CNN's Michael Smerconish and CNN political commentator Patti Solis Doyle discuss whether former Vice President Joe Biden should bow to pressure to allow a search about accuser Tara Reade in the Senate papers he donated to the University of Delaware.
#CNN #News
Trash talking about trash , go figure.
“Jiggabytes?” Where’s Jay Z?
@John Edward yes and that’s why we need someone impeccable with their words and deeds. Why settle for less ?
Joe Biden to Tara Reade ” You are nothing to me , nothing ”
‘ A G R E E D . ‘ ??
Micha, Hillary, Pelosi, Stacy Abrams, Alyssa Milano. The”Ladies ” of View , MSNBC, CNN :
CNN is a bunch of dinosaurs who think they’re still relevant and able to influence people. It’s hilariously absurd.
State propaganda TV.
So uneducated….
Why is that even a question? Of course, he should allow it. If Biden says it didn’t happen, then he got nothing to hide.
Well trump doesn’t allowed anything of him to come out so why should he? We still waiting for trumps taxes which is typically put out by the candidate.
@Mike Hall What is there to hide? Trump said he was going to release his taxes but didn’t, so other lie from Trump. Why did Trump order the conversation with Ukraine to be “sealed” and placed in the Top secret safe? What is there to hide? If there is nothing there, he is innocent
@Mike Hall You have to release your taxes if you’re paying hush money to a porn star and writing it off as a “bigly” loss !!
His people have already moved
Mike Hall nope, the people have spoken and we don’t care about those records. If trump had nothing to hide why didn’t he released his taxes? Everyone else did so what the big deal even if it isn’t required by law why not show them if there’s nothing then he shut everyone up like Obama did with his birth certificate. Why is he so scare of people seeing his taxes?
“Jig-a-byte” …. LOL
I first heard this story directly from Joe Biden on MSNBC at like 8:30 in the morning. I hear “Penetrated with fingers” while I’m eating my cereal. Graphic.
You need a better source of information. This is all old news.
What kind of cereal?
has don lemon issued a statement yet? )
Akela DeWolf Yes Don Lemon spoke but the only that happened was a bad Penis Smell
Please, we all know whose side Don Lemon will take, just like all the rest of the leftist crooked news media.
@windmill ofmymind Akela was referring to Don Lemon’s own sexual harassment charge.
Lemon, trump hater. I wonder if that was trump what he could say
Hahah it’s funny cause Don was caught to
Joe doesn’t get to obstruct justice )
Your not a dish, your a man commercial cracks the Illusionist’s up
number of people at shrillerys inauguration? …………..STILL zero! @Wanna B Master Illusionist’s For Dectatorships
Trump did and now he is committing murder!
Why would there be?
The goal is to disrupt America not deliver Truth.
@OniKage Because the records for the FBI were unsealed on April 30, 2020…. PROVING that Obama sent spies into the Trump campaign in 2016…. CNN doesn’t want you to know about it.
Wrong again… It has 2 years worth of WASTED Russian Hoax accusations to account for… That isn’t going to be let go easily…. Obama was accused of wire tapping in the Trump tower… remember? Buzzfeed claimed that the Inspector General found no claim that the FBI planted a spy and you ALL BELIEVED IT…. That report from the inspector general was from the DOJ…. which means the FBI and the DOJ were working together to take down Trump…. because of Obama. There was so much corruption going on in the Obama administration. CNN won’t cover it.
@Victor Mason So you think a PIECE OF PAPER that says “Lets try to get the suspect to confess OR catch him in a lie” is Total Exoneration? How pathetic and stupid are you Trumpanzee Incels. Next you’ll say “You can’t question a suspect” or “You can’t use a confession in a court of law” LOLOLOL
He doesn’t get to decide when justice is done…
Trump did!
@Grim Reefer
you sound feckless, and weak )
@Akela DeWolf You are the one trolling, moron!
@Grim Reefer don’t be so hard on yourself!
@Akela DeWolf I am still voting for Biden, BORIS. You are nothing but a parasite!
Michael Smerconish, I love how you are basically saying that the NY Times is the moral arbitrator to decide what is the right thing to do. Since when did the NY Times replace our due process/justice system? By the way, just to dispel any replies one way, I am a firm believer in letting men and women be heard and investigating claims in legal fashion. Not just taking the claim as truth from the beginning. Innocent until PROVEN guilty. #Me Too is equal to innocent unless you are Republican.
