Rep. Elissa Slotkin (D-Mich.) joins Meet The Press Daily to discuss the Russian bounty intel and what Democrats are looking for from the White House. Aired on 6/30/2020.
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Slotkin: ’If This Came Across Our Desk … I Would Say ‘Hey, Mr. President.‘’ | MTP Daily | MSNBC
The motivating factors that drives a person to betray their own country, and become a willing agent of another hostile country are broken down into the acronym MICE.
M oney
I deology
C ompromise/Coercion
E go
Trump clearly has no ideology, because he believes in nothing. But he is clearly susceptible to the other 3. Money, Ego and being Compromised. There’s no doubt that Putin, being a KGB agent, recognized those weaknesses in Trump from a mile away. People like Manafort, Kushner, Don Jr, Moscow Mitch, and many other Trump associates fell prey to at least 3 of those factors as well. Trump and his inner circle presented a target rich environment for Russan agents. I have no doubt that Putin was both dumbfounded, and elated at how many of Trump’s people were so eager to betray America..
On April 18, 2019, a redacted copy of Mueller’s report was released to the public. The Mueller report builds on the U.S. intelligence conclusion that there were two campaigns to elect Trump— one run by Trump and one run by the Russian government. The Mueller report clearly identified connections between the Trump campaign and Russia…
A total of 272 contacts between Trump’s team and Russia-linked operatives were identified, including at least 38 meetings..
@Jim Morrison you already failed.
@Dave Schultz lol Trump is literally a new version of the conservative party that is the GOP. You are completely ignorant and brainwashed. Trump is an utter disgrace and failure.
@Dave Schultz
That is a very trump or a 2yr old’s like response “Not me that’s you waaaaaa Mommy”
I guess you just killed another one of your last active brain cells thinking up that one! WAAAAAAAAA!
@Jim Morrison
Biden is sitting at home protecting himself and his family and friends from the revenges of covid19
And winning!
Whereas Satins little boy Acting president bunker baby trump is winning more votes for Biden every time he opens his lying mouth!
President elect Biden and all the Democrats and most SANE americans really appreciate your good work!!!!
The lack of comment from the White House is jaw dropping. I didn’t think this Administration could shock me anymore. But this is shocking. And appalling. Republicans need to get a grip and rejoin us here in reality and recognize that this is a serious situation. Wtf?!
what can they possibly say hes more worried about his niece releasing that book then american soldiers
You heard it. This never made it to the White House.
The lack of comment means Trump was informed about Russia’s bounty on USA troops.
Trump doesn’t have our servicemen’s backs!
This country badly needs a new commander in chief!
Sadly, most Republicans are full on cultists. And as long as their propaganda arm Fox news is running interference, ppl will remain confused about what to believe or not.
@Michigan Wolverine even with this you defend the criminal in chief, you dont realise just how idiotic you sound
Come on folks. You all know Trump knew. You know Trump has conveniently ignored anything that will place Russia in a bad light. He is a fool.
For those who have forgotten the Trump-Russian connection……
*A} Carter Page: Working with Russians since 2013. Hired by Trump as an advisor (Charged and under exposed FISA warrant)
*B} Michael Flynn: Working with Russians and Ukraine.
– Appointed by Trump as Nat. Security Advisor. (Plead Guilty to lying)
*C} Paul Manaford: Working for Russians and connections with Russian Intelligence.
Adopted by Trump as his Campaign Manager (Found Guilty to 10 charges 2 for conspiracy)
*D} Rick Gates: Connections with Russian Intelligence. Adopted by Trump as a senior official on his campaign. (Plead Guilty to lying)
*E} George Popadopalous: meetings with Russians for Clinton’s emails. Adopted by Trump as campaign Foreign Policy Advisor (Plead Guilty)
*F} Rex Tillerson: Awarded medal by Putin for Russia/Exxon dealings. Appointed by Trump as State Sec.
*G} Jeff Sessions: Forgot meetings with Russian ambassador had to recuse himself for lying. Appointed by Trump as US Att. General.
*H} Jared Kushner: Lied meeting with Russians then tried to create secret back channel to them. Trump’s son-in-law Appointed as WH adviser.
*I} Felix Sater – Russian Mobster “I will get Putin in on this, we will get Donald elected”. Election liason to Trump campaign.
