Skies turn green as thunderstorms sweep Sioux Falls, South Dakota | USA TODAY

Footage captured shows the "green" storm cell looming over Sioux Falls, South Dakota as severe thunderstorm warnings were issued.

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#southdakota #greensky #thunderstorms

Skies turn green amid storms in Sioux Falls, South Dakota | USA TODAY


    1. Skies turn green as thunderstorms sweep Sioux Falls, South Dakota | USA TODAY 2116PM 6.7.22 i once saw clay brown skies over brown wardle prior to a storm…

  1. Years back one thunderstorm we had turned the sky green, a woman who worked at the local radio station asked a weather forecasters about it. She was told it can be a sign of a torando . Also, another sign she was told if, an area is going to get hit with something bad, if, things in nature goes suddenly quiet and if, it’s daytime an no birds are seen or heard anywhere. And, things go dark bringing on pole lights are all signs nature gives of something bad going to hit.

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  3. The sky is green because that’s the color the sunlight makes shining through a shaft of large hail. So if you see a thunderstorm with a green sky like this, then that’s a warning sign that a bad hailstorm is imminent.

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