While 12 GOP senators say they will join GOP House members in opposing Joe Biden's certification, other prominent Republicans are pushing back. Kasie Hunt joins the discussion. Aired on 01/04/2021.
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#JoeBiden #Senators #MSNBC
Some Republicans Push Back Against Senators Opposing Biden Certification | Morning Joe | MSNBC
America is sitting on a knifes edge , Democracy on one side , Dictatorship on the other side, ! Us Allies Are waiting, Waiting, !
@Whooz Ahnfirst? whooooz off there Rocker today ,? What ever your Smoking mate ,! It’s Cooking your Brain buddy !
@Euro ANTIFA Loos the ANTIFA Logo mate ,! It’s people like You Who give Trump and his Clowns Fuel to spit on the Fire , ! You Fool ,,,
@Sal Spencer New York stood up to that stooge early on! Nail that orange pig!
@Whooz Ahnfirst? You need psychological help. I hope you get it.
Biden will be sworn in on the 20th and nothing these clowns can do about
GOP is corrupt. If it wasn’t, Trump would be resigning.
Investigate them all. Hold them all accountable.
Election fraud 2016
i love watching the gop infighting
Nope not happening. This last election proved otherwise for the GOP and they know it – they are corrupt beyond comprehension.
The current GOP is mainly corrupt. Sad.
@karo travis so you won’t or you can’t?
When you scream “fire” is always good to point at it…wouldn’t you say?
Very diverse bunch of senators there, funny how they’re not objecting to winning their own senate seats!
@melek twelve
Only a Fool Sheeple would trust Fake News & Reprobate Democrats.
@Lucy Ricardo Yes, and like the 34,000 other dedicated men and women who protect the US and its citizens and enforce the law.
@Marjorie Murphy you need medication. Dictator Trump wants y’all to believe everyone in the world is lying except him.. the majority of us aren’t buying it.
@Marjorie Murphy also where’s the proof? Don’t you think if an American presidential election was actually rigged on a large scale there would be tons of evidence
@Brian Nave Or the much simpler answer, that Trump was never very popular and lost the 2020 election due to getting less votes.
These are the senators whom Trump called on his recent golf trips.
They all need to lose their political careers
Working ‘very hard to serve the American people.’ And if course, his fans believe him. Good luck.
These rebel guys are hoping for a better future for them,they must realize that the gopis dead for the next at least 3 future elections
Foh wow
oh yes
Josh Hawley from Jan. 2020, during Trump’s impeachment:
“The consequences to the republic of overturning an election because you don’t like the result and because you believe that that election was somehow corrupted, when in fact, the evidence shows that it was not … that’s an interesting approach. I think it’s crazy, frankly.”
What changed his mind so dramatically about this issue over the last year?
He wants to president in 4 years? He and his wife are making every calculation and creating the credentials to be the Republican Clintons.
@BK VJ Just because they air opinions it doesn’t mean they are fact based.
the orange turd promised him money he doesn’t have probably…
Wonder if he needs a pardon for something ???!
Ahh…the wannabes that back a spoiled rich brat and his attempts to bully his way out of a very public loss in order to save his ego…pathetic. : )
You reap what you sow! Is that not what “Christians” believe?
“Socialism is the religion of Envy.”… Sir Winston Churchill, 1945.
“I do not admit for instance, that a great wrong has been done to the Red Indians of America or the black people of Australia. I do not admit that a wrong has been done to these people by the fact that a stronger race, a higher-grade race, a more worldly wise race to put it that way, has come in and taken their place.”
-Winston Churchill
“I cannot understand this squeamishness about the use of gas, I am strongly in favour of using poisoned gas against uncivilised tribes.”
-Winston Churchill
“It is alarming and nauseating to see Mr Gandhi, a seditious Middle Temple lawyer, now posing as a fakir… striding half-naked up the steps of the Vice-regal Palace.”
-Winston Churchill
“It may be that, unwittingly, they are inviting persecution – that they have been partly responsible for the antagonism from which they suffer. There is the feeling that the Jew is an incorrigible alien, that his first loyalty will always be towards his own race.”
-Winston Churchill
“The price to be paid in taking Gallipoli would no doubt be heavy, but there would be no more war with Turkey. A good army of 50,000 and sea-power—that is the end of the Turkish menace.”
-Winston Churchill
Obviously, a voice from the past we should be listening to…eh? : )
They worship an elite, which they supposedly detest, and worse a totally incompetent one who did nothing to merit his status and has had to cheat, lie, and steal to maintain a facade of wealth when he’s actually been broke for decades…after blowing hundred of billions handed to him.
Hoh yes
They really hate democracy
Have they heard Donnie’s phone call? Backing a criminal makes them … criminals.
You really hate Republicanism
@UNITED NO MORE No I find people despise Retrumplicans, there is a difference. They hate democracy. Trump is corrupt to the core and only cares about himself. He only wants to hang on to power to keep the lawsuits that are coming his way after 20th January 2021. His gullible brainwashed supporters are being ripped off sending him donations that is going straight into his pocket. He is grifter and would rip off his mother if she were still alive he only cares about Donald Trump FULL STOP. I’m not a Democrat or even an American I just watch from afar so I’m totally neutral in looking at this. Trump is a wannabe dictator as you can hear from his recorded audio tape and is corrupt to the core. There is only one place good enough for Trump and that is JAIL
No, just hate trump….and you trumpaholics!
Hoh yes
Imagine if Republic*nts fought as hard to protect Americans from COVID as they have been/are fighting to overturn the will of the people!!!!
@The Blade they believe in trump not there lord god, they believe not in the GOD of the bible
We would have saved lives. America, remember these men and know that you have the power to vote them out when the time comes.
@Shawn Corbin Explain to me how votes are counted, in detail please, just to let you know I have worked as a scrutineer! Your conspiracy has more plot holes than a Marvel movie. So Local folks who worked the polls, both Republicans and Democrats, and election scrutineers approved by the candidates were all taught to commit election tampering and election fraud, thousands of people would have to be in on the plot. Also, mail-in ballots are paper ballots that can be traced back to the voter, and the machines in Georga (Dominion) outputs a paper ballot that is verified by the voter as to who they voted for. Each paper ballot can be matched to the electronic record. They have done 2 recounts and an audit. Trump lost everytime.
So the question is why are you engaging in subversive activity, you heard the recording, Trump is attempting to tamper with election results, which is illegal! When the time comes and you are asked why you supported Trump it’s OK to say you were tricked by a conman.
@UNITED NO MORE I think your confused, the Dems in power are rich AF and don’t REALLY want handouts given because that would hurts them in many ways. Its ALL of us normal everyday Republicans and Democrats that want money to stay homed and healthy, politics don’t play any part in wanting whats best for you and your family. If you want, or most likely NEED, help it doesn’t mean you must be democrat it just means your HUMAN and can admit when you need help.
@UNITED NO MORE The last time I heard corporate America was begging for most of the handles and most of those corporations are ran by Republicans
I guess Yale and Harvard isn’t as good as they claim to be. Yale and Harvard law schools should recall the law degrees from Josh Hawley and Ted Cruz.
https://nationalfile.com/caught-on-tape-brad-raffensperger-begged-for-illegal-chinese-votes/ Georgia Republican Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger was placed into office in the Georgia House of Representatives in 2015 by a powerful network of Mandarin-speaking Chinese people in the United States of America. NATIONAL FILE has obtained video of Raffensperger speaking at an event with Mandarin-speaking Chinese people, begging the Chinese people to get him more than 100 votes to secure his victory in the election (which he ended up winning by 159 votes). A Mandarin-language newspaper even explained the strategy to place Raffensperger into office by use of “absentee ballots” that could be illegally obtained by one Chinese person and distributed to others. Raffensperger is trying to stop Communist China’s geopolitical foe President Donald Trump from gaining a proper accounting of the votes in the 2020 presidential election.
Alan Dershowitz taught at Harvard and we saw how bats*%t crazy his thoughts on the law were during Trump’s impeachment trial and also in his own defense of keeping his underwear on while getting massaged by Epstien’s underage harem.
@Brian Nave Thanks for sharing this real news Naive Brain
You’re lame
Greg M: They are the Ivy League; they didn’t say anything about being the Integrity League.
The Absolute worst president in history
Donald Trump obviously is a very, very sickie patient, he needs immediate medical care. Why can’t the medical experts in the US did not observed his behaviour, normal leader don’t lead a mighty country in this manner. He has got psychological problems for sure. Why not have him checkup rather than let him mess up all the uncalled for.
Not even close. Also the most intellectually inferior as well.
@grin chi yea well i have been a republican since Nixon and the diaper rash in the white house was voted out for a reason….. You traitor
@Muhamad Amin LOL!
Spoiled children want to be in charge even though they aren’t good at it.
@UNITED NO MORE Actually, it describes Republicans PERFECTLY. Wake up…
Hoh yes
@UNITED NO MORE The republicans can’t even lose an election without crying lol
@UNITED NO MORE Your channel was started Dec.12, 2020 has 2 subs and no content.
