President Donald Trump is looking for ways to overturn the 2020 election and is relying on a group of fringe advisers. CNN's Jeremy Diamond reports.
#CNN #News
President Donald Trump is looking for ways to overturn the 2020 election and is relying on a group of fringe advisers. CNN's Jeremy Diamond reports.
#CNN #News
The only people less patriotic than trump, are the people who still support him
Video conferencing commencement:
(Call 1)
Patient: “I got a cough doc; could you check my throat for strep?”
Dr: ‘pain is an illusion, this call will cost your insurance hundreds of dollars.’
(Call 2)
Patient: “My leg is broken, you can see the fibula sticking out of my skin,” screaming is heard.
Dr: ‘Call 911, pain is an illusion.’
The future of America.
@Ronald Taylor Didn’t USA fight against fascism in WW2? How can you, as a veteran, vote trump and his fascism regime and call yourself a patriot?
@Ryan wipf btw the same people burning stuff also stole, assaulted, and killed people under the guise of christianity also under the guise of patriotism.
Domestic terrorism is the threat of death, it is a crime.
Burning buildings is not the same as killing people.
While you’re pointing fingers, there was a handful of deaths during the recent stop the steal rally. Stop painting BLM as a terrorist group but not also calling out your people as the same.
73 million americans would disagree with you.I could not be more patriotic…..
@Ryan wipf I don’t have any pat for people that support hateful policies that hurt people, Trying to take healthcare away from millions of people locking children up in cages and separating them from their parents some of them permanently, supporting White supremacy hate groups, Villainizing black women and men that where exercise their first amendment right dividing this country anybody that’s for that type of horrific person I don’t want as a friend
Bannon is trying to get a pardon… The whole lot of them are criminals.
When I look at Solarwinds and Dominion voting machines I realize how true it is that Communist China hacked and cheated in the U.S. Election and helped Criminal joe biden to commit ELECTION FRAUD and TREASON!!!!!
@Intelligent Design “This claim of no Election fraud is the fraud.”
why do you think every single state official, all the media, all the courts, trump’s own administration officials, and trump’s own lawyers are all lying to you?
The jerk is the law right. Do anything he wants and no one can stop him.
@April Harris I beg your pardon. Trump never promised you a rose garden
Continuing to disagree even more strongly with the president isn’t getting him a pardon. He resigned becote the president could fire him–which he admittedly planned to do.
The reason many people support this comment is because they enjoy hearing that “they’re all crooked.” There’s no room for an enemy having an attack of conscience.
Pardons go to UNFAILING Yes-Men.
Steve “I ripped off Trump supporters” Bannon
@Very Hot When I look at Solarwinds and Dominion voting machines I realize how true it is that Communist China hacked and cheated in the U.S. Election and helped Criminal joe biden to commit ELECTION FRAUD and TREASON!!!!!
@DrJamal Jackson – Brawndo’s got electrolytes!
@DrJamal Jackson bot
Two words: Flavor Aid. Worked for Jim.
When I look at Solarwinds and Dominion voting machines I realize how true it is that Communist China hacked and cheated in the U.S. Election and helped Criminal joe biden to commit ELECTION FRAUD and TREASON!!!!!
@Intelligent Design : Trump has evolved out of the swamp to become an eminently prosecutable private citizen.
@Intelligent Design Mexico is asking for their wall and the Russian mafia wants their money back.
The Russians hackers DIDNT do a good job this election like they 2016
Is there ANYBODY in this friggin’ Administration that DOESN’T need a ‘pardon’????!
This is what you call the buddy system One hand washes the other criminals at Large…
@DrJamal Jackson
quit being a cry baby. Show the proof.
@DrJamal Jackson Just to let you know the vote counting machines ARE NOT CONNECTED to the Internet. If no connection then It’s impossible to send information to servers in China, Cuba and Germany.
You do for your willful denial of the truth
@james zimmerman no but true story HRC did when they were in office .. and oh yeah most of Haiti’s Aid money
We’re finally draining the swap.
Yes all of the decent wonderful voters cleaned out the swamp with a stroke of a pen
Hugo Chavez just arrived to Miami Beach with his Army. They are invading our land. Casper “The Friendly Ghost” is his Lieutenant.
@tiranchula lol that’s funny
BREAKING NEWS…………… BREAKING NEWS…………… BREAKING NEWS…………… BREAKING NEWS…………… BREAKING NEWS…………… BREAKING NEWS…………… BREAKING NEWS…………… BREAKING NEWS…………… When I look at Solarwinds and Dominion voting machines I realize how true it is that Communist China hacked and cheated in the U.S. Election and helped Criminal joe biden to commit ELECTION FRAUD and TREASON!!!!!
Foh yes
oh wow
Actually, that’s not true…it’s Scooby-Doo!
This is stressing me out, Jan 20th can’t come soon enough
One more month can’t wait
yes!!! 1/20/2021 the day Donald J Trump will be sworn in for his 2nd term as POTUS!!!
and Biden and his Hunter will go to trial and eventually go to jai!!!
@bodhi the What do you base that on? I bet you can’t tell me.
@bodhi the Be a good boy and donate money to Trump, he’ll need it to fight the pending civil lawsuits once he loses presidential immunity.
I’m worried that this self proclaimed Genius will start a necular war to be able to rule over the rubble that is left

