Significant Financial Secrets At Stake For Trump In SCOTUS Case | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

David Enrich, business investigations editor for the New York Times, talks with Rachel Maddow about the Deutsche Bank subpoena for Donald Trump's records that is at the center of Tuesday's Supreme Court arguments and what kind of information would be exposed if Trump's legal losing streak continues. Aired on 05/11/2020.
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Significant Financial Secrets At Stake For Trump In SCOTUS Case | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

Significant Financial Secrets At Stake For Trump In SCOTUS Case | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC


    1. He owes you nothing after four years of a seditious, treasonous soft coup against a duly elected President while you attempt to overthrow our election.

    2. @Sal Lopez supreme Court hearing!!! Trump is going to have to release his taxes!!!! Hahaha indictment!!!!!!!!

    3. @P 1 I noticed that too. It almost seems like this MSNBC outfit is biased against the President and even the people who voted for him. That’s real disappointing.

  1. His taxes and finances have been the key to EVERYTHING from the beginning. Anything else that has happened is noise or fallout from his shenanigans

    1. Six months ago I thought this was important and would have been upset if the next President did not appoint an independent console to look into all the things Trump did while in office. Now Trump and his whole administration are circling the bowl in the largest political toilet I have ever seen, I get a feeling politicians will be happy with that political destruction and end up doing nothing, and I think any cases against Trump or Barr would seem hollow. I think NY state will dive into Trump and his virus response will be part of that motivation.

  2. This president is weak, weak, weak. It looks like we’re about to see the emperor with no clothes—a nauseating sight, no doubt. Get ready, little Donnie.

    1. Supposedly the emperor has a rather small shaped mushroom appendage, according to Stormy

    2. @hew195050 I so agree with you! Not only judicial proceedings, but tax paying dollars
      What happened to our DOJ? Is it legalized Mafia ? Money rolling of the press , Play money?

  3. He needed to sue because if that’s one thing he cannot LIE about is his financial situation. LIAR LIAR PANTS ON FIRE.

    1. P 1 Yeah I’m sure that makes sense to people who don’t hold their president to any kind of ethical standards. The rest of us would be pretty surprised if Obama had done that. (Here’s a clue: if he had, and knew there was nothing there, then don’t you think he’d pass that along to the dem party so they wouldn’t look foolish?)

    2. So many Russian bots in here ….I wonder who pays them…you know they get paid by the amount of comments that protect their boss trump….they are actually paid by the letter acumulation

  4. I can wait to watch his house of cards fall it’s hard to be a liar. Too bad he is trying to drag all of us down with him.

    1. @Nancy Lauten So incredibly right my dear! Probably a Putin deposit inclusive of his bank account. The fact that he is non transparent, speaks volumes!

    2. @P 1 Sweetie with all due respect, he glided on Onbam’s curtails .No president ever has refused to turn over their tax statements, and he is on camera saying he wouldn’t be adverse in doing so. What’s changed?

    3. Kristofor Dow – funny, it’s just what Hitler did too, the irony and big headedness of Trump and the American people is astounding to observe, you’re all in this mess together and responsible, figure it out and make good.

    1. Yes, they should, but will they? They might try the AG Barr bifurcated logic and actions to protect the legal memo and poor adjudications!

    2. Thats why they are there. Mcconnell will be next you mark my words. One way to deal with these turds is to not allow them to do any business in individual states. The states should start looking at various ways to bring them both to justice….

    1. Soren Ingram nope. Rachel Maddow is just the scum of the earth. She’s a puppet. I just shared a video from a left organization that actually reports on what’s happening. I’m sorry you think I’m a troll.

    2. @DanielT Dude Read from more than Just Fox media. Spend as much time reading “liberal” media as much as you do with conservative feeds and with 2 days silent in between and do this over a month.

    3. Soren Ingram I do spend time with both sides. But the corruption of the press is absurd. Did you see the link I attached to you?? Jimmy Dore is not conservative!

