The Georgia Senate runoff race between Democratic Sen. Raphael Warnock and Republican candidate Herschel Walker is tightening as more counties report results. CNN's John King breaks down the votes. #CNN #News
‘Something to watch’: John King breaks down votes in key counties

This should not be even close!! Georgia doesn’t need a werewolf
I think Walker was saying he was a werewolf to throw us off because he’s really a vampire. I’ve seen Werewolf’s and ain’t no way Walker is a werewolf. He’s got to be a vampire…. That said, I still wouldn’t want him as a Senator, he seems kind of dumb.
@it doesn’t matter I actually thought that he better resembled Frankenstein, especially the one from Mel Brooks’s Young Frankenstein, particularly the part where they get the “Abby Normal brain”!
Any one who voted for Walker needs to get their head checked.
Get checked by fettermans doctor
@Deborah Freedman compared to repubtards everyone looks normal
Those who vote dems need to do the same thing
They got tackled too many times
How i feel about those who voted fetterman.
Let Walker be the werewolf, I’ll take Warnock as senator.
Well, you want Warnock, you got Warnock!!! What a relief! Thank you, Georgia!!!

@Christie Love unfortunately this clown has proved his stupidity on other comments sections
@Digby Crankshaft Oh yeah, I know. I just had to throw a little snark in there. I’m just excited about Warnock winning.
@Christie Love it was a good result but way too close.
@Digby Crankshaft I agree. It’s embarrassing that it came down to the wire like that. It shouldn’t have been close at ALL.
I’ll call it, Warnock keeps his apartment in DC
Yep!!! I’m so relieved and super grateful to the Georgia voters who kept Warnock in DC.

@Christie Love he’s a POS
Yep! We want Warnock in D.C.

@clockedoutalrdy Cry some more!!! Maga tears are my favorite Christmas gift this year.

@Christie Love You must have been a bad girl because you haven’t received too many presents. That lot lizard is no longer the speaker of the house

Herschel Walker reminds me of another running back. I think he played for the Buffalo Bills but I just can’t put my finger on who it exactly is.
Warnock reminds me of that one pastor… don’t recall his name but his first wife was Tammy Faye Baker.

@Hammer K Warnock is evil urkle grown up.
@Doogie Bear oh wow nothing happened lol
@Doogie Bear Reported? ROTFLMAO! To whom and for what? LOL! I sure hope it’s not my 3rd grade teacher, he was a mean SOB!
Gee, I remember a Bills quarterback who successfully made a career as a Republican New York senator.
I can’t belive it’s this close between werewolves and vampires
And I can’t believe the Democratic party is running this country but they are
Some say, ” my party no matter what”.

cuz their dumb enough to not understand thr facts
Well, I’m having a little party of my own right now to celebrate Warnock.

Now Herschel can go back to his day job: crash test dummy.
He failed the entrance exam
Congratulation Warnock on your Re-election…. Republicans! Seriously!…. ya’ll elected Walker… like ya’ll got some soul searching to do.
LoL imagine being a union worker and still supporting the party that just threw you under the bus or should I say train

What’s that got to do with walker the werewolf losing?
Poor Hershel Walker, tomorrow is the full moon and those werewolf votes could have really given him the edge
@Christie Love vote Democratic & if you don’t they’ll steal it . Congrats , I suppose you support Biden crime family Also .
@Michael Toland Cry harder.

@Christie Love go buy a Balenciaga hoodie .
”I Don’t Know Anything About Herschel Walker” Donnie
They are so close and that is seriously messed up, just wow
Warnock won baby. Check your battery
Just how did I know it would happen just exactly this way considering the fact that the votes were being loaded in the voting early. It looks like the election are going to fall for the Democrats from now on. No this your not winning the election your losing the soul of this country by cheating at the elction machines.
@Richard Mattix cry some more

@Christie Love lol he must’ve deleted this comment.
Seeing Walker get that many votes convinces me that there’s a dumbass pandemic in Georgia.
Way to go, Georgia.
Nice spin, but the real dumbasses are the ones that voted in favor of socialism…again. Nice one Georgia, hope you all enjoy the consequences of your decision
Warnock was over performing and the regions that are primarily democratic, still not done counted.
At least Herschel has a law enforcement career to fall back on.
Mall cop
You’d be a fool to trust any government official. Brainwashed.
Warnock already Won!! Long Live Democracy!!