*K} Sally Yates – Fired after warning Trump about Flynn & Russia
*L} Jim Comey – FBI Director, fired by Trump for not dropping the Russian investigation (said so in TV interview).
*M} Andrew McCabe – Deputy FBI Director fired working with Comey on the Russian investigation.
*N} Trump Jr., Jared Kushner and Paul Manafort meeting with Russians to obtain info against Clinton at Trump Tower.
*O} Trump in Helsinky exonerates Putin of election meddling while excoriating his own country’s intelligence which has been verified.
*P} Refusing to pass sanctions to Russia until his own Congress had to pass a non-veto one. Still it sat on his desk for months until embarrassed into signing it, and now lifted.
*Q} Despite being a disastrous credit risk, Getting loans for 100’s of Millions from Deutsche Bank which was found guilty of Russian money-laundering.
*R} Live on TV “Russia, if you’re listening,” inviting Russians to hack Clinton’s campaign.
*S} Disclosing highly classified information to Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak(suspected Russian spy) in WH meeting where he also kicked out ALL U.S. press.
*T} 17 Russians indicted by Mueller. Some have already pleaded guilty and headed to jail.
*V} Lobbying to reinstate Russia to the G8.
*W} Pulling troops from Syria and handing the region on a platter to Putin while stabbing the Kurds who have fought with us against ISIS and lost many lives doing so.
*X} Saying that it was Ukraine who meddled in our election and not Russia in opposition to all the U.S. Intelligent agencies.
*Y} Pulling the troops out of Germany. Something that Puting has been lobbying for.
And of course, “Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets,” Trump Jr. on their family business.
@Martha trump has done much more for our troops then the ck sucker Obama ( the traitor)….
Fool. Yes, Putin’s court jester.
@leo lupo Trump has put our troops in harm’s way.
Maybe you should sign up for the military, go to Afghanistan, and have to face a bounty hungry Taliban sniper!
When *you* are the one facing death, all this becomes totally different for you!
@R McElhaney hahaha Trump has done more for the military then the ck sucker Obama ….. look it up …. MORON
My God of course he been briefed!
There is no doubt about that!
True, but you can’t assume he understood. He may have been busy watching Tom and Jerry
it was made up, that’s why he wasn’t briefed..The left is trying to get Trump to not allow Putin to join g7 g 8
I never new that a president would stoop so low as to allow a bounty put on American soldiers this president is a disgrace to America
Anything for money!
Yeah man. This is I can’t even I just don’t know what to say.
hes been a disgrace from day one
He is, in my opinion, is a traitor and should be treated like one.
This is what you get by voting in a person who doesn’t read.
You should learn to read and research you’d be surprised how much fkn fake news this network feeds you sheeple.
@Tanner 101 Any proof of your claim, or are you Russian trolls with fake accounts scared of us hearing the truth?
I don’t think he knows how
@Brother Sanguinary Just another trumpscum. They either know nothing or they’re lying to cover up something.
No this is what happens when a complacent/naive/arrogant, ‘American Exceptionalism’ country largely does not vote at all.
Of course the Chief of Staff made the presentation. Democrats shouldn’t get good information from the source.
My favorite bumper sticker DUMP TRUMP
Some say that Trump is acting like Putin’s Agent, unfortunately he’s not acting.
For those who have forgotten the Trump-Russian connection……
*A} Carter Page: Working with Russians since 2013. Hired by Trump as an advisor (Charged and under exposed FISA warrant)
*B} Michael Flynn: Working with Russians and Ukraine.
– Appointed by Trump as Nat. Security Advisor. (Plead Guilty to lying)
*C} Paul Manaford: Working for Russians and connections with Russian Intelligence.
Adopted by Trump as his Campaign Manager (Found Guilty to 10 charges 2 for conspiracy)
*D} Rick Gates: Connections with Russian Intelligence. Adopted by Trump as a senior official on his campaign. (Plead Guilty to lying)
*E} George Popadopalous: meetings with Russians for Clinton’s emails. Adopted by Trump as campaign Foreign Policy Advisor (Plead Guilty)
*F} Rex Tillerson: Awarded medal by Putin for Russia/Exxon dealings. Appointed by Trump as State Sec.
