Sinema tells CNN why she’s leaving the Democratic party

Arizona Sen. Kyrsten Sinema announced she's leaving the Democratic Party and registering as a political independent. Sinema explained her rationale in an exclusive interview with CNN's Jake Tapper. #CNN #News


  1. “Well, Jake, it amuses me to hold the entire US Senate hostage, and this seemed like a good way to keep doing that.”

    1. πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’―, TRUE!!!!!


  2. As an AZ Independent myself, let me just say that anyone that did not see this coming should not be allowed to vote. You simply can NOT be Independent while being bought & sold to the highest bidder… She has done NOTHING to help AZ that did not serve her craven desire for power & to be in the limelight!

    1. Agree. If you didn’t already know she was a phony, why are you even voting? You obviously never gave a sh*t about Democrat principles if you believed she was a ‘D’ to start with.

    2. @Lisa Newberry I understand what she is saying but let’s be real. She’s not gonna give what her voters wanted or even the whole state wanted. She is literally sold out

  3. 4:24 how ironic of her to say that she wants to β€œget results” and to β€œget things done”, when she’s been one of the most obstructionist senators out there

    1. @Max Zorin And yet you provide absolutely no evidence linking the money she’s taken with policies or positions that undermine her constituents. You can’t even express this cash in dollar terms and compare it to her individual donations.

    2. @The Masked Man YA…is there any reason you are unable to google “Sinema big pharma”” ? Try it… it’s really really easy.

    3. Her reason is utter bs. She’s repositioning herself to win re-election in Az so she wants to not be associated with either party. Not sure how this will change anything. She’s still a horrible senator.

  4. When Warnock won, she lost some of her power, so she did this to increase her power and to assure her donors, whom she represents WAY more than her constituents, that she was still working for them. It’s not complicated. Sad, but simple.

    1. That doesn’t track. She doesn’t need to reassure them. Since she doesn’t need re-election funds her payout is coming from the job she gets afterward.

  5. As much as she states she wants to focus on helping Arizona, it’s amazing to see that Arizonans neither like, respect nor feel that she’s done anything for them at all. She was better off declaring her resignation.

    1. Thank you . She voted down minimum wage increase and fought to keep a tax loophole that benefits hedge fund CEOs which Arizonians does that benefit.

    2. @Smelly Waffels People talk about crime rates in NYC but crime in the red states is much higher (per capita.) Crime and pverty rates are higher. Of course they go hand in hand.

  6. Kristen needs to find another outlet to stand on a podium and spew out gobbledegook,talk around the point trying to be made, and call herself whatever it is she wants to be. We all know now that she’s deceptive,but as far as being classified as independent, I think she tends toward the β€œ what’s more beneficial to me in the long run” category. Hope Arizona shows her how much power,faith they have in her. Good luck Arizona……..

  7. I live in AZ. She doesn’t care about people in AZ. She cares more about those who donate for her. She has been an obstacle for many things needed to be done!

    1. @Patsy Self You inadvertently swerved into an excellent point.
      Most of our institutions are slowly becoming female-dominated. Media. Entertainment. Law enforcement. Academics. Research and development. Military. Legal profession. Politics. Education. Computer sciences.
      As women dominate, men leave the playing field. What men are left take on female attributes as a survival mechanism. For example, Joe Brandon. He eats an ice cream cone like a girl licking a lolipop.

  8. At time index 5:27 — “What I’m really focused on, I think the proof is in the pudding of the work I’ve done in the Senate, I’m really focused on getting results. Like, actually solving problems.” That is absolutely, 100% true. She’s really focused on getting the best results for her donors. She’s really focused on actually solving the problems of not enough money in her bank account and not enough attention focused on her.

    1. People like her should be taken by the ear and thrown as far away from politics as is possible to do so, she is selfishness personified.

  9. I like how she’s misreading her constituents because she assumes they are dumb and if they truly had a voice they’d tell her to hit the road hard.

  10. I adore the list she gives at @7:00 of the things she voted for, when literally only ONE of them would not have passed without her. She votes with the Dems when her vote isn’t needed, and she dissents when it matters: maximizing the leverage she has to extract personal bribes from lobbyists, at the expense of Arizona, America, and the Democratic party.

  11. It’s all about Sinema. She found a way to put herself in the spotlight again in spite of how betrayed her supporters/volunteers feel. I think it’s time to elect people who care more about serving others rather than serving themselves.

  12. I am from Arizona, and my vote for Krysten Sinema was a vote for the Democrats. She has done nothing but work to increase her own notoriety. By all means, sit as an independent, and I expect you to run as an independent – and split not the Democratic vote, but the Republican vote. Thanks for choosing to ensure a Democratic Senator for AZ in the next election.

    1. When I was a kid, my family Dr was a “Jacques Dubois”….He was the main Dr for French Canadians in my town. PS, Being a Dubois, makes you my distant cousin, hi Cuz!

  13. This woman can’t stand to be out of the headlines or less ‘important’ than she used to be so she goes and does this. We see right through you.

  14. I cannot believe there isn’t a law or rule that calls for a senator or any elected official to automatically lose their seat if they choose to switch political parties while still in office! This is a slippery slope that can have real life consequences.

    1. @Mclaren v8Β  still wouldn’t make it right.. and he’s talking about a law that would prevent it not his feelings

    2. @Mclaren v8 no one would want that. Republican would still support the same policies if they switched to democrat

    3. @Mclaren v8 Only republican voters are so crooked. This is why Republicans support criminals like Trump. You’re all criminals.

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