Nuclear, nucular isn’t a word.
You know my cousin in the UK said the same thing. Very sad.
BREAKING NEWS…………… BREAKING NEWS…………… BREAKING NEWS…………… BREAKING NEWS…………… BREAKING NEWS…………… BREAKING NEWS…………… BREAKING NEWS…………… BREAKING NEWS…………… When I look at Solarwinds and Dominion voting machines I realize how true it is that Communist China hacked and cheated in the U.S. Election and helped Criminal joe biden to commit ELECTION FRAUD and TREASON!!!!!
@DrJamal Jackson Take your meds!
See that’s the problem y’all scared of every damn thing. Grow a pair
You know you’ve hit rock bottom when Bill Barr contradicts everything you say
BREAKING NEWS…………… BREAKING NEWS…………… BREAKING NEWS…………… BREAKING NEWS…………… BREAKING NEWS…………… BREAKING NEWS…………… BREAKING NEWS…………… BREAKING NEWS…………… When I look at Solarwinds and Dominion voting machines I realize how true it is that Communist China hacked and cheated in the U.S. Election and helped Criminal joe biden to commit ELECTION FRAUD and TREASON!!!!!
@DrJamal Jackson Dream on or maybe wake the f-ck up – russia have interfered for trump in both 2016 and 2020
It wouldn’t surprise me if they all, at last, declare him insane.
Yes, poor daddy, put him in a nursing home and visit once a year. That is how much they love him.
@Barbie When I look at Solarwinds and Dominion voting machines I realize how true it is that Communist China hacked and cheated in the U.S. Election and helped Criminal joe biden to commit ELECTION FRAUD and TREASON!!!!!
Toh yes
oh wow
of course Bannon is back…
trying to get his pardon after his border wall FRAUD
Magas paid for Bannon’s butt implants.
Meanwhile, in the real world people are dying, losing their jobs, starving and being thrown out of their homes…
@Show Me What I Need To Know Get your facts straight Trump still had never shut down the country, the governors had to shut down their individual state. As for me I didn’t qualify for unemployment even tho I worked a full time job for 4 years and at the same time I went to school full time. So because of that I couldn’t pay for rent, and because I rented my apartment from a private renter he evicted me. Because that act your quoting only protects people who live in government funded housing. So I was still thrown out on to the streets and had to move back in with my parent and sleep on their couch for 4 months even though I was a completely active member of society who did nothing but contribute and showed future promise. Also if 18 million cases and 319 thousand deaths (in just the US alone) is weak to you then I don’t want to hear your definition of strong. Your pathetic take your own god damn advice.
oh yes
oh wow
@DrJamal Jackson bot
@Carolyn Moore ridiculous comment.
“THE GREATEST DEMOCRACY IN THE WORLD”….You have to be joking………

Respect from Ottawa

The United States is not a democracy at all. It’s a republic. It always has been.
@Christopher Crochet and lately a Banana Republic!
Yoh yes
oh wow
Right now, no. Let’s not forget entire American history to make a cute comment.
He’s batshit crazy. Anybody remember The Caine Mutiny?
Batshit is a god descriptor!
@Catherine Campbell When I look at Solarwinds and Dominion voting machines I realize how true it is that Communist China hacked and cheated in the U.S. Election and helped Criminal joe biden to commit ELECTION FRAUD and TREASON!!!!!
@DrJamal Jackson Still supporting Trump? I support no one anymore and you should too.
Toh yes
oh wow
Steve Bannon wasn’t that the hobo that was arrested on a yacht a few months ago !!!
A yacht owned by a Chinese billionaire no less.
As Trump said, He only hires the best people.
@Robert Irvine BREAKING NEWS…………… BREAKING NEWS…………… BREAKING NEWS…………… BREAKING NEWS…………… BREAKING NEWS…………… BREAKING NEWS…………… BREAKING NEWS…………… BREAKING NEWS…………… When I look at Solarwinds and Dominion voting machines I realize how true it is that Communist China hacked and cheated in the U.S. Election and helped Criminal joe biden to commit ELECTION FRAUD and TREASON!!!!!
Foh yes
oh wow
The worst part is half of our country actually beileve him. Thats why we need to focus on education. Because clearly our schools failed some of those idiots.
i don’t think it is half, but yes. (even some who voted for him think he’s going too far now)
Its religion. The right screams till they are blue in the face about abortion but the Pope has now decreed that its okay to take a COVID vaccine that involved the use of fetal tissue. Pat Robertson “prophesied” along with countless others that Trump was easily going to win. Now? Pat has told Trump to move on and that he lost.
You are so right
I’m not sure is it education or mental health or low IQ or brainwashed!!
“Hi, I’m a completely innocent and law abiding citizen who has never committed any crimes ever. May I have a pardon for all the crimes I’ve never committed please?”
BREAKING NEWS…………… BREAKING NEWS…………… BREAKING NEWS…………… BREAKING NEWS…………… BREAKING NEWS…………… BREAKING NEWS…………… BREAKING NEWS…………… BREAKING NEWS…………… When I look at Solarwinds and Dominion voting machines I realize how true it is that Communist China hacked and cheated in the U.S. Election and helped Criminal joe biden to commit ELECTION FRAUD and TREASON!!!!!
@DrJamal Jackson “Joined Dec 14, 2020” Totally not a bot….
I remember when my grandfather lost his mind too. We just laughed at him. That’s only cause, he didn’t have the nuclear key at his disposal.
The American bar association needs to Pull her license permanently and Rudy’s