    1. jamie oxenreider lol, you guys can never backup any of Trumps claims or show me proof that his election promises have been honoured
      So what does a Trump supporter do? You just call everyone names, call them stupid or whatever, the kind of stuff that even a snake wouldn’t do!
      That’s so ridiculous

    1. Didn’t Rachel say the resultant vote would only be available the end of next month? Or was that another news station I was watching?

    2. Yes I understand the decision is made in a few weeks etc but the discussions today at the Court was what I was referring to…we get to hear or read etc the arguments being made for and against and who by etc ….interesting imo Laurie

  5. The fact Trump is going through this much effort to hide the truth is damning enough as it is. An innocent man wouldn’t go to such extreme length’s to avoid being proven innocent.

    1. @jamie oxenreider Even if you really believe your completely absurd conspiration theories: How does that prevent you from thinking about why Trump wants to hide his finances so badly?
      And fyi: About Michelle Obama’s book: “It sold more copies than any other book published in the United States in 2018, breaking the record in just 15 days.[5]” And Barack Obama? “It’s not just that Barack Obama’s books sold well — although they did, with Dreams from My Father easily out-earning its $40,000 advance — but that they were widely considered to be well-written. New York Times book critic Michiko Kakutani deemed him “that rare politician who can actually write,” with “an elastic, personable voice that is capable of accommodating everything from dense discussions of foreign policy to streetwise reminiscences, incisive comments on constitutional law to New-Agey personal asides.”

    2. @Oscar Smith Do note, that we were both watching this same article on MSNBC and it’s rather presumptuous of you to tell me where I source my information. I can only conclude as the reason, that you are deflecting, as is common for both, Trump and his supporters.
      Your consciousness might not have evolved to that stage yet, but if you just listen to Trump, regardless of whether he is talking on your Fox channel, any other media outlet or go to his rallies, you will find that this man is utterly clueless and doesn’t know what he is talking about and as soon as he opens his mouth, lies come out in free flow.
      Who needs any media to judge this repulsive human being for what he is?

  6. He’s not scared of news about not paying taxes but scared of people seeing his debts and how broke he is

    1. @for paws The first true words in this whole section. Beholden to the mob and values his kneecaps? Yest, ser !!

    2. yeah, absolutely Right – his base would forgive any fraud with whomever, but he is so vain, to let everybody know how much less money he has, I think a weak guy like him would be ashamed. But than, he is never ashamed of anything – well, i hope we got to see the result …

    3. @808080 Any charge of “money laundering” involves the conversion of illegally obtained money or other assets to ordinary, “benign” assets that are not tainted. The purpose of securing Trump’s returns is to understand fully what major assets he (or his numerous shell companies) now claims to own, then to trace those assets backwards in an effort to discover how — if at all — those moneys were illegally obtained. It’s not an easy case to make by any means.

    4. He’s not broke. He has stolen too many of our tax dollars for that. It’s probably who he gave them to. Who does he owe the most to as banks won’t touch him. Who are pulling his strings

    1. @P 1 You are really showing your ignorance. Trump is in the hot seat now for 3 1/2 years, get with it.

    2. @P 1 his N.Y. state tax returns have been released, a while ago…its public knowledge. Easy enough to Google.

    3. @P 1 Obama tax returns is public knowledge as well…i am outraged, i am outraged that our tax dollars pay the secret service for pub crawl in Ireland. I am outraged that trump had to be sued to get the money he promised vets from a his fraudulent charity. He had to be sued to return money for trump university. I am outraged our tax dollars pays for all his golf trips to his own hotel, that he charges the secret service when they are there. I am outraged that he diverts our military to his failing hotels so he can charge them full price. Again tax payers foot that bill, i am outraged about so many things and you should be outraged at those things to.

    4. Let’s be realistic. Why was his financial records made public? Was it to meet a criteria for an election? NO!!! It was because of biased politicians in NY who wanted to take down the president at any cost. I still think we should look into Hillary’s finances ESPECIALLY SINCE WE KNOW NOW ACCORDING TO JOHN PODESTA that HALF of the RUSSIAN DOSSIER WAS FINANCED BY HER and the other half by the DNC….

    5. @P 1 no dummy the snake oil salesmen who’s committed fraud his entire know you’ll see but you won’t write about that

  7. We will find out how successful Trump was in his attempt to put judges on the Supreme Court to leave him free break the law and continue destroying our democracy.

    1. @Steven Austin I know. He’s still trying to pay off his heating oil bill from the last winter. That happens in Putin’s Russia.

    2. Agreed. And isn’t it a beautiful thing when, as a counter, the trumpanzees and trolly bots bring out the whatabouts or focus on semantics? “We are NOT a Democracy!” True, we’re a kleptocracy.

    3. The Flynn interview.
      The transcripts show directly they had determined that there was no derogatory information on Flynn and that the investigation should be dropped, weeks before they interviewed him. Not to mention Comey did not follow proper protocols in interviewing him by going through proper channels and allowing Flynn to have counsel present. Comey has admitted this himself. And it no appears he and Obama had planned to investigate Flynn and the Trump campaign long before they had any legitimate reason to do so, which is illegal.
      No limb hear, this is cut and dried impropriety by the FBI, DOJ & Obama administration.
      And these transcripts do appear to prove Trump correct when he accused the Obama administration of spying on his campaign. Another illegal action.
      The truth about Obamagate is just starting to come out.
      Grab your tissues to cry into and I’ll grab some popcorn to watch you sky scream.

    4. @Bikerchic Obamagate – Spygate – Muellergate – Ukrainegate …. one continuous conspiracy to derail the Trump Presidency…the biggest political scandal in American history….dwarfs Watergate by several orders of magnitude.

    1. @Kenny dark2light didn’t think so. There are 2 main kinds of people on here: those of us who are interested in genuine dialogue, and those who are here to toss rocks and troll. Your posting suggest you are in the second camp.

    1. Apparently they all have people helping them have there stuff promise it stated on line that Hillary Clinton is helping Biden run for president

    2. @Tenna Jones Hillary is a private citizen and has the right to support anyone she wants as president, just like you or me.

    1. @Jake McCoy is right but I am going to add this exactly, but those same clowns will be the first ones enraged when they are the ones felling screwed over.

    2. @Sandra Spengler No, Trump did NOT peomise that. Quote him, exactly, the question asked of him in context , you liar.

  8. So insane that one man could unravel the rule of law and be so illiterate at the same time…a true royal screw up…

    1. @brian dwiggins Trump and his cronies don’t play by the rules, and that gives them the flexibility to do anything. I think there are a lot of good people on the other side trying to see justice done, but their fatal flaw is that they’re too scared to break the rules themselves. Sometimes you just have to break the rules, sometimes being a little bit bad can allow good to triumph against evil.

    2. @brian dwiggins oh my… you mean republicans don’t use yellow journalism… like say for instance “death tax” rather than inheritance tax… by the way…. it’s a secret when the guy was the first not to release his in the modern era…. get it? that’s the very definition of secret you moron. my god you are dumb.

    3. Let’s be realistic. Why was his financial records made public? Was it to meet a criteria for an election? NO!!! It was because of biased politicians in NY who wanted to take down the president at any cost. I still think we should look into Hillary’s finances ESPECIALLY SINCE WE KNOW NOW ACCORDING TO JOHN PODESTA that HALF of the RUSSIAN DOSSIER WAS FINANCED BY HER and the other half by the DNC….

    1. strings2wood : Question : were you all born gullible imbecilesand dummies?
      Or is it years of listen to this Chinese communist lies , trash and garbage that has lobodomized your brain ?
      That has erased all logic, common sense, transforming your pea size brain into a digestive organ…?

  9. He also owes to all the cities that he held his rallies in, never paid them for security for those personal and campaign events. Like always, running from debts.

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