Smerconish: Confederate statues should remain in Gettysburg. Here’s why

CNN's Michael Smerconish visits Gettysburg National Military Park Museum and explains why he thinks Confederate statues should remain in certain locations.

#CNN #News


  1. Its all about the intention. The Gettysburg is a historical site showing both sides at the battle scene. No problem!

    The statue in front of the court house or the city square in “their celebration” is a different thing, especially when these statues are erected to enforce the Jim Crow. A balance is what we require with the healing in mind.

    As for Trump, frankly his intentions are suspect.

    1. @Mulinaster There is no historical value to confederate statues in the town square. They are there for glorification of a false narrative. A narrative that never existed until Jim Crow.

    2. @David Eby POTUS is a White Nationalist of course. I don’t think Biden is a White Nationalist.

    3. @Communism is the new Slavery The Democratic Party has a long and cherished history of trying to do the most good for the greatest number of

      • Social Security
      • Medicare, Medicaid, Healthcare Reform, Food Safety
      • New Deal, Great Society, Peace Corp, Vista, Job Corp
      • Civil Rights, Women’s Right to Vote, Equal Rights, The Voting Rights Act, Equal Pay Act, Motor Voter
      • Consumer Protection, FDIC, Banking and Wall Street Regulations, SEC, Federal Reserve System, Anti-trust

      • Funding for Science, Medical and Engineering Research, Space Exploration, NSF, NIH
      • Support for Public Education, Head Start, School Lunch and Breakfast Programs
      • NLRB, 8 hr. Work Day/40 hr. Work Week, Overtime, Unemployment
      • Protection for the Environment, Increased Numbers and Support of National Parks and Wilderness Areas,

      Endangered Species Act, FEMA
      • Veterans’ Benefits, GI Bill
      • UN, NATO, Marshall Plan
      • Vehicles Safety Requirements, Reduced Emissions, and Fuel Economy Standards (CAFE)
      • TVA, Federal Loan Program, PBS, NPR, the Internet
      • Economic Growth (Democratic Presidents: Roosevelt through Obama)

    4. @Eli Dicken what do you think about taking the Jesus statues down? Do you support the first ammendment of the US constitution? How about the Nazi flag using the same symbol that meant peace?

    1. @Philip Merewood he’s arguing for some difference where there isn’t any. (try not to buy into bullshit)

  2. I am sick and tired of justifications for keeping Racist Confederate statues uphold in positions of Honor for the reason of history. Can we tell the truth about history the folks who wanted to maintain the status quo keeping slavery as a way of life lost the Civil War? As someome already stated put all these Cofederate statues in museums not in public places as heros to be admired.

    1. These are on a battlefield it is a museum genius. You have a point with state houses town centers schools etc, but a battlefielld??They are there to honor the bravery and courageof the citizen soldiers thst fought and died there. He us correct on the Mississippi monument though. I suspect that’s why he cherry picked thst one.

    2. @pringle 20-02 lol there are buildings all over America built in his honor. That doesn’t bother you that we allow a religion who’s founder owned slaves and still treats women like they are property. You ask me your kind of a hypocrite

    3. That’s all well good to have your opinion about these statues but you don’t just get to act outside of the law and destroy them because you personally don’t like them, if this is the way you believe you can act then don’t be outraged when conservatives come after your LGBT monuments.

    1. You Book Burning Communist want to repeat the Past by burning the Democrats forming the KKK and writing the Jim Crow Laws.

    2. The debate is that you don’t just take the law into your own hands and tear these statues down, you act like the civilized society you claim to be and allow due process to determine the fates of these monuments. All you are doing now is sowing the seeds of further discord and division, good luck believing your country has any future when you’re all destroying yourself from within.

  3. If they are going to keep these statues and names in parks and on bases, they need to give context and information. How about putting writing on them for people to read calling them traitorous racists that fought for a terrible cause and took one of the biggest L’s in American history?

    1. @Ed Dursky Tell ya what, you get Trump to disavow the fascists like Roger Stone (Proud Boy), Nazis like Seb Gorka (v.), and “culture warriors” like Steve “I want to bring everything crashing down, and destroy all of today’s establishment” Bannon, and White Nationalists (supremacists) like David Duke and Richard Spencer (fine people) and we’ll see if there are any communists within the Democratic party to get rid of.
      Deal there, Sgt. Dursky?

  4. The American civil war is still not over. After more than 150 years, Americans are still unable to get their national narrative together. Totally ridiculous!

    1. I no because of playing like CNN and Democrats are developing us trump trying to bring us together

    2. @Wallstreet_trader2020 Trying to decode your language but if you suggested that trump EVER tried to unite America I recommend some good therapy and medication because your extreme delusion is problematic. While I have agreed with a few things he’s said, the harm he has inflicted due to his divisive actions indicates that he is not only incompetent but dangerous.

  5. Does it really matter, Smerconish? The greatest hobby in America has been killing people in other 3rd world countries!

    1. @D G well he is not wrong becoming the US president you must prepare to commit war crimes by default

    1. @pam jackson no. FFS. There was a real non-f’ing subjective reason they were placed there. Read the plaques. Go back and see the speeches given at their unveiling. You can’t just pick what to believe without any basis. Dunning-kruger much?

  6. Should put a monument up reminding future American generations that it took 148 years for the state of Mississippi to ratify the 13 amendment.

    1. @Manly_Man All these statues should have a sign that says ‘loser’ on them because essentially that’s what they delivered…a loss.

    2. @Captain Win Those losers were American soldiers.

      Robert E. Lee served 32 years in the American army. 🖕🖕🖕🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  7. How about we stop tearing them down? How about we retool the sculptures to show the Confederacy being beaten into submission.

    1. have every confederate statue recieve a giant general grant with his crotch fused to the confederate lips.

    2. How about you follow the law and allow due process to play out in the removal of these statues instead of acting like a bunch of rabid, lawless thugs who believe you are above the law.

    3. Why did they wait til now to take the confederate statues down is it all about the election . Nobody complained about the confederate statues when OMAMA was president . Fake news liberals like to throw gasoline on the races during a election to demonize and divide to buy votes .

    1. There’s a big one which is really nice looking in Boston Mass of the 54th Mass regiment which the movie Glory is based on. Unfortunately idiots spray painted it recently probably not realizing it was an all black regiment. Idiots!

  8. “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” – George Santayana. Seriously, I can understand why people want to tear down these Democrats but it’s also tearing down the tourtured men and women who suffered under the tyranny of those monsters. It’s like if Auschwitz and the remaining concentration camps were torn down because of them showcasing what Hitler’s reign brought to anyone in Europe who didn’t match Nazi standard.

    1. These statues were erected as a last middle finger to black and brown people as a message to tell them never forget who’s in charge, as the abolishing of slavery was near. Just google the daughters of the confederacy. The whole point of a statue is to either immortalize someone based off of memory for heroics, achievements or celebrations. These statues don’t fit that criteria. Put the statues in a museum. These people don’t need statues. They were slavery loving traitorous tyrants who need not be celebrated

  9. Ain’t it precious how segregationists & bigots are proving to be DEMOCRATS??? Roots is roots my friend🔆

  10. There’s a time and a place for them, put them where they actually deserve to be – a museum in a dark corner.

  11. Confederate statues are kind of important. They help make sure that people with Confederate-era sentiments and attitudes don’t try anything.

    “See that statue of that dude on the horse? See how badass he looks? He lost bigly. And so will you, Billy Badass.”

  12. “I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race.” Abraham Lincoln

  13. “I as much as any other man am in favor of the superior position being assigned to the white race.”

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