Вот так выглядит аккаунт русского бота. Спасибо. Я буду молиться о спасении твоей вечной души.
They shouldn’t have been seated after publicly stating their plans for sedition. They broke their commitment to the Constitution already.
If they believe the election was fraud, then the Republicans from those states should not be seated until it’s resolved.
Especially those senators that were elected this year. If they are saying the presidential election was a fraud, then their elections should be investigated to and they should not have being sworn in.
@UNITED NO MORE crawl back under your bridge Troll….

Love it!!
I don’t understand this can happen, here in the Netherlands there would be a major debate in the House of Representatives and the cabinet would probably be dismissed, PM and all.
or as agent orange would nickname them
the dirty dozen
Every single one of them need to be impeached. Those that are attorneys need to be disbarred
@Phylicia Patterson they can be removed from serving actually
I of course agree that all these Republicans are grossly undemocratic chickens and scoundrels – it goes without saying. I also agree that they MUST be punished one way or another. But a (collective?) political trial raises a lot of problems in real life in an already fundamentally divided society. Won’t go into all these problems here, as I have written about them many times the last two months and always with reference to Hitler’s amateurish ‘Bierstubenputsch’ (beerhall coup) in Munich and its aftermath in 1924. C perfectly relevant comparison as it is included a few differences. It’s a long story, and it’s not at debate here. But. The better solution (at first) is your suggestion to disbar all lawyers among these political criminals. Will not give them the same possibility to playact as political VICTIMS in public courtrooms and media, which is the main point. So. Without wishing to go deeper into it here, I’ll support you on this point. The other elected resurrectionists should also be punished for fairness’ sake and because they’re political criminals too – and preferably on their reputation and livelihood too.
@UNITED NO MORE Not funny. I don’t have a mother.
@UNITED NO MORE trump your daddy boy?
@Tyreck James they can be expelled not impeached.
I would enjoy watching the GOP destroy itself more if they weren’t trying to take us all down with them.
I’ve been enjoying watching the Democrats destroy their own cities for the last 9 months… Good riddance!
@UNITED NO MORE Yer they really destroyed them lol. Good riddance to Trump, he’s the one destroying America.
Hoh wow
oh yes
These senators need to be signing a letter asking for Trump’s immediate resignation.
You can ask…
Goh yes
They wont do it. I’ve seen it before with some bad military leaders like trump. Their subordinates have no courage to stand because they fear losing their status/rank or they enjoy the corruption. It’s a sad shame but it shows us all who they are and what they really represent…themselves and not the people.
People that “won” don’t impeach presidents that have only a few days left in office. Traitors that are desperately trying to avoid being hanged for treason do though. You’re welcome.
@Whooz Ahnfirst? The desperate traitor, of course, is Donald Trump who is in for some serious criminal charges once he’s out of office.
So SUSAN COLLINS, do you still believe that he’s learned his lesson???
He learned his lesson that he can do whatever he wants and corrupt Republicans like her will let him get away with it.
Yeah, I’m sure she is “concerned.”
Don’t think she even believed it, just said it to distract people
@SpicyHotPot from her own shady deals.
Goh yes
Nice thought.
I agree….Biden, Clinton’s, Adam Schiff,
John Brennan, Peter Strok, James Comey…..
and Barack Obama
@Lucy Ricardo, Stupid TROLL
@Paw Claw
Truth hurts
Yoh wow
oh yes
Enough. Americans are Dying, stuck in limbo, hungry, tired and in need of assistance. Stop trying to SAVE YOUR JOB and DO YOUR JOB CONGRESS.
Only Democrats in dying Democrat cities… I say let them lay in their bed. they made it!
@UNITED NO MORE you’re speaking of your republicans, not the democrats….
Yoh wow
oh yes
I miss John McCain, he would have had no issues tearing Trump apart.
@J Luv They all the same to me pal john mcain was caught in syria with al-Qaida sure if you want to support the people who did 9 11 be my guest
@jaymcaaa the information you have passed to me is being passed on and will be checked out and vilified. Someone will be in contact with you soon to verify what you are saying. Have a good day
Luck Ricardo captured from 2008 till 2016. Just to confirm. Bye
@J Luv Whatever
@jaymcaaa spoken like a true child. You have been reported and messages have been forwarded on. Shame you bonespurs supporters talk so much bull with no respect for the men that gave their lives for you. Expect a reply by post. Happy new year.