Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ), a vocal Trump supporter who backed efforts to overturn the election, sought to undermine the notion that Ashli Babbitt was killed in an act of self-defense by Capitol police during the January 6 insurrection. CNN's Pamela Brown discusses with the lawmaker's sister, Jennifer Gosar.
#PamBrown #CNN #Newsroom
Sounds to me like ” dereliction of duty ” GOP Greed Over People!
@Calvin R. Johnson Jr. you know the United States Senate could not pass Democrat’s S1/’For the People Act’ due to GOP/Republican opposition?
@Calvin R. Johnson Jr. S1 has a provision to strengthen Democracy by casting light on spending in elections. (Dark-Money) Democrats, Democrats in-name only do take Dark-Money, such as Joe Manchin and Krysten Sinema but the ‘Disclose-Act’ and its amendment for transparency in election spending has been continually brought forth by Democrats and always Democrats? The ‘DISCLOSE ACT’ and its amendment to disclose Dark-Money has been opposed and filibustered by no-other than Congressional Republicans and always GOP/Republicans, since 1971.
@Calvin R. Johnson Jr. BTW, Calvin. I also do not adhere to a party. You shouldn’t have made the suggestion.
Great comment. Greedy old Pigs
Greedy Old Pig’s and I like pigs

I hope his state votes him out. We don’t need people like Gosar in Congress.
@donnie disaster Ah yes, yet another case of TDS. Every single thing the communist controlled media is a complete lie:
@Richard Hardin Wake up stupid:
@Jojo Diver Our national anthem was literally written by a racist bigot that argued before the Supreme Court that black people are subhuman and don’t deserve rights.
@Jojo Diver How about the oath Donald T***p broke when he had to be pleaded with in order to send the national guard to the capitol to stop the insurrection (and starting it of course)
@Patrick McMahon Uh no. Trump never said to storm the capitol. And I’ve never heard of him having to be pleaded with. Here’s what he did say that day:
It’s a really bad sign for the country’s future when people like Gosar, Greene, Gaetz, Et. Al. the other racist, hate/fear mongering GOP congress members get elected in the first place. Honestly, we can do so much better when it comes to selecting our elected representatives.
@cherrish roseberry-cornell — kind of like Hunter enriching old Joe!! Check any California paper or news station about Swalwell. I think you are liking the DNC koolaid too much!!
@james robinson You must be a Trumper just like the rest if the Republican party that go by the rule ” never accept accountability, never accept responsibility for your actions.”
“In response to the rhetoric that the media keeps pushing, Bill Cosby never admitted in his deposition testimony, or anywhere else, to non-consensual sexual contact with any woman and/or the drugging of anyone — he has never admitted to spiking drinks, as the media would like you he has never admitted to spiking drinks, as the media would like you to believe.
Furthermore, he has steadfastly maintained his innocence before and after being falsely convicted of aggravated indecent assault.
Mainstream media has irresponsibly, egregiously, and inexcusably misled the public with out-of-context coverage regarding Bill Cosby’s deposition testimony.
This shall serve as a grave reminder of the consequences that come with lying to the American people to satisfy an agenda.
“The media’s the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that’s power. Because they control the minds of the masses.” ― Malcolm X.”
Vote Republican straight down the ballot.
@Dicky JonesWell, here’s another Trumper looney tune, blaming everything on the Democrats. What did Trump ever do for this country except ABUSE HIS AUTHORITY, HIS COUNTRY AND THE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT!!!!
Trump incited a RIOT on the Capitol Buildings, he invited domestic terrorists to that RIOT, some of the Republican Senators were involved with getting rioters in the building because they have been drinking the special Kool Aid that leaves them 3 sheets to the wind!
Trump deceives and manipulates people by telling lies because he is a mentally unstable psychopath.
Unfortunately, people died at those riots and we can blame TRUMP FOR THAT TOO – HE WAS THE ONE WHO INCITED IT!
ASHLEY BABBIT ATTENDED TRUMP’S RALLY BEFORE THE RIOT, she believed what TRUMP STATED that the election was stolen, which is an untrue statement and has been proven many times over!
