1. I can imagine his dialogues with his grandchildren when he’s old:
    «When I was your age I was shooting down Russian anti-ship missiles with a Stinger, and you’re afraid to even join the army!»
    What a legend!

    1. @AndSoIDerpAround I didn’t say “all”, I said: “many”. And that is the truth even without knowing the numbers. It is true for both sides. Don’t ignore the dead just because you know a lucky one! And the new recruits have a lesser chance of surviving battle, btw.

  2. Admiration for the determination of Ukrainian workers who keep fixing damage at astonishing speed and getting things working again. Not many other countries can say the same even about keeping infrastructure going when there aren’t any missiles in sight.

    1. @Itera sorry , i was looking for subtitles, but not available, i though he call them trash…..

    2. @Stephen Brooklyn you’re such a goof google map at least the stuff you get it is not real time only a few companies like Maxar and the military have that capability and you don’t have it

  3. absoluttly amazing ukraine.
    greetings from germay´ny my brothers you defending my freedom and iam so proud of you. thank you very much

    1. Bro this is fkcn sad and hilarious bots EVERYWHERE those targets russia hit must have been the apartments where those ukraine keyboard warriors were 😆

  4. It was good to hear President Zelensky thank the soldier that shot down the Russian cruise missile and saved lives.

    1. @Ds0661 He was an ok comedian. He preferred it before law, which was his education.
      Now, we all say: right man, at the right place. Fighting corruption is harder than fighting the Russian army.
      I hope he won’t go for another stint, when the war is over. He should leave it as a hero.

  5. Salute to the “Ukrainian soldiers, the International Freedom Corps fighters, the war correspondents on the battlefield, the Ukrainian people who resisted bravely” on the battlefield!
    Hope that all Ukrainians will be stronger and team up and work closely together to strengthen the defense! Guard home and family, guard your soldiers and neighbors around!
    Together, Resist and destroy the “Soviet Russian anti-human terrorists” who brutally massacre their fellow citizens.

    People who love justice, truth and goodness and universal civilization will love and care for life even more after experiencing or comprehending the evil deeds in which life has been brutally abused!
    And in the brains of “Corrupt and anti-human dictators, Low-level savage perverted terrorists, Vicious and cunning gangsters, Brainless and brutal thugs…”, there is only oneself, a rotten walking dead full of fear and self-splitting.

    Truth, goodness, justice and universal freedom and civilization are closely united, cooperate and help each other, and care for life!
    Completely despise “Corruption Erosion, Hypocrisy Cunning, Intrigue, Evil premeditated harm and mistreatment torture the lives and health of others…”.
    Resolute and precise strike,
    Decisively BeheadWipe-out the leader of the Soviet-Russian terrorist organization: Putin and all its core terrorists, Then carry out the “Great Judgment of Humanity”,
    And decisively and completely dismantled the “Soviet-Russian Nazi Anti-Human Terrorist Organization State”.

  6. I was mentored by a Ukrainian engineer at work as mechanical draftsman. He won Soviet Mathematics Olympics a child….I’m not at all surprised by the brilliant creativity Ukrainians have shown under real world duress.

    1. @Lamai Dala aka Pink Crocodile No it’s not ‘trash’, that I can say for sure) Can understand if you hear by mistake. What he says is most likely ‘tranche’, as in ‘first part (tranche) of a delivery of military equipment)’ It’s not a usual word, and I think it is mostly used in relation to money and finance.

    2. @Rimrock300 Sorry….. was looking for them subtitbles, even though they are inaccurate, am no english speaker, i though i heard trash… sorry

    1. Yup! There’s a video on Pravda showing this. My favorite part of this story is I won’t have to refer to fucking Pravda anymore 🤣🤣

    2. Compared to the CAS jets they’re designed to hit, cruise missiles are slower, lower and fly in a straight line.

    3. Stingers are heat-seeking missiles. There’s no reason why one might not lock onto a cruise missile – which is propelled by a heat-emitting engine.

    1. @Puro There r ANTICHRISTS also. Been to heaven & God is Omnipotent or Id still be in heaven bc my family couldnt get me to go back💜🙏💜

    2. @Lamai Dala aka Pink Crocodile It sounds like it but I don’t think that’s what he meant. Maybe “stash” or “cache?”

  7. God bless and protect all the people of Ukraine and President Zelinsky his family and administration. In Jesus mighty name amen and amen.

  8. Technically for Stinger theres no difference what to hit: plane or missile or even drone. As long as it produces needed heat signature and moves at speeds it can intercept…
    In reality its missile is much more weaker target than a plane cause it doesn’t spreads heat decoys and flies on certain altitude (plane in his turn can fly much lower altitudes and being avoid detection at all). Key to success is proper coordination between Stinger operator and radar officer.

  9. My Dad would have loved this news! He taught me to shoot & respect firearms(he was a WWII AIRFORCE VETERAN) .Dad stood for justice & RIGHT! He was an EXCELLENT MARKSMAN & would have been so proud of this young man for his bravery & excellence! AMAZING!


    1. Graciously thank him for his services from a fellow military brat….my mother was Gulf War veteran ..55th LifeSupport… Air Force

  10. One of my favorite memories of college is a brilliant wonderful down to earth Ukrainian woman student. She loved Ukraine and was always quick to point out Russia IS NOT Ukraine. I hope her and her family are safe.. she’s probably fighting on the front lines for her country. The people of Ukraine and ordinary Russians do not want this war.. Old men who are not fighting want this horrific war.
    Please pray for the ordinary people of Ukraine and Russia. God is Love and Love does all to end wars without blood shed.. Ask Love to intervene please!

  11. I have a brand new respect for Ukrainian. I never knew any Ukrainians or even had the change to met any, but WOW! What’a first impression y’all Ukrainians have made on me. Keep on keeping on my freedom and democracy loving friends. Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦💪🏼 Peace and Love to ya from an Irishman☘️ in the US. ✊🏼

  12. Imagine being that manpad operator and having the President thank you personally in his national address. He’s never going to hear the end of it from his squad!

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