Absolutely. This is the chickens coming home to roost. We Democrats asserted that ONE decades-old assault committed by a teenager should nullify all the qualifications he had for a job appointment, when really we just didn’t want him to get the job, for reasons that had nothing to do with the poor woman we coerced to relive her suffering on live TV, so that constituents of a few GOP Senators might feel pressured enough to vote no. THAT’S IT, even the dumbest American voter knows it, and even the blindest American can see it’s very different when a Democrat is trying to get a job. This comparison is so easy, so simple, badly-made MEMES of side-by-side faces with single-sentence captions will convey it. So simple Trump could do it. And he will, and Independents will reelect him. And it will be the ELEPHANTS coming home to roost because we nominated someone f’n horrible AGAIN. He’s even worse than Hillary!
The statute of limitations is 15 years for sex crimes in D.C.. There won’t be a criminal investigation or any prosecution.
You know things are above board when you “donate” your records to an institution not bound by the Freedom of Information Act
Biden should have NO say if anyone looks for the records.
Dale Jones clearly trump supporters have short term memory and you shouldn’t listen to the words of Republican Hypocrites
Besides Republicans said the Coronavirus is a Hoax 

No need to prove you’re point to Trumps Brain F**ked supporters
News: Girl gets sexually assaulted
Dale Jones : “Tax returns?!”
Night NDay stop being a Hypocrite How many does trump have tide up in courts and how many did trump settle already
Republican and their short term memory Someone buy these trump retards a clue
since they are allergic to facts
Night NDay that’s why trumps are down

To many lies and not enough idiots to buy into Trump/Republican BS
Too late – the evidence is already destroyed.
There’s a giant amount of data in the archive, it’s not just personal emails – it’s office records.
Ian Rust Biden should should his when trump shows his tax return
Lol coming from Hilarie’s campaign manager
If Biden is innocent, just prove it w/ the records. Simple.
GLG absolutely another birther conspiracy. Why should biden show anything when trump never showed his tax returns. I learn from my republican friend that we don’t need a saint or a moral leader in the White House, we need someone to fill the courts and get us what we want. Biden can shoot someone in 5th ave and wouldn’t lose my vote.
I feel the same about Trump taxes. I think it would be best to show them soon before the election.
He has stalled while the records at the University are being comprimised. There will be nothing left to find.
Grim Reefer he would never let that happen. God knows how many frauds he has committed, plus it will shown that he isn’t as rich as he claims to be.
Joseph Willis I don’t care, he can come out and say I did it and I will still vote for him. Trump have tons of woman’s accusing him as well so what the difference between 2 predator? This time it won’t be as easy as the birth certificate lie.
‘put together by the DNC…’, right, that will be totally unbiased.
Biden: I’ll up your grab and raise you a finger
Why did cnn delete the video with Larry king when Tara Reade’s mom called in ?
@nash y Don’t trust google… your phone, your browser, etc…. we already know they are tracking people.
Robert Franz how is it not relevant. She stated she made a claim and told her family. Plus the caller lived in the same exact area her mom lived at the time and called in regarding a prominent senator who her daughter had issues with. That’s a pretty huge coincidence if it’s not her mother.
@alindasue Actually 9 women have come forward with complaints against Biden. Maybe all of them are lying? It’s possible, except for the video we have of him pawing kids and women. But I guess as Nancy says that’s just Joe being Joe. Interesting all women bringing complaints against both Trump and Biden appear to be liberal. Interesting, which have motives to lie for money and which for political reasons. I think both of them have gotten away with bad treatment of women because of power and money. If you attack one then you have to attack both. Or you can say both deserve equal treatment and the right to defend themselves.
Why did CNN finally pick up this story after Bernie dropped out ?
Because the records for the FBI were unsealed on April 30, 2020…. PROVING that Obama sent spies into the Trump campaign in 2016…. CNN doesn’t want you to know about it.
Wrong again… It has 2 years worth of WASTED Russian Hoax accusations to account for… That isn’t going to be let go easily…. Obama was accused of wire tapping in the Trump tower… remember? Buzzfeed claimed that the Inspector General found no claim that the FBI planted a spy and you ALL BELIEVED IT…. That report from the inspector general was from the DOJ…. which means the FBI and the DOJ were working together to take down Trump…. because of Obama. There was so much corruption going on in the Obama administration. CNN won’t cover it.
Joy Phillips you know man, I really don’t know what to believe anymore. Lol it’s really hard getting the truth
“Me too”, “Believe All Women” are only applicable to republicans.
“They’re not staff or personnel files, they’re personal files”… then why did he donate them to the UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE?