Former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and former President Donald Trump are attending CPAC this year. Yet some high-profile Republicans, like Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and former Vice President Mike Pence, decided not to show. CNN's Jeff Zeleny reports. #CNN #News
Some high-profile Republicans are skipping CPAC this year. Here’s why

They don’t wanna get groped by Matt Schlapp?
Nobody likes getting Schlapped.
How can they not see it in the guy from a mile away?
Hilarious when you have the stroker and sniffer in Chief leading your party
Watching CPAC is like visiting a mental hospital
@Harold wow , your smart.
@Harold If you voted for Biden??
The True conservatives will not tolerate the nonsense of the trump show… As it completely distracts from their core values.
What was a true conservative during the time of slavery, segregation, apartheid, sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia, during the time of the confederacy, during the time of colonialism, was it any different from now or do you just like to believe that it used to be good and only just recently was turned evil?
I want to know if your idea of a true conservative really is accurate.
@jim bob silence! They have nothing
Oh honey…
Hahahahaha. Good one!
“We are all domestic terrorists ” -CPAC
The joke is Tell a Democrat a LIE and they get MAD! Tell a Republican the TRUTH they get MAD!
🤣🤣🤣😂 that is facts
It’s no secret that CPAC has essentially turned into a, “Let’s all stroke Donald Trump’s ego” festival.
Only his ego?
@Harold Well the difference there would be the DNC did the same thing with Trump with the first election. Then so did Al Gore against Bush. It’s something that has always been part of USA politics. They only took a break with Obama, because any criticism means you would be racist.
@John Herold Sorry I try not to engage in political debate with people online under the age of 18. Have a nice day.
@Oliver one can only guess what Lindsey Graham is doing behind the scenes 🤷♂️
I wish we could move on and go forward
It’s funny what happens to things when you stop paying attention.
He’s the gift that keeps on giving. Another Landslide for President Joe. Yay
@Harold more projection? Nobody mentions trump more than you lol.
Guaranteed Victory for Freedom this go round! You can thank lover boys, Trump and Putin for that.
Joe has had a nice trip while President.
What kind of more Ron would cheer on another 4 years of weekend at Bernie’s?
Insurrectionists Absolutely Should Not Still Be Holding Government Office And Sitting Judgement Of U.S Civil Servants!
CPAC…Clowns Perform At Circuses.
And you wonder why we say the left can’t meme
Can’t spell CRAP without CPAC !!
R you sure?
I find it funny that they’re willing to go with the guy that’s lost the presidency, lost the senate and almost the house.
The dictator DeSantis would lose also.
It’s nothing more than a cult.
the alternative is worse. DeSantis?. hell no.
Can you imagine how he will react when he loses again? This time in the primary. He will freak and run as an independent in hopes of avoiding prison. Or, he will back whoever agrees to give him and his children pardons. Gerald Ford ‘s cowardice will be repeated.
@queen samara banned lol. For what?
@Kiss My Axe You’ll see for yourself because, I refuse to give you the answer so you can dismiss it or ignore it. JUST STAY TUNED ULTRA MAGA 😎 😉
@queen samara what kind of sense does that make? You’re not going to answer the question because you think I’m playing a game? Lol do your parents know you’re screwing around on the internet?
@Kiss My Axe You’re hilarious 🤣🤣🤣
What great sign of an healthy party, when the main event is skipped by half the high-profiles.
You mean the uniparty RINO’s?
They are scared of a certain person that will be there.
You do realise no one turned up to Biden’s rallies.
They might be skipping CPAC but they’ll be on their hands and knees ready to do Trump’s bidding if he wins the nomination (most not all there’s a few that haven’t drunk the kool-aid)
Keep it up, GOP! You’re helping everyone see how lost the Nazi, I mean MAGA, I mean republican party truly is. Thank you!
Good maybe they’ll just skip the whole next election too 😭
See packed, room at the Courthouse in Georgia. Seeing Murdough in the cuffs & jumpsuit was like seeing into the future.
Conservative-leaning independent here. Thank you for your balanced and excellent coverage of this event.
Did Nicki ask Trump if it was ok to go to CPAC?
That’s what you see when people are in a cult, it’s unbelievable to see so many it’s sad 😔 I wish people would see how important it is to have policies that keep us and our kids safe and vote for someone who actually cares about All Americans not just Himself geeze come on America wake up and move on