Gosar doesn’t want an investigation because he will be investigated himself.
@Mimzy Jinx Crawl back to your far right rock of Qanon, Parlor, 4chan or what ever fringe platform you believe is somehow representative of the wider community and jerk each other off to the idea that Trump will reinstated in August. In your simple mind that has been ground down by the insane ramblings of your far right hero’s you draw a comparison to protests about the very real problem of police violence towards black people and the obvious lie that the election was stolen. One resulted in violence and looting the other resulted in violence and insurrection
“In response to the rhetoric that the media keeps pushing, Bill Cosby never admitted in his deposition testimony, or anywhere else, to non-consensual sexual contact with any woman and/or the drugging of anyone — he has never admitted to spiking drinks, as the media would like you he has never admitted to spiking drinks, as the media would like you to believe.
Furthermore, he has steadfastly maintained his innocence before and after being falsely convicted of aggravated indecent assault.
Mainstream media has irresponsibly, egregiously, and inexcusably misled the public with out-of-context coverage regarding Bill Cosby’s deposition testimony.
This shall serve as a grave reminder of the consequences that come with lying to the American people to satisfy an agenda.
“The media’s the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that’s power. Because they control the minds of the masses.” ― Malcolm X.”
“In response to the rhetoric that the media keeps pushing, Bill Cosby never admitted in his deposition testimony, or anywhere else, to non-consensual sexual contact with any woman and/or the drugging of anyone — he has never admitted to spiking drinks, as the media would like you he has never admitted to spiking drinks, as the media would like you to believe.
Furthermore, he has steadfastly maintained his innocence before and after being falsely convicted of aggravated indecent assault.
Mainstream media has irresponsibly, egregiously, and inexcusably misled the public with out-of-context coverage regarding Bill Cosby’s deposition testimony.
This shall serve as a grave reminder of the consequences that come with lying to the American people to satisfy an agenda.
“The media’s the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that’s power. Because they control the minds of the masses.” ― Malcolm X.”
@Garry Barry – I only heard about trump being reinstated on fake news CNN. Also, what is the big deal if families don’t talk to eachother? Is that something new for CNN? They are making you look like a complete fool.
@Paul K L P -you are obviously a fool. Who are they ones cancelling free speech? Just look at how China rudely treated Australia when your government dare ask questions about the origin of the virus only last year? You would not know the meaning of Nazis if it bites you in the face.
Yep they have all gone down a seditious treasonous rabbit hole!
GOP in my books is never again will get my vote!
I feel the exact same way about Democrats.
Same. This is literally the first time I ever voted Democrat who knew it would be all the way down.
Thank you!
It was an inside job, but by the Republicans, including their little scouting “tour” the day before the attack on the Capitol. Happy 4th of July to actual Patriots
Funny no complaints when people were rioting, burning federal buildings and businesses and murders, yet people walk into a building where the people who actually make policy is the most terrible thing you’ve ever witnessed.
@Eight Gauge yea, like what fake.go
GOD bless our President Donald Trump and all who supports him.
@Aerial Arboreal actually he was dead on.
@TheAnonapersons every word is a lie.
Thank you for having the courage to speak out. Paul is a despicable human being.
Courage ? A few Dollars helped her to sell out her brother.
Lying for the purpose of fund raising should be considered criminal.
@Zennbubba the actual facts are: Donald the duck lost and it has you fools with a tight wad in your panties! And he extorted an election official on audio and he attempted a coup on video! STRAIGHT FACTS, HOMIE
@Zennbubba here’s one more fact: you’ll argue all day but refuse to meet up! Typical woman abuser tactic
It is
I agree!!! Where is my $15.00 an hr minimum wage and my student debt relief. Time to lock the liar up.
@Francis Foley I know, these Republicans keep voting against raising the $7.25 federal minimum wage, their greed is sickening
At this point I don’t put anything past the Republican party. Their entire plan is an act of desperation!
@Kenny Powers republicans are the ones drowning in the blue wave. 8 more years!
