Solomon: Canadian taxpayers would ‘revolt’ if forced to pay for Harry and Meghan’s security

Evan Solomon has the latest on Harry and Meghan spending time in Canada and who should pay for security.

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Solomon: Canadian taxpayers would 'revolt' if forced to pay for Harry and Meghan's security


  1. They should pay their own security ; they are adults who − according to _Business Insider_ − are worth at least $ 30 million USD. If Trudeau _did_ tell the Queen that Canada would foot the bill, I think that would be the last straw for most taxpayers.

    1. cοnjureup trust me, there is no last straw with this embarrassment of a PM and his loyal voters…we’ll pay and nothing will come of it…as sickening as it is.

  2. I know how to taken care of this to the benefit of Canada. Give them Trudeau’s detail. If anything happens to him we win.

  3. a credit card has already probably been used but the idea is still being thrown cautiously about to feel the country’s mood

  4. Give me a break, Governor General, I thought we were self governing. If Trudeau wants to pick up the tab for security, I am moving to Quebec and voting for separation…

  5. The idea that Canada will foot their security bill is just heartbreaking. This means Harry and Meghan are still leveraging from their royal titles. This is not how one goes financially independent. Not taking taxpayers money should be universal. If you don’t want to take any money from UK taxpayers (which is also what the Queen confirmed in the news today), the same rules apply when you choose to move to Canada.

  6. Let them go to Bermuda ! We pay for elected officials not something called a “royal” . True Canadians get in line , we don’t jump the queue. Totally unacceptable

    1. Yes give those two leachese a real job like fighting the fires in Australia and they sure won’t be spoiled brats after that experience hopefully.

  7. Ask a veteran about how “easy” it is to get benefits. I want them to be happy and enjoy life here but, can’t they pay their own way?

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