are for. Regarding testing not being accurate, I suggest to err on the side of caution. The stakes are too high to do otherwise. You cannot simply undo a brutal dictatorship at the next election, to use an extreme example. As a further example, would anyone allow a suspected pedophile access to their children? If not then you must surely agree it is better to be on the safe side.
So you think Hillary is sane?
@pr0xZen They require them for the military.
@Parslow Pongbert Indeed thats what amendments are for. But they should adapt the constitution to long-term changes in society and world, close “holes” in the constitution when needed to do at that level etc. It’s definitely not something to do on knee-jerk reactions, regardless of their merits.
My qualms with these types of analysis _in this context_ – politics – is that they, their use and significance, and both their administrators and interpretors – are too easily manipulated. And anything that _can_ be manipulated for partisan agendas and corruption in politics, *_will_* be.
If Sondland wants to get prison time, he will lie for Imbecile 1™.
Steve Magruder “Imbecile 1™️”
Love it!!!
This salvage comment shows how they talk to the press and under oath, he will either latterly or virtually (by answering another unrelated question) take the 5th when asked question about his involvement in the felony of asking a foreign government to specifically announce an investigation on Biden. His lawyer would be wise to advise him to take the 5th because sighting executive privilege or not answering question about felonies could add obstruction changes to the criminal conspiracy he is involved in.
Steve Magruder wait! you trademarked Imbecile1?! Dammit! Carry on…
Billionaire Republicans never get prosecuted. Being in federal criminal law, in which poor mothers go to prison for Social Security overpayments, I’m really sad to admit that.
prison time wow really stevie done lost his mind if you had one
Sondland should had known that Anything near Trump sooner than later turns into Unavoidable, and Inescapable crap
Don’t expect Sondland to be another “little guy” patriot. He still smells a lot like Trump.
“No honor among thieves” comes to mind. He’s not going to back Trump if it means jail time for him.
Yes, and like trumo he will flip to save his skin when it counts and lying at this stage, under oath to Congress, would not be in his best interest, especially when its evident what his part in this is already.
That being said, just in his opening statement, which has already been released, he’s already said things that prove damning to trump.
@Wado Waleli … sounds as if Sondland spoke up against trump somewhat… at least criticized the Ukrainian mess…
@yellow dog Wow. LOL. Take care.
It’s like watching JAWS. No one wants to close the beaches, even though there is a Great White Turd swallowing democracy.
I love that analogy.
A great fat orange turd.
babavee100 – perhaps a Great White _____ polluting Democracy ?
The only thing he can do to save himself is tell the absolute truth and leave nothing out. Only then could he retain a sliver of respect.
Andrea Matheson : I don’t think he could EVER achieve a “Sliver of Respect”. I might find a Sliver of Respect for the Republicans if they Get this Vile Madman out of Office!
Sondland is ignorant enough to think he’s qualified to be a diplomat, so he’s ignorant enough to believe that an impeached president can pardon him.
What frightens me more than anything is the thought of Trump getting re-elected. Everyday I just hope that more and more evidence comes up that will force republicans to no longer be able to try and defend him, e.g., the likes of Gaetz, Jordan, McCarthy et al.
@Andrea Matheson: I wouldn’t hold my breath on that one! Gaetz, jordan and mccarthy sold their souls long ago…..
Too late
And just think, he actually paid a lot of money for the privilege to be in the trouble he’s in today.

@Semper verum …I didn’t exactly have your image in mind, although, figuratively, its intriguing. Also Tarred and Feathered and a Rail or a Straitjacket. Thank you for your Correction. There are two version of the Colloquialism. In one you ‘tow’ or pull the line or rope and a older version you put your ‘toe’ on line.
David J yes the stable genius is really quite stupid and pathetic !
Could win the award: Bad Investment of the Year
Our money!
He’s a convicted liar, but he may surprise me.
you folk have been waiting for him to maybe speak truthfully ever since he ws elected, has not happened yet!!!
@ilonka knutson: He wasn’t really elected….
@Tiffany k Right! It was, that people didn’t want to elect Hillary Clinton!
Trump is the greatest sleeper cell Putin has ever deployed
I don’t think he’s a sleeper, he’s corrupt for Putin in plain sight!
Leonel Ventura Congress has passed upwards of 200 bills but Moscow Mitch won’t allow a vote!
@Nick Roberts That’s what should happen!!
omg are you like 10yrs old
Can someone please explain just how it is that Putin is actually controlling America?
Never had a legitimate answer yet.
KAG 2020.
Sondland ‘has nothing to salvage’ because his reputation is now toast…just another of Trump’s ‘best people.’
Tango Bango : Sondland was a Hotel Developer. Never a Politician. He wanted a Cushy Diplomatic job somewhere! He’s just being Schooled in Corruption at theHighest Level.
Well, you can’t salvage something that doesn’t exist…
This is not e bad president,this is a filthy human being!!!.
@whalesong999 I never watched the Apprentice because I was aware of just how horrible the Donald is and always has been. He was a Kardashian before they hit the reality TV circuit. The Donald is and always has been nothing but a privileged narcissistic conman……
that’s how he has always lived his life
@terry j. Chiasson English plz.
This is the swamp, trump was talking about.