‘Small, And Pitiful, and Irrelevant’: Maddow Underwhelmed By Trump Election Pushback | MSNBC

Rachel Maddow describes her expectations about the fight Donald Trump and his supporters would put up to legitimize the election and how her fears were not borne out as Trump's effort "feels laughable" as the race has been called for Joe Biden.» Subscribe to MSNBC:

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'Small, And Pitiful, and Irrelevant': Maddow Underwhelmed By Trump Election Pushback | MSNBC


    1. @Bucks#1 Fan Trump was rotten to the bone to begin with. The fact that you voted for it shows how you deplorables lack judgement. I’ll give you a gimmie on this day for celebration in hopes of restoring American civility for me and you as well.

    1. @Starshine   the test was whether the US populace could reject fascism. The US population failed.

      In your terms about choices, almost half the US population made the wrong choices.

      Success would have meant electoral college votes from Texas and Florida and a Senate supermajority.

      Texas OR Florida plus a Senate Majority would still indicate a huge problem but maybe a starting point to rebuild and pause. For thought by the GOP.

      They failed and in the attempt made things worse.

      The most worrying thing is that am not sure the dems realise and I dont think they have the political skill to fix it, because v they would need to win the Senate in the midterms against Trump endorsed GOP candidates. That would take a miracle.

  1. Trump’s entire presidency has felt like being tied to a chair, watching a toddler play with a loaded pistol.

    1. @GO CAPS – wow you need to go back to grammar school ‘cos you’re kinda of ignorant aren’t you son.

    2. @The Road We Drove ____travels with Woody____ Except you haven’t. What if these 30 new red legislatures CHANGE THE RULES for how their electoral votes are allocated RIGHT NOW. The votes are still being counted so, in theory, the election is still on. Further, the FEC hasn’t ruled yet and likely it will go to the Supreme court. A supreme court Trump appointed so… rubber stamp and Trump wins.

    3. @Nonya Bidness You said ‘no less than 30 states’.

      Are you trying to imply that the ENTIRE country would have voted for Trump… if it weren’t for this imagined ‘rigged election’ of yours?

      My god, you’re in serious denial.

    4. @GO CAPS I think that nonsense may have broken the internet. Perhaps you are just learning the English language because that writing is nonsensical.

  2. I agree, but it’s early yet. They’re at home licking their wounds right now. He has activated them. Unless they go underground, they will reappear. Remain vigilant.

    1. Underground is where the Trump “rodents” abide naturally. But they do surface to try and spread their “disease”.

    2. We have 4 years to prepare for the dark evil shadow to reappear! Don Jr. Trump will try to steal the 2024 election! Remain vigilant!

    1. @Auðunn F Kristjánsson I think his first job should be having that eyesore ove a wall removed from the front of The People’s House.

    2. @EgyptianMinor Starwars springs to mind.
      *”In a Galaxy Far Far Away, Once Lived This Evil Little Clown who was thrown out with the bath water like a baby once people woke up.”*

    1. @FlamingNinjaBoi ik especially when he says he won by alot when he lost already he wont accept it and police will probably will have to drag him out of office

    1. @Gigi Guido I am making this post so it will show back up as a future memory on my timeline: Today is 3 days after the 2020 election. Gasoline is currently $1.55-1.80 per gallon. Interest rates are 2.65% for a 30 year mortgage. The stock market closed at 27,848, even though we have been fighting COVID for 9 months. Our GDP growth for the 3rd Qtr was 33%. We had the best economy ever until COVID and it is recovering well. We have not had any new wars or conflicts in the last 4 years. North Korea has been under control and has not been testing any missiles. Isis has not been heard from for over 3 years. The housing market is the strongest in over 20 years. Homes have appreciated at an unbelievable rate and sell within hours of going on the market, with multiple offers. In case our President actually loses this election then I can remind everyone of how great things were at one point in our history.
      Keep a copy to compare later. 11-6-2020

    1. @Gavin MacNeish What?! but trumps golf courses are failing. He destroyed your natural dunes. How can he get another permit??? Every time he talks about wind turbines causes cancer I get angry.

    2. @ebhappyfeet Yes Mitch McConnell, the TRUE snake in Congress! I hope we get the majority in the senate. Right now 48 each.

    1. @J Mack who told you that?? Your master Trump?? The FBI is not investigating PRESIDENT BIDEN they are celebrating just like the rest of the world…. You are a whiny loser and an absolute TOOL

    2. @George Bond — it’s not hard to have a 33 percent increase in GDP after having the economy shut down and a 31% decrease, accompanied by a 2 $ trillion stimulus package, the interest rate is so low in order to keep the economy from tanking, but thanks for pointing out most of Trump’s failures, you forgot to mention the hundreds of thousands of dead Americans due to Trump’s ignoring the Dr and medical expert’s, they racism and violence in the streets, but hey who could blame you it’s a very long list, including letting Putin pay bounties on our service members lives

  3. Until Biden is sworn in you can expect threats, name calling, tantrums, cries of unfair, kicking, screaming, wheedling, whining… ad infinitum.

    1. @Nancy Keller naw we have seen ‘worse’ since he came down the escalator. The darn thing just kept going down though…..

  4. So excited for Trump, once he’s officially out of the White House, it’s time for criminal charges.

  5. Congratulations my American friends. You got so close to lose your democracy. Please be more careful next time.

    1. Like Democrats have class? 😂 Good luck getting anything accomplished. The Republicans kept and gained in the Senate and gained in the House. Presidents have limited power with Executive Orders. 😁😁😁🤣

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