Biden 2021-2028, build back better
@Political Legacy lmfao he wont make it 4 more months probably. You voted for a literal dementia patient.
How are Joe and Kamala doing? .
Naturally…their so called leader..the one who told them he’d walk WITH them to storm the Capitol on Jan the 6th…faces no why should they hide or even be ashamed??
Freedom of speech.
Sister needs to run against him. Use his treason to fund raise against him.
That would be a perfect way to make sure Gosar lose! And a perfect way for his sister to make ‘Her point” big time and then win over him! l love this idea!
Wow, that’s crazy. His brother also said nobody in his immediate family talks to him except for their parents
Wow Trump has really divided American families so sad
@Charles A SmithThat $icK fuK has made mine a DISASTER! Nazis are the worst.

Good thing that she spoke out her thoughts on this.
Gosar’s brother spoke out also, just a few days ago. P Gosar is a gross WS.
She’s really stupid no logic pure feelings like every Democrat.
For a few Dollars she will tell everything
harold nicolaes; do you know her personally?
Boy, it’s gotta be a bad sign of character when even your own SISTER says you’re a terrible human being…
@daniel banks Canada, now go look up some issues about Canada so you can tell me about what I already know. Still don’t see Canadians arguing back and forth on the level Americans do and I don’t see Canadians saying “ well they don’t follow the same political party as me so I’m gonna be a jerk to them” and I definitely don’t see Canadians storming our capital in hopes of doing damage to our democracy.
@Jeffrey Cater but i do see canadians burning down a bunch of churches. And a leader saying he understands why. 2nd, this country was founded on insurrection. PPL enjoy all freedoms it offers, because of insurrection. Besides, have canadians ever took a stand by themselves? no. Hell, ya didnt enter either of the world wars til after the US did. Seems to me, canadians lack balls.
@daniel banks you realize we entered both world wars when Britain did, so before the USA, for both times. There’s been 6 churches burned down across our country because of the recent discovery of children murdered by the Catholic Church. Also remember that time you tried to invade Canada and we came down and burned your Capital because you attacked us
. And I guarantee I enjoy more freedoms as a Canadian then you do as an American.
@daniel banks seems to me like you lack an education.
Not only is Gosar drinking the KoolAid, he’s concocting the “elixir!”
points for a supremely nice word we don’t get to read often enough…at least not us non-gamers…
I think he’s drinking more than the Kool-Aid and lots of it.

Time to pour them down the sewer from which they came!!
@Nancy Morrison yeah, they’re drinking bleach

Gosar represents the people of his district. Not his sister. So for them, he’s doing his job. Liberals hate that. Gosar thinks Nancy’s investigation is a sham, that’s why he opposes it. Nothing will come out of that investigation. In fact, after the GOP wins back the House next year, the House investigation will end. Pelosi is milking Jan 6th in hope it helps in the 2022 midterms.
Reminds me of Don Trump’s sister was taped on phone saying how shocked she was at the things Donald has been saying and doing (as president).
I live in AZ and what people don’t know about Gosar is that his ENTIRE family campaigned against him, not just this sister.
@harold nicolaes Or, in the real world, calling him out for the piece of filth that he truly is.
@Steve p you like more antifa roiters and looters …?
I knew about his peeps disavowing him, and I live in Pennsylvania–it was on the news some time ago.
@harold nicolaes Lies, all lies–Antifa and BLM aren’t the problem. It was the Boogaloo Bois and their friends doing the burning and looting. You can’t start out with lies and get to the truth! Open your eyes before you end up in the slammer too.
just like on all those continuous interviews, Trump’s niece keeps predicting things he will do, before he actually does them. She also wrote that best sell “Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man “
That was a very well written book. I felt terrible for everything Mary’s family went through. Just because her dad Freddy wasn’t the “killer” his father wanted him to be.
“You’ll never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.”
Mos Eisley?
When you look at Trump’s niece speaking out, and Gosar’s sisters and brothers speaking out, it is very similar to families speaking out about members who have been caught up with cults. It’s no different!
I agree except one affects National Security and our democracy.