A small county in Alberta is calling for Ottawa to make drastic changes to Canadian Confederation.
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I’m from Québec City and I agree 100% with that skyping guy. Different regions with different economies, mentalities and ressources that all have to give their money to a federal government entitled to manage this money in their stead… Not ideal. Less federal transfers and conditional investments, but please, more autonomy to provinces so they can manage their own issues in their own way with their own prefered approach and their own respective capacity
@wantafanta01 I agree. I see the way the lower mainland treats interior BC
@Youllnever knowmeto Quebec tried it in the 80′ but other provinces said screw you to Rene levesque !
As an Albertan I completely agree.
Westerners support Wexit! Let’s not allow left wing ideologues to bully you and dictate your financial future! Let’s go and permanently distance ourselves from left wing ideologues! Let’s go
The more Quebecois I speak too about politics I find Western Canada and Quebec have more in common. It would be great if the bloc worked with the wexit party, and renegotiate confederation
Political Pensions would stop within one year of separation.
Calvin Abbott
Then where would Alberta be .
Probably where they belong, outside looking in .
Alberta has been looking in for 4 years as is at least now we dont need to pay the welfare bums.
Kenny is doing that soon along with a alberta police force
Hell yes why not no taxation without representation !!!!
@kidomniman these kids are just upset that Alberta isn’t setting federal policies for the rest of the country and that the federal govt doesn’t only focus on Alberta.
@kidomniman now they want to allow the conservative govt to take away my pension I have been paying into for decades.
@michael cameron Are you from Alberta? Alberta’s net contribution to the CPP was four times higher than Ontario, the next highest contributing province, with a net contribution of $7.4 billion over the same 10-year period. Albertans paid $27.9 billion more into the Canada Pension Plan than retirees in the province received in payments over past 10 years. It’s Crazy just does not make economic sense. Alberta would decrease contributions and the rest of Canada would have to pay more. Superintendent of Financial Institutions, which regulates and monitors the CPP’s finances, a recent analysis found that the basic CPP rate (9.9 per cent) would have to increase to 10.6 per cent if Alberta withdrew, resulting in up to $367 in additional contributions (in the form of payroll taxes) for workers outside of Alberta. Meanwhile, Albertans would pay just 5.85 per cent for a CPP-like program for the province.
@michael cameron Alberta Would Have decide. Option 1 we keep payments the same and increase how much CPP is received. Option 2 Lower the amount paid in so workers have more cash on pay day.
@Clay Earth except that won’t happen. It’ll be option 3. Cons will give it out I. Corp hand outs and tax reductions for the rich and when it comes time to retire, they go oops, sorry it’s gone. And the cons supporters will be fine with it. If cons are all about freedom then give me the option to keep my pension where it is. I don’t trust Alberta cons. They can’t be trusted.
Honestly you won’t notice a difference, we have no representation anyways
You would see a difference, 11 billion dollar a year difference
Jacob Stahl 20 billion a year actually
Jacob Stahl over 700 billion since it started
Anyone get a notification for this despite not being described? Also Alberta Gang wexit gang skull yeah Canada was a mistake
Yes…a little strange to say the least.
Canada worked very well for the first hundred years. The major mistakes started afterwards.
This guy is on point. I support him and this movement.
There is no law Trudeau needs to go to jail
Maybe he’ll drowned in B.C. Sink that canoe.
Trudeau needs to be hung naked and headless like Mussolini haha
Yeah…he has more stones than anyone at provincial or fed level
Distinct Regional Society = Alberta Saskatchewan
Equalization payments flowing from west to east now need to reflect this reality.
Prayers for ALL of Can
BC sends equalization pyts also…
I hope we all realize that Albertans work to support Québécois who want to shut down their oil industry.
Talk about biting the hand that feeds you!
Quebec has not signed confederation why should they get money from alberta.
Because Quebecer did support the wheat industries for more than a century
They haven’t signed the CONSTITUTION.
@bonnie841 when father Trudeau made the new constitution all provinces except Quebec signed
Why should we give other provinces tell the west what to do.
Wheat land county isn’t small.
Wexit!!!!!! Its TIME!!
We stand with wheatland, If this is where the new western canadian confederacy starts then so be it.
SCREW THE FRENCH CANADA! They live off of OUR MONEY! 11 billion dollars per year!
Yeah… You need to leave. But until your referendum, shut up and pay. Aurevoir!
We can do this.
Wow, this is really happening. Wonder if Vegas set odds on a Wexit date
Maybe I can beat the spread! 
More autonomy for Alberta! More autonomy for Saskatchewan! More autonomy for Manitoba! The beginning of the end!!