Ukrainian forces took back the southern Ukrainian village of Osokorivka, which has been under Russian control since April. CNN's Nick Paton Walsh reports why Ukrainian soldiers are looking over their shoulders for both Russians and other locals they call traitors. #CNN #News
‘Someone gave us up’: Why Ukrainian soldiers carry suspicion in one key town

bless humanity’s troops. so much bravery. lets all do more good in this world.
She was actually shot by Hamas.
@Tom Story do you just copy and paste the same thing without any proof?
Armies will have greater success where there is popular support since that means: intelligence, recruits, supplies, barracks and hospitals. with popular opposition you get none of that and the fight becomes far harder.
@André Silva Hitler did, at first.
It must be really tough having to put up with traitors like that in your home country. It’s going to be tough with Russian sympathies in some of those areas.
@SkOz Well, not gonna lie: If my home country was to be invaded by literally _anyone,_ I’d definitely give it away to the enemy.
@Me King Tiger Yep – I certainly won’t be giving my life for Biden and Co.
Heartbreaking , I’m elderly , and seeing the elderly here is shattering . When your young you stroll through life , but older people suffer , the children suffer most , and then elderly. Heartbreaking watching there homes and country destroyed , for absolutely nothing
while the Russian government live in luxury and safety ,if a leader of a country declares war , that leader and his government should lead there armies into battle .
maybe then , this would have been avoided.
You see how everything works my friend
These people on each side are people directed by there rich leaders. When the Russian fighter’s don’t fight their back up kills them

Each side is suffering while the leaders get all the glory like they did Something as the others are forgotten in time.Im at the end of my life seen war’s most of it and I agree the people are the one’s that suffer the rich just lose money 

@Jamie Sounds like your on the LSD mate.
The SBU will trace the calls of that guy and check whether he snitched the troops presence or not, it’s happened in many other towns and several arrests have been made of traitors. They now face 10 to 25 years in prison.
@John P eine kleine nacht music
@Steven S I see, the only issue is you believing its’ named after the composer. Obviously, you have no problem with Dmitriy Utkin being a Nazi and Putin’s close friend. Russians always accuse others of being what Russians actually are. Putin commands the new SS, the Wagner Group, and there’s nothing you can say that’ll change that, I just exposed you and you are demoralised.
He is probably just calling his friend to see if they are ok to much propaganda if the Ukrainian soldiers thought he was calling Russians they would take the phone all bull
@John P Wagner Group is not part of Russian army.
Azov is part of Ukrainian army and similar Nazi units now make close to 10% of Ukrainian armed forces, about same as their equivalent, SS, in Nazi Germany in about 1942.
Oh God please be careful and don’t trust anyone you haven’t known very long always watch the people in villages some have Russian background and could give you away Stay safe stay strong sending love and prayers hugs from the US

