Public Safety Minister Bill Blair explains why the government is not spending more money to stop illegal guns from being smuggled over the border.
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Let’s just ban murder…. oh wait we have.
I didn’t vote for any of this BS!
I didn’t see any polls where 157% of Canadians agreed to this:(
thumbs up for questions, 10 thumbs down for answers. And I am not even a gun owner.
Bill Blair is a liar. He is lying to everyone. Yep 30 years ago a hunting rifle was used to cowardly kill many woman. So how will this prevent this from happening again? And how funny how he uses the term weapon, and not firearm. He mentions high capacity mags. This guy is a clown and a stright faced liar.
The AR-15 is not a military weapon. Never has been a military weapon. Bill Blair is not telling the truth, he is making up terms to cause fear and trying to control by fear.
and you really need something that is capable of shooting 600 rounds per minute for hunting and while MAYBE never bought by the military, that is what it was designed for.
that is why the gun manufacturers pushed for private sales after the ban was lifted in 2004. they had to make a profit somewhere and where easier than by marketing to males that are so unsure of their own masculinity that they need these to prove it.
kathy smith there is not a single firearm that can be legally purchased in Canada with that firing capability. Stop FEELING and start THINKING.
@kathy smith No person is physically capable of depressing a trigger 10 times per second. You’re completely ignorant of firearms, and it shows. Big time.
@kathy smith
You’re an example of why women shouldn’t be allowed to vote
bill blair and justin trudeau don’t want to deal with the real problem
No they don’t and they gave them the only exemption. Smuggler’s rules.
The liberals are not going to stop here they are going to come after your handguns, then after that your bolt action hunting rifles and shotguns. Next muzzleloaders when does it stop?
After prohibiting slingshots…
In The Yard Oh blah blah blah …….
the twisting of words and facts by this guy are discusting,
By the public safety guy, yes.
Blair is a liberal hack..same fool who believed reading pro try to terrorists being repatriated would deradicalize them.. as intellectually deep as a puddle.
I didn’t vote for this.
If no response = consent, then I respond, vote is NO!
We all know through history what happens when tyrannical governments disarm their law abiding citizens.
The government started a fight with the most law abiding citizens over a gun purchased the United States and a stolen pistol. This needs to end now.
Bill’s ear bud is connected directly to Gerald Butt’s office.
Philip Manning wrong.. Blair’s ear bud is connected to Butts’ butt.
Welcome in Trudeau’s Liberals dystopia
We must stand up to this unlawful and unjust abuse of power by our wannabe dictator that admires the dictatorship of the CCP!
this Bill Blair guy makes legal firearm owners in Canada sound like criminals.
So many lies spewed by this P.O.S. Go after the criminals who will never be bothered by this 2 years gun ban. Criminals do not care about laws. Fun fact is that I never used my AR except for it’s only purpose; shooting range.
Bill Blair is a disgrace to Canadians. This Liberal government is the absolute worst government in Canadian political history.
The propaganda is strong with this one,
Fu Blair
The lack of logic in this interview is astounding.
Bill Blair is a liar. How could somebody like that ever become a Chief of Police. He is disgusting!!!
Because he toes the party line, that’s how!!