A statue of Sir John A. Macdonald has been removed from its pedestal in a downtown Kingston, Ont. park.
Dozens of people gathered in City Park to watch crews take down the statue of Canada's first prime minister in his hometown.
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I can’t believe they would take it down.
Make sure they hear your voice during the next election.
the government has forgotten to tell you that the new normal does not include Canada.
Next they’ll start deporting Canadians to Africa.
Terrified spineless politicians worried about losing their jobs.
Anyone that is curious about what this means for this country they should look back in history to see what happened to other countries that have done the same thing.
And this is how we know our country is doomed especially when we see what happened to other countries that did this.
Those who deny history are doomed to repeat it
History belongs in libraries not parks
@Charlie Diep Says no one ever but you. lol
In this and age who goes to the library anymore.
@Charlie Diep Maybe where you come from.
Obviously not you.
@Rich Castle And who’s fault is that?
what’s next canadian will deported to europe?
now put up a statue of Lenin
Or Mao?
Marks Engels Smith
A statue of Jim Eagle.
or Daddy Trudeau
Great idea.
Probably put up a BLM one
george floyd
Great idea!
@Northern Hoxhaist your joking I hope
We need to fight back!! Put the statues back!
@Brad Lyons yes
@Brad Lyons yes
Can you imagine any other country in the World allowing this? Who are these activists,
sometimes I wonder if they are working for foreign entities. We need leadership who will
reinstate dignity to Canada rather than a bunch of Liberal bed wetter’s.
I could see it from Germany, USA, UK, and France. Anyone outside of the North American/European continents hell no.
Hate that it was removed but on the bright side at least it wasn’t pulled down and smashed. Sad that I have to celebrate that but when this madness is pushed back it will be in one piece.
Should we demolish Canada as a country?
They didn’t demolish it, they just relocated to another location!
That is really too bad. For multiple reasons.
burn the books next
But that is exactly what is not happening. Statues legitimize history they don’t teach it.
It’s a public park, not a trophy case for conquerors. Get over it like adults.
The path to healing is not to ERASE history, it is to LEARN from it and get better.
Blind worship and idiolization of historical figures IS the erasure of history. The whole point of moving the statue and changing the signage and messaging where the statue was is to INFORM the public of the WHOLE STORY. If we don’t teach this complete version we will be bound to repeat the mistakes of the past.
Lock him up