GLORY to Ukraine
@GT500 how many of your comrades cried for mama before meeting St. Peter? Babies.
@GT500 go away
Those who are traitors should be jailed for siding with the enemies!! It’s so sad to see that you can’t trust your people to truly be your people.. maybe those people who are helping Putin should go live in his country, under his rule.
On an even sadder note to see the elderly and children suffer is killing me.
These elders have lived through so much already and the children those that make it will need tons of counseling to try and understand why this even happened in the first place.
The trauma that all the Ukrainian people have suffered is absolutely horrific and senseless and my heart breaks for them.
God bless the people and those who fight and stand with Ukraine.
@Ryan Davieseven the president speaks Russian.. most of the people see what Putler did…and they fled to Western Ukraine. I do not think that any went to Russia. The problem was not and is not their ethnicity, the language , but the attempts to destibilize a country , to bring war on this land…
Few fools fed with money, delusions of power, autonomy ideas and weapons…used to claim foreign land.
All of us have minorities living in our countries , or ours living aboroad and yet we do not think to occupy the territory of another country…but Russia does, Transnistria, Abkhazia and South Ossetia are identical stories of Russia interfering in INDEPENDENT COUNTRIES to take their territorries
Western part of Russia was part of Ukraine ..
@Bartosz Strzelczyk I hope so, but the traitors should pay ..
Nick has been wonderful. His reports are on the money.
God bless Ukraine.
Always stay strong
A Tribute to Ukraine
The Fight
Where were you
when the walls came crumbling down.
Fearing for our lives
In our home towns.
Where children once played
Laughter was everywhere
We now find graves
Seems like only…we care.
But now,
We’re standing side by side
Defending arm in arm
Praying for our lives.
And now,
We’re standing toe to toe
Fighting hand to hand
Dying for our nation’s soul.
If we lose.
If this was our last fight.
I promise you
We didn’t run and hide.
Only one way to live
Head high and full of pride
What we would give
Our blood and tears we cried.
But now,
We’re standing side by side
Defending arm in arm
Praying for our lives.
And now,
We’re standing toe to toe
Fighting hand to hand
Dying for our nation’s soul.
A burst of lightning
coming from the morning sky
confuses all
We will not run and hide.
But now,
We’re standing side by side
Defending arm in arm
Praying for our lives.
And now,
We’re standing toe to toe
Fighting hand to hand
Dying for our nation’s…..
And then,
There’s one thing that remains.
Fight until the death
Fight for our Ukraine.
But now,
Our prayers were not met
By those who stood by
By those who would forget. .
By Humble Driver
@Humble Driver “ your negativity “. Facts are facts. Soon all will have to acknowledge the difference between .. facts that will stand in a court of law .. and .. just stating a ‘fact’. Wake up
@Rocket Salami you may think cringe and is your right but thank you so much for reading humble poem
@Dan Wright feeling not fake. Only real inspiration can motivate poetry from the heart. Enjoy your life.
@Humble Driver I’ll take your word for it. Consciously choosing to allow yourself to be used by those who cannot manifest without your consonant agreement ? Ps. Did you get my post to you about Avril Danica Haines ( current director od national intelligence)? Or did big brother block it ?
Fighting a traitor is way worse than fighting a obvious enemy. You don’t know who they are, and at the same time, they could be right by your side and you won’t find out until they stab you in the back. Very very challenging. Stay strong Ukraine
Good thing Ukraine eliminated all traitors in Bucha.
there is NO excuse for fighting !
you should just be nice to poeple and they will give you all the Glorys !
its pretty simple if you think about it !
@Taxes, death and trouble. Sounds like trump!
It’s silly because technically the Tartars of Crimea are in Russia but were in Ukraine but now in Russia. Yet, still lost everything… Moral of the story. Don’t get annexed by Russia. For those who don’t know. Russia was in “Canada” in the 1770s but the Tlingit First Nations and the Battle of Sitka thereafter prevented the expansion. Thank You First Nations.
Ánimo ejercito ucraniano Dios les de la resistencia para seguir luchando
Power to Ukraine soldiers and people


So disgusting that someone will turn traitor so they can be mayor or have a civil servant job in the occupier’s government.
It so painful and heartbroken seeing the old and young suffering , watching their houses
been distroy , making them homeless it so painful

Such brave men. Thank you Ukraine for your strenghth and endurance.

The whole world should make and enforce a law that requires any country that invades another have their leader on the frontline. Surely then we would see less war.

That would not happen. Look at Trump, He told his followers he would be right there with them and then he ran the other way.
Well, Russia did have many generals on the front lines. So what?
I doubt Putin would not go onto the front line, but I don’t see comic there.
praying for Ukraine and its peoples God bless you Ukrainian soldiers stay strong and be safe, glory Ukraine long live

Agreed. Trauma of this war is happening all around us, daily, and…each day …brings new horrors and new challenges. (In Ukraine, as Americans …we hope for safe passages, where you can breathe and hold your families …together, somehow.) Our hearts are with you… every day …from America. (We pray for your safety and courage, each day. Be strong. ) Safe and sound. We pray for peace each day for you. Viva Ukraine. May peace come soon .