NBC’s Jacob Soboroff reports on the first family reunited by the Biden administration after being separated at the southern border during Trump administration.
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Son Of Reunited Migrant Family: There Are No Words To Describe The Happiness I’m Feeling Right Now
Thank you, President Biden!
you have got to turn this reunification into Reality Show to get Americans interested, nbc
or at a stadium with kids on one side and parents on the other, cue scene
Americans like you need to stop thinking everything should be drama and ratings over facts and educational purposes
@Mo exactly well put.
@Mo while I agree, the republicans are very simple minded and love reality TV. So why not use their favorite medium to show how much this hurt these kids and families?
Lily Jade They will require You to be there with the crew… you can lay down and be the plank that they walk across… since you were so happy that they were separated.
How can anyone not be moved by this reunion?
I can’t breathe….lmao

@Biden Sucks joined 4 months ago and your only skill is to form f@rts into words. You need more practice though. You’re getting siht everywhere.
@Biden Sucks hey, stop talking about fentanyl Floyd like that LOL
Awesome…the best news of the day…VIVA MEXICO..
Thank you Biden for doing something Rump refused to do. The policy change under Rump to hurt families and deter migrant families was evil, and though we do have an immigration problem it is wrong to take kids away from parents for years and lose track of their identification should be criminal. How do toddlers and infants say who their parents are?
Great story!!! So happy to see them being reunited.
Wonderful to see good news for a change.
It’s so thankful that they are finally reunited
He lost his dad and then taken from his mom. So sad but esctatic they r together again
Love to see it, let’s keep ’em coming! One family reunited, hundreds to go!!
This is beautiful.and Hopefully a pattern. Reunite all of the families and let them live
Words are beyond my ability right now. One down, 999 to go. Keep searching.
Now for the rest,now,not tomorrow,now,then let them in,you owe them that…
Actions like this are what make America great.
Awesome story
Fantastic. A wrong has been righted. Justice has been served.
Everyone comment and thumbs this up so we can get this out more! Yessss! Good job President Biden!!!
How about all the families who have petitioned for family members legally and have been waiting for years? Our government rewards migrants who come here illegally by expediting their process.
Whine somewhere else.
Thank you for your hard work Mr. President Biden!