‘So shameful’: Chalian reacts to Trump’s comments on John Lewis

CNN political director David Chalian responds to President Donald Trump's comments on late congressman and civil rights icon John Lewis, calling them "shameful."
#CNN #News



  1. “He chose not to come to my inauguration.” Well, he also chose not to come to George W. Bush’s inauguration in 2001. Bush got over it. That’s what mature adults do.

    1. @Mashel M I’ve seen more mature 12 year olds who cook there own foods and accept responsibility for their own actions. Trump struggles with object permanence as soon as problems aren’t in front of him they “magically disappear” to the void in which he could care less about them.

    2. That’s how most adults handle that situation, but we are talking about Trump, whose emotional & mentally 12 years of age.😒

    3. @Thomas Gormly Urinal cakes will be needed for his tomb if he’s interred at Arlington. Unless he’s buried elsewhere that will be needed.

    4. @JadenKaye Urinal cakes are already needed for his golf courses yet alone his grave. I remember quite a few Irishman taking a crap on his greens in protest to his jackass nature. Many Republicans would cry disrespect as Trump sits to disrespect everyone else. Why not make his tomb the official White House outhouse?

    1. ​@Howard Bueker – that was – if asked of any _normal_ person – a softball question, that could be turned into a PR plus – suddenly Trump forgets how to lie!

    2. @Howard Bueker hehe…bait? This question was totally legitimate.
      This was just so embarrassing to watch. Mind boggling that he kept talking talking about his inauguration and John lewis not being present.
      He showed once again his lack of empathy.
      Maybe he should just stick with his usual talking points, at least then he shows his comedian side and maybe that will get him some votes he needs for the coming elections.

      windmills cause cancer people tell me

    3. @janeen harris I’m trying to figure out who was the petty one. Lewis, a no show at an inauguration or state of the union or Trump.

    1. @Maletina Clarke Why? He is taking down those who mean us harm. I can elaborate. I could tell you things that would make you sick.

  2. “President Trump, what do you think about Jesus?”

    “I don’t like him, he didn’t come to my party”

  3. He’s niece’s book is being played out in front of us. She told the truth. Trump is a sad sad person.

    1. Damn Yankee I’m sure tRump has never tear gas Americans just to photo op in front of a church before….. Oh wait 🙄

    2. The book describes him perfectly and gives us an understanding of why he’s so F’d up! Wanna feel sorry for him but it’s difficult. Hope I never have to see his face or hear his voice ever again after the upcoming election.

    3. Damn Yankee But But But…. lmao

      The thing y’all tRump supporters don’t understand is the Dems aren’t in charge of running the country. So all that pin up frustration should be directed toward your own party

    1. Oh you got him now ! Walls are closing in ! How’s crazy Joe looking with Ukraine ? How about Hillary selling out America on uranium ? Mabey Obama spying on Trump ! Or what about pencil neck saying he has Russia collusion ! You are an idiot !

  4. Awww, did da baby president get his feelings hurt. He didn’t come to your big little inauguration?☹️

    1. Blessy Varghese Dude the moment people throw rocks, sharpen the ends of sticks or pipe sticks and use it to stab Police Officers and loot businesses, break into others private property means IT IS NOT A PEACEFUL PROTEST. Why is it so hard for people to understand that?

    2. @Xander That’s what Trump supporters do they can’t defend the terrible actions of their cult leader so they say others are worse.

    1. we are not laughing any more we are jaw droppingly astounded that this shambles of a person is running the united states

    2. I can assure you we are not. We are laughing at the done nothing demorat party’s outrageously disgraceful behaviour and all the SJW morons who are following them blindly off a cliff and burning cities to the ground whilst claiming it is all just a myth. If it wasn’t for Trump, I doubt you would be alive right now to criticize him. Not my personal favourite choice but a damn sight better than the children on the other side. You need to stop allowing your colleges to brainwash your kids otherwise one day in the not too distant future you will be very very sorry when you become a 3rd world country.

    1. Someone’s doing something. You know the thing. Are we not entertained? That’s entertainment. There is only one lawgiver and judge, he who is able to save and to destroy. But who are you to judge your neighbor?

    2. @Robert Clawson The same “neighbor” who vehemently pandered to have all churches full for Easter because it would score many points for evangelicals who they themselves possibly sacrificed their soul and definitely tarnished their word for political reasons (i.e. allowing churches to campaign for a person without forfeiting their tax-free status). The same “neighbor” who used brute force and pepper spray on peaceful protesters to hold a Bible! Again……to hold up a BIBLE! And no…..it’s not entertaining!

    1. Please Let me insult Trump for you: He is an epic POS. Please fill in the blanks as you like. As you should.

  5. He sent secret nazi military police to kidnap Americans protesting racial injustice, of course he doesn’t care.

  6. Trump: “No one has done more for Black Americans than I have”. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

    This is better than a SNL skit.

  7. “Nobody’s done more for black Americans than I have”. I don’t think there was a single true statement in the whole 35 minute interview.

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