'SNL' equates woes of Liz Cheney and Lil Nas X.
Not sure when it's OK to take off your mask? You're not alone. Luckily, Kate McKinnon, as Dr. Anthony Fauci, is offering some insight on "Saturday Night Live."
This week's episode of the live sketch show kicked off with McKinnon's Fauci bringing on doctors from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention who minored in theater to demonstrate "correct mask behavior," now that the CDC has lifted many mask restrictions for people who've been vaccinated against COVID-19.
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#SNL #OliviaRodrigo #Fauci
Was I first
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Now their news is what’s on Saturday Night Live? It looks more like an advertisement.
It’s propaganda.
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How far SNL has fallen
I remember a time long, long ago when this show was actually funny
OK Boomer the 6th feet under is gettin near for you..
Right! They haven’t been funny in a *long* time!
@Dittzx Dude you don’t even know what a boomer is! SNL is not funny. Signed a free thinking Millenial.
Nobody watches SNL SINCE the late 90s
SNL has become another propaganda arm.
after years of watching TV NEWS ~ not surprised LOFL
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