A Siberian tiger harassed a Chinese village on April 23, injuring a field worker and damaging a car, before being captured by authorities.
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I never see any wild tigers in Canada so far.
We got to remember this was there home before ours
We all live on the same planet. It out is there and vise versa
Mother Nature will fix everything. No worry.
Who knows
Hope the tiger dosnt get Covid if he eat a villager
Tiger only eat Asian hate crime
Thank you for using what look to be a real name. Easy to track and inform your employer about you being a racist.
@Peter Mars wouldn’t that be nice
I bet there is no tiger in Canada, right?
neither mountain lions.?..
Put a tiger in your tank!
Oh my, that’s been a while since I heard that. I remember in Haliburton Ontario they had an Esso Station (decades ago) and we got a silver key chain with the Tiger on it. Miss the old days, great memories up there.
@Bobofet241 The sticker book and you fill the squares with the players was my fav..lol.
Can’t blame the tiger for not wanting to be eaten.
Tigger is looking for his friend.
Oh wow
I don’t think there are any wild tigers or pandas in Canada in the wild.
We don’t have tigers in Canada, but we do have mountain lions.
@3D Gremlin and grizzly
bears, I bet.
Ha, imagine being afraid of a lone tiger. In Canada, we have BEAVERS ! — herds of them, in fact. (Okay, technically they’re called “colonies,” but you don’t want to be nit-picking when they take a mind to charge at you en masse.)
It’s a cat guys, shoot the damned thing.
If you can’t break your car window , call Tiger Direct!
and, it is a volkswagen…
That tiger almost got Covid19.
Tiger tail soup
toss the rest away. Lychee Tiger festival begins
Here Kitty kitty! I am glad they caught her, so lost dear soul.
And this is somehow news? Must have been a slow news day