Over 17 million Jamaican dollars could be lost if the AstraZeneca vaccines aren't used by tomorrow.
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They need to evaluate the 14 year old’s history…its not a normal act…he may have been molested too. My God…nowhere is safe. Even so come Lord Jesus…this is too much.
And would I King? Who wants it tek it.
If I am correct, these vaccines came in the island last week. Were the relevant authorities aware of the expire date? SMH!!
Exactly ! Lol Jamaica isn’t a real place smh
It mi a seh to
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That could be the reason they were given
Jamaica too beggy beggy ,they didn’t care about no shelf life
Throw out the expired vaccines!!!! Look how much ppl wanted it and was turned away because they were not on a list an look deh now. Now I’m even more afraid to go in because I may get from an expired batch… What are the side effects of that?
It seems like when expired they still will use it this serious
How the hell these vaccines expired so quick and they are manufactured in less than a year am convinced that this things was already made and put down just waiting on this to be launched

@Jennevel Foster i don’t know why people is trying to impress evil governments around the world by accepting experimental vaccines which isn’t prevent transmission or spread of virus.
Ok wayne Fearing so you just wise up. Always know that all vaccines, antidotes and medicines for a man made virus are always manufactured before the evil men released those various viruses. Spare car parts are made before any brand vehicle are released and put up for tests or sale
@Chris Breezy Muzíc Just before the volcanic incident the Prime Minister was telling teachers and other civil servants he will not be able to pay them because they refuse the jab. The union had to get involved!!
lord a neva fraaid jesus help!!!!!!!!!!!
They are saying we should never buy or use expired goods
and now dem same one want to give something that is expired come on what is going on
Kill them a try kill we off kmt no vaccine for me
Hehe…all I know is me and my lil daughter will never take this
If I’m not taking it when it isn’t expired, I’m gonna take it when it’s expired? It could expire likkle more… I don’t trust it~
People wont be able to evacuate St. Vincent without being vaccinated. Aint that fishy
Me 2
This is jokes…
And this is so stupid the nurses not even wearing gloves but the government have curfew.
Them gwaan like we nah watch foreign news and know what’s going on b4 time
Dem wear dem uniform off the covid wards same way !! on the road with other people, in the supermarket!, banks, public transportations!everywhere. Talk abt superspreader. smh
The ever eloquent Vashan
If I take this vaccine it cannot cure me from the covid-19 and it cannot stop me from getting covid-19 so what is this vaccine for??? Anything going into my body I need to know what it is all about
@KeepMovingJa is these facts or is it based on your opinion? any way,it most likely be your opinion, bcuz you weren’t there when it was made,
@KeepMovingJa That is why God gives me an immune system dear. It protects you from EVERY STRAIN!! the vaccines are specific. How will it treats with ‘other variants’? be sensible
@Shana Huston Tell you what Google it lol
@Karen GordonAmen
Yes ma’am me will go and get some sense then lol
Yea what is it for if it can’t help u
Can bet sum of those expired vac will be issued same way
So why they buy the vaccines wen they knw that the shelf live was so near, this makes no sense
Because them lie, those vaccines have been there for years…set a wicked them. No medication expire so quickly…who believe their lies?
@Delrose Brady the vaccinations have 6 month expiry dates because there’s only 6 months of empirical data as of yet. Like any other medication, it’s likely longer but they are unable to claim it because it hasn’t been proven yet.
Oh so it has an expiration date and now they want to extend it I guess by using magic and fairy dust
So basically when the vaccine expires it will still be valuable and usable.. How is that possible? I am 100% sure it says Good until : expire date/
Those nurse not gonna treat people good when they reach further in their field.. watch…
Nonsense Dash them away bout shelf Life they planning to kill off people oh my God.
So how comes so many people congregate in one area Rasta?
Thank you Lord it no mandatory to take this oh lord you see what happening