*G} Jeff Sessions: Forgot meetings with Russian ambassador had to recuse himself for lying. Appointed by Trump as US Att. General.
*H} Jared Kushner: Lied meeting with Russians then tried to create secret back channel to them. Trump’s son-in-law Appointed as WH adviser.
*I} Felix Sater – Russian Mobster “I will get Putin in on this, we will get Donald elected”. Election liason to Trump campaign.
*K} Sally Yates – Fired after warning Trump about Flynn & Russia
*L} Jim Comey – FBI Director, fired by Trump for not dropping the Russian investigation (said so in TV interview).
*M} Andrew McCabe – Deputy FBI Director fired working with Comey on the Russian investigation.
*N} Trump Jr., Jared Kushner and Paul Manafort meeting with Russians to obtain info against Clinton at Trump Tower.
*O} Trump in Helsinky exonerates Putin of election meddling while excoriating his own country’s intelligence which has been verified.
*P} Refusing to pass sanctions to Russia until his own Congress had to pass a non-veto one. Still it sat on his desk for months until embarrassed into signing it, and now lifted.
*Q} Despite being a disastrous credit risk, Getting loans for 100’s of Millions from Deutsche Bank which was found guilty of Russian money-laundering.
*R} Live on TV “Russia, if you’re listening,” inviting Russians to hack Clinton’s campaign.
*S} Disclosing highly classified information to Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak(suspected Russian spy) in WH meeting where he also kicked out ALL U.S. press.
*T} 17 Russians indicted by Mueller. Some have already pleaded guilty and headed to jail.
*V} Lobbying to reinstate Russia to the G8.
*W} Pulling troops from Syria and handing the region on a platter to Putin while stabbing the Kurds who have fought with us against ISIS and lost many lives doing so.
*X} Saying that it was Ukraine who meddled in our election and not Russia in opposition to all the U.S. Intelligent agencies.
*Y} Pulling the troops out of Germany. Something that Puting has been lobbying for.
And of course, “Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets,” Trump Jr. on their family business.
Another traitor still running with Hillarys Russian collusion lie, you piece of trash
@Xela somar Wow. Nicely summarized. Great job and keep going. We’re going to need all the reminders of the Trump family crimes that the nation can stomach. Trump is a traitor, pure and simple. He’s a national security threat to every allied nation in the G7 and he must be removed ASAP.
@D Ross Absolutely
Not Acting but defiantly Acting Badly!
Maybe it was JFK’s Fault, or could it possibly be that Baby that was born in an Australian hospital?
Perhaps the thing people are being the least concerned about is the question “So now that he knows, what is he doing about it?”
We all know he will do nothing, he will said I just speak with Putin and we agree this is an hoax.
He has not been told what to say by his boss
He was told when the reports came from the intelligence agencies last year.
There is no excuse for this failure or delayed reaction. donald is beholden to Russia and the Republican party stands by the traitor
It was not just a failure, it led to the death of three of our men. What would you call this? Trump the traitor? the republicans have a hand in this and they are guilty of the death of three of our men
WHY did they keep the Dems out of the briefing by security agencies? What else is the WH hiding?
probably want to avoid having people in the briefing asking questions the republicans do not want to hear the answers for.. just look at L.Gomerts reaction confronted with a similar thing.
Can you imagine a group of them going ‘Lalalalalalalalala-we-can-t-hear-you’?
I can’t wait for Putin to tell us.
I won’t feel safe till Nancy has the nuclear codes till we have an election and get rid of the traitors I no longer call them enablers.
Trump is acting like he owns Putin a big favor, his election in 2016.

Let’s vote Trump away
Vote Biden 2020
This is straight up TREASON,
how on earth can this be anything less!*
*#LockTrumpUp** he is a real life ‘Devils Acolyte’
He’s too busy on twitter to read anything.
100% wrong!
He was golfing
either on Twitter or golfing!
RIF: Reading is fundamental!
Well if the briefing book was just one page with a five word sentence then Trump might be capable of reading it!
Putin: We need a spy in America!
Trump: I’m your man! (Literally)
Lol. That’s so messed up
America looks like cowards in front of the whole world. Are we scared of Russia? Or is Trump just scared of Putin?

dotard chump: I am the most transparent president in american political history