More than 800 alleged rioters have been charged in connection with the January 6 attack on the Capitol. Of those, more people from Florida have been charged than from any other state. CNN's Leyla Santiago talks to Trump voters in Florida to see how they are responding to the House January 6 hearings.
#CNN #News
Some Florida Republicans are ready for a fresh face in 2024

“Because of this courageous woman and others like her, your attempt to hide the truth from the American people will fail. And to that group of
witnesses, if you’ve heard this testimony today and suddenly you remember things you couldn’t previously recall, or there are some details you’d like to clarify, or you discovered some courage you had hidden away somewhere, our doors remain open.” – Chairman Bennie Thompson (D) Mississippi
Watch Biden celebrate ALL MONTH
at AMERICAN Patriots Festivals
@Burt Gummerfan Wanna bet?
Most of the testimonies where debunked, lies, or contained information that we already know
@Tarek IMPORTANT: islame will soon reach end of life, and therefore there will no longer be any security updates for this OS. We are though, happy to announce that *islame 2.0* has been relased under the name *”Atheist Religion”* and that you can easily upgrade to this new version under “search for updates”.
For around 100 years, atheist religion OS has been beta tested, and in those 100 years, more than 110 million people have been slaughtered in its name, making it a worthy competitor to islame 1.0
So, what are the changes in islame V2.0 Atheist Religion?
Well, the only real change is, that the word *”allah”* has been replaced with the word *”science”.*
And since in islame everything is backwards, V2.0 of islame is of course also fully backwards compatible with islame 1.0
This means, that the same unscientific claims apply as in islame 1.0. For example, while in islame 1.0 you have to believe that women have a sperm reservoir in the necklage region, in islame 2.0 Atheist Religion, you have to believe that a man can menstruate and that there are a billion different genders.
Pedophilia, incest, homosexuality, trans genderism, bestiality, cannibalism and necrophilia is of course also still legal in islame V2.0 Atheist religion.
And encouraged.
“My political ideal is democracy. Let every person be respected as an individual and no person be idolized.” -Dr. Albert Einstein, 1930
I agree Obama and Hillary are way over the top.
Honestly everyone seems pretty even handed. I don’t necessarily agree, but it’s nice more even keeled people being interviewed for once.
A bankrupt business, he bankrupted this country of its morality and decency.
No he exposed them all so we would see.
Your idea of “morality and decency” is giving hormones and puberty blockers to children. You’re definitely the good guys. History is on your side, for sure.
If by bankrupt you mean exporting more energy than we import, low gas prices, and inflation at 2%? Yeah we were soooooo bankrupt.
Reclaiming our time 2022/2024!
Time for the adults to come back.
“I’ve known Jeffrey Epstein 15 years. Terrific guy. Jeffreys a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that Jeffrey loves beautiful girls as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.” Donald tRump Quote to The New Yorker Magazine in 2002
@Joe ROGAIN “My dad took inappropriate showers with me ”
-Ashley Bidon
@Lost one when I die, don’t let me vote for Biden.
Politics used to be a small segment of the news. Now it IS the news.
i suggest you check out this dude thomas paine, some really good common sense.
politics has always been news. that’s part of why the 1st amendment exists, to ensure that the actions of politicians remains exposed to the scrutiny of the public.
Trump broke CNN

Politics have always been the main topic of news. You were just too naive to realize it.
“Mike, I don’t want to be your friend anymore if you don’t do this for me and overturn the Election results.” Donald tRump Quote to VP Mike Pence
I hate walls don’t you hate walls too?!?
Still hate those walls with record crime and drug overdoes?
“If you are havin trouble figurin out whether you are for me or for Trump. Then you ain’t black.” -Brandon
Can you imagine the reaction of Republicans if Democrats still considered Obama their party leader during Trump’s term?
If Democrats had had Obama flags on their houses & vehicles?
They would have went crazier than they already have!
@watchin’ it why? Trump was great. And he will be your 47th. And it’s almost time to campaign. It’s literally the best time.
Plus it triggers the snowflakes.
@Ryan Elliott , If Trump was great he would not have been fired for the likes of Biden. That, in and of itself, speaks volumes about him.
OMG… some of these cult members has woken up, the lady interviewed, good for her, but not the last guy on this clip, he’s still delusional.
People who joined YouTube 8 months ago have zero legitimacy. Troll!
@Lost one a
10/31/2021 is when that troll decided to be another bot for the DNC
LoL I think we are ready for new faces regardless of what party… I say flush the commode on them all, Republican/Democrat, all of them. Term limits for congress, scotus, all. No more career politicians, boot them all and start over
Agree 100%.
Let the younger generation start governing with relevant policies that apply to today’s issues.
It’s hard to be optimistic about any candidate. America is in a rut. Anger has replaced any rational discourse. Morale is low. Everything is so convoluted.
When I die, don’t let me vote for Biden.
Thank the democraps.
The fact that grown adults dress like these people tells you all you need to know about them.
Not as bad as all the people with blue hair yelling at you because you failed to recognize whatever gender they are.
ya that they have more fun then democrats
As a unaffiliated voter for my state, I can’t wait until 2028, at least then Biden nor Trump will be running.
@Lee C Who said he’s in trouble ??? You’re so gullible
@Biden2024 I hope you’re wrong. I think Trump is toast at this point.
Please fund education in Florida. And the rest of us while we’re at it. But damn, Florida.
1 Jenny Flint Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
Boats and freedom!! What more could you ask for? Let’s go Brandon
You mad? Your saltier then a margarita
Florida. Home of our future president
Florida is now full of Yankees
“it’s not a hearing, it’s a show” as he wears his show costume lol lol lol
“He ran the country like a business.” True, for his own personal enrichment.
And remember he drove his businesses into bankruptcy.
Wrong. Yet again.
Business run better with lower inflation
I’m thoroughly horrified by the Republican Party as a whole. Glad for Liz and Adam, however. Still Republican politicians – and those who follow them – are generally frightening.
@Ryan Elliott How is that Biden’s fault exactly? Cause that’s what you’re implying right?
@Alberto explain to me how it’s not bidens fault he said he would raise gas prices he did that within a few short weeks people said he would do something in a foreign conflict zone they just thought that ment middle east not Europe the fact seems pretty clear on the list of things to do help American citizens always bottom of the list no matter which dem you look at
Here, let me translate that headline into truth for you.
Most republicans understand the FACT that trump is done.
Rats don’t go down with the ship, they flee.
In this case, a sound strategy.
1 Jeremy S Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
Are you finally gunna get him? This time for real right? You’ll lock Trump up for…. Something. Right? One day… one day…

2024 is gunna break you. Good luck in midterms.
I think this pandemic has taught people the importance of multiple streams of income, unfortunately having a job doesn’t mean security rather having different investments is the real deal..
@Maxwell holl Wow am so shocked, He’s success stories are everywhere
.Mr Anthony has been my broker for over a year now and he’s strategies are really awesome
@Edward jones I was able to see that he is a registered trader, cause I don’t believe
anything I see online but I’m definitely shocked that he is real, how do I reach him please ?
@Christopher he’s always active with what’s apk
@Thomas Thank you for dropping this information, i just sent him a message. I really appreciate it