CNN's John King, Abby Phillip, Kaitlin Collins discuss President Donald Trump's false claim that everyone thought his comments prior to a riot at the US Capitol that left 5 people dead were appropriate.
#Trump #CNN #News
CNN's John King, Abby Phillip, Kaitlin Collins discuss President Donald Trump's false claim that everyone thought his comments prior to a riot at the US Capitol that left 5 people dead were appropriate.
#Trump #CNN #News
this sounded like a warning of what else is to come ..”people are angry” “this is dangerous”…
@LuvU Robert
@urbanimage Wait until they meet the military on the 20th!
@s Guess who did the killing and shooting Proud Boys and Right Wing lunatics.
@s And Quon
When you’re on a witch hunt and the person is actually a witch.
@steven correa you’re the only one caught up on your feelings.
Awe did I hurt them, and now like a child you want me to stop talking?
Awe how childlike of you.
@Rachel Mossberger. . .Nah! it’d be cheaper to just put two behind your ear, Bulgarian style.
Witch? More like Satan!
@THE WATCHING What feelings ? You are you talkin about I don’t vote for no man John 10:34. Is it not written that ye are God? Psalms 82-7 get out of your emotions and feelings and use logic Leonard Nimoy.
@joseph omally I’m afraid you’re a little off there honey. It does matter which Sex You Are you’re still a witch. Warlock in Old English means oathbreaker something we do not do because the consequences usually aren’t good.
Charles Manson didn’t kill anyone, he incited his followers. Rightfully so he was held accountable.
@Julien Frenette No I stick to the topic. I’m not a pedophile democrat
@خالد الاغبرى you obviously didn’t look at drone strikes in afganistan during his term nor the fact he passed legislation to suppress the amount of info given after drone strikes (deaths ect) , nor his bombing in Pakistan and Irans borders and africa
@Muhammad was a pedophile caravan robber when I see you malfunctioning menstrual cycles using this “Democrat” term, that’s your way of politically saying “people of color” correct? Just be honest. That’s what your pronoun of “Democrats” means, right?
@Muhammad was a pedophile caravan robber if I were to actually peel back your comments and really read it, you are saying that you are angry because people of color are your enemy, correct? That’s what you are saying? Ain’t that many people of color in the Republican party as I know of. So why don’t you say what you mean.
@Muhammad was a pedophile caravan robber Democrats don’t have any Confederate flags. I didn’t see any person with Trump telling people to stop waving the Confederate flags around. So the people outside of those Confederate flags are “Democrats?” Direct your conversation.
The POTUS is threatening the USA if anyone tries to hold him accountable.
@richard windrose Mainstream media covered up for “that perv” (epstien) & the proof is right here I suggest u watch it before its removed. They are playing u for a fool.
@Thomas Mize thank you.
Exactly what he’s doing
@Lona Turner Unfortunately as soon as Conservatives and Evangelicals see a profit in appeasing terrorists, they are all for it.
@Lona Turner They’re saying he’s lost McConnell. Trump is done. And top Cruz aide resigned…so I hope Cruz is done, he’s as slimy as Trump, but has more than one brain cell to rub together, although he appears to have backed the wrong horse here.
He is so delusional its insane.

People that believe in CNN are the ones with the shutters over their eyes Trump before the March even began called for a peaceful march over there CNN leaves that out.

@Amy Lee Yeah forget before the March he called for a peaceful marching over there and not much room to speak seeing how you people voted a racist slow-minded dementia patient as president.
@Sunny Coast You mean CNN forgetting that Trump call for peaceful march over there.
“Hell”Daffy Duck would be better than what we had!!!!
Ttis that
oh yes
Http:/go to hell. Com!
what can you complain about lol.
I’m attempting to think of a living creature that wouldn’t do a worse job……And I got nothing!
He IS a bit like Yosemite Sam
1:40 he is basically threatening civil war right there.
@J1978watt You cherry pick one sentence from each to paint them in any color you want. That’s just so obvious and pathetic. Get a life dude.
No he’s not.
@J1978watt u can’t really be that stupid
Julien Frenette uhm have you not noticed that’s what the media has been doing to Trump for the past 4 years? Do a little digging. Have you even listened to his actual speech?
Oh let’s not forget this democratic who incited obvious violence but never got any media coverage.
MY guess he’s gonna dig a tunnel and escape to Mexico.
That’s not the place he wants to go. El Chapo has too many people…..
@T Mccollum I think suicide
From WH to Maralargo to 5 X 6 ft jail cell with bunkbed.
Bet he’s sorry he built that wall! Who’s the genius now??.

Oh no the would put all types of tacos and bean burritos up his tail pipe
I swear the only word he knows is “tremendous”, get this man a dictionary!
All Biden knows is plegerizing other ones speech I have witnessed. Then I found out he was caught and reprimanded for it. The Clinton’s and Obama’s entered the white house without the license to practice law. I looked it up in wikapedia. They were disbarred for fraud deception and other charges. Finally you didn’t hear that on their campaign trail. The Democrats have a history of cheating elections. Today they all love Abraham Lincoln. They refused him on the ballots in several states so people couldn’t vote for. Trump won over impeachment and the Democrats still call him guilty. Since Biden got the election., the Democrats want to charge anybody that’s against their opinion. Btw what happened to innocent until PROVEN GUILTY. Biden who bragged about blackmailing Ukraine President if he wanted the USAs money, he had to fire the DA for investigating his son. When he gets in, he will pardon his son and take up where he left off with China during his vice presidency and Russia and all other socialist and communist countries. People will regret voting for him when he raises taxes, eliminating coal, oil. Can you afford it? I am on a fixed income. Then we will have a depression worse than 1929. The comments I made over summer were dead on. The Democrats will live in their Mansions and waste our resources. This green act is only for the little man. Look at oprah’s home and Leo DiCaprio just to name couple. The Democrats are full of hypocrisy.
……disaster and disgrace are 2 more words that he knows….perfectly describing himself!!!!
@Ms. Ms. And the word “a lot”
@Sylvia Vall / True. Does he never smile? Laugh? Is he ever really happy? Or sad? Seems doesn’t know how to do the whole “emotion” thing.
@Lauren Schirf I think that the vast majority of your politicians would be considered wealthy, not just Democrats. Try not to discriminate who you apply your standards to. And the same can be said of your line “innocent until proven guilty” – applies to all, not just Trump.
Now you mention objectives like eliminating coal and oil. From your phrasing it appears that you are set against it. I, on the other hand, feel that it is a worthwhile ambition. What I would like to see is a way to do this without impacting low-income earners. Maybe I’m dreaming.
“Politicians and diapers must be changed often, and for the same reason.”
– Mark Twain
Gtis that
oh yes
No politician has ever graduated from their caveman diapers. Which is why if you do not comply, they tend to pull out their clubs and beat you to death. Absolutely pathetic.
Capitol Security welcomes the Mob??
these are both so full of Sh*t? yeah, i rather agree!
So you replace a guy that just got in politics 4 years ago with a guy that’s been in politics for 48 years.??
I wish he would, “finally”, shut up.
in eight days he is out. Soon there after he will become irrelevant to a majority of America. Fox will drop him. Cancer will get Rush soon. Time for the next GOP POTUS candidate to come on stage.
I wish all you Democrats would Shut Up!
Boz Scaggs I got bad news for you. Pay close attention on January 20th. History in the making.
“i want no violence” sounded like a threat
That’s the danger of English, man. It’s the language of liars.
Lindsey Graham: “I’m done! Count me out! Enough is enough!”
Trump: “C’mon, Lindsay. Let’s get on Air Force One and go inspect the wall.”
Graham: “Okay, Mr. President.”
Lindsay is programmed with fuzzy logic.
Graham has and will always be a coward an errand boy stay woke America republicans are the problem period and Mr Pence since u are so religious do what is right
“It’s Easier to Fool People Than It Is to Convince Them That They Have Been Fooled.” – Mark Twain
Mark Twain was referring to fools! Leftists!
@YOU BE ILLIN’ I don’t do drugs thanks for caring

@Eddie Benson Of course, Eddie Benson. Twain couldn’t have stated that for people who lost their touch with reality, like sold out trumpists, who are qualified criminals and anarchists. See you at your state Capitol, killing and looting. You love to do that.
I’d impeach him a third time for his call to the Georgia secretary of state.
@Jeff Schwager Blah,blah,blah,
fake news. Its a witchunt. 

@InTheLife Three presidents have been impeached. None has been convicted. Impeachment alone is still pretty negative.
@Mighty Mike In the after-life, John McCain is having a good laugh.
@Jeff Schwager There is no evidence of fraud. Mail in or Absentee (Military) ballots are NOT fraud and neither are the votes of African Americans. An old widow signing her name as Mrs. *dead husband* is NOT fraud. Poll deputies removing disruptive people from their polling stations is NOT fraud. States determining their own ballot acceptance deadlines is NOT fraud. I’ve read through almost every state level lawsuit filed by his administration (filed exclusively in districts he lost that were 80%+ African American) and every single time his lawyers admitted (to the judge) not having any creditable evidence for fraud at all.
I think Wikipedia begs to differ. Trump is only one of three US Presidents to ever be impeached including Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton. Trump was impeached once before but was acquitted by the Senate and was not removed from office. The impeachment still stands and will go down in the history books. He will soon make history as being the only President to have ever been impeached twice. Please learn basic facts before you comment.
He can’t “not” lie. The speech at the border wall…many lies.
When he says ” they” he means ‘imaginary people’.
This is not about who won…
This is about freedom OR socialism
@Jake The only thing trump fears about God is God being more popular
@Daniel Ee He was suffering way before that. The man was born in a hospital that specializes in head injuries
Sadly he does not mean imaginary people, he means a bunch of corrupted politicians that support him like Gaetz, Cruz, hawley, a lot of conspiracy theory channels and a lot of idiotic hillbillies hardcore supporters that worship and excuse everything he does and says.
LOL, like those imaginary “terrorist” on the aeroplane with him!
Charles Manson didn’t kill anyone, he incited his followers. Rightfully so he was held accountable.
He did actually kill people.
@Kay Madrid
Manson told his followers to kill people but he didn’t actually murder anyone with his own hands…that was his defense. He was convicted and imprisoned for life anyway, where he died.
He actually did kill someone. He cut a baby out of a women.
Charles Manson was a much more decent human being
Takes no responsibility and has expressed no words of sympathy to the families of those who died. Reprehensible.
@Aaron Wolffiuygg M
Your reality is as perverse as it is dangerous.
Trump is in his death rattle. I suspect it will be a chilling few days before he is removed, and very likely more violence from his grotesque minions, but he will not survive.
Not only will he not survive politically, he will very soon be decimated financially. NOT even the Russians are going to loan him money… Trump is finished!
Why should he before the March to the capital he called for a peaceful march 98% people there it was peaceful.
@Keef Rasputin Do you mean the fake reality that CNN gives . Why you think they fail to mention that he called for a peaceful march to the capital before anyone even was at the building.
@Greg Allen Ever heard of whataboutism?
@Aaron Wolffiuygg M Trump won…..prove it.
“This impeachment is causing tremendous anger …”
He has it backwards.