Highland Park parade shooting suspect Robert “Bobby” E. Crimo III planned the attack that killed at least six people in the Illinois city over a few weeks, according to police. #CNN #News
Shooting suspect disguised himself in women’s clothing, planned attack for weeks, police say

Amazing how the cops were able to take him in alive without fearing for their lives.
@big D Their job is to calm the situation maybe but they’re still human and if you treat them like crap they will respond. Cops are only Human and they have emotions just like the emotion that seems to come from black people. Keep that in mind if you’re stopped by a police office just talked to them normally and without all the attitude I’ve seen so many cases on here where a black person is getting stopped for a traffic ticket and they won’t even put down the window and the start arguing with the cop through the window stating I don’t have to do what you tell me you only stop me because i’m black even though they committed a traffic violation. Should cops not stop any black people for traffic violations and only stop other races?
@big D If your a white person in beverly hills it’s not about the skin color but about economic privilege. People seem to show more respect to people who have more money than poor people who have nothing. Question: Do you think cops treat poor white people like white trash with respect no they treat them like crap. There’s economic privilege here in America. And people get that confused with skin color privilege.
@D S in about 20 percent of cases maybe but the is hiring you can’t hire an officer that never been around other races and religious people when I was younger I never had a white friend my best friend was Chinese all the rest black or Hispanic I didn’t really have to be in tight quarters with a white person until I went to a boys home where the rules was you bunk where you get assigned we ended up being cool but I I never experienced that I wouldn’t know how white people act what they music there lingo what I’m saying is it doesn’t make a person racist because they haven’t hung out with other races but it makes it harder to do a job where on a daily bases you will come across different backgrounds you can’t hire a person in PD and his family was known kkk leaders and members you just can’t
This Deputy Chief did a good job in this Q&A session with press. He repeated the questions that were difficult to hear prior to answering them. He was very informed about the case, and gave information in an objective and methodical fashion.
@Intime Oflilacs He’s not from the police department. He’s from the Lake County Sheriff’s Office.
@L Moroz You know, IF he had been required to attend 8hrs of mandatory gun safety training, he likely would have set off alarm bells to his instructors. Even if family members report suspicious talk regarding a defendant, the PDs can’t do much.
@Time Forchange He answered the question. Perhaps, you need to rewatch the video
@TOMO You want to equate real life in the US with japanese cartoons? Whatever dude
@B Bodziak Thank you for your reply!

yes! In fact, there are Japanese ninja schools in different parts of the United States, with FBI agents, CIA intelligence agencies, US military personnel, and Pentagon officials participating in special training at ninja schools.

“He planned this for weeks”….drops rifle purchased under his name at the crime scene. Thank God for his stupidity at least…
@Jerry Polverino exactly. It’s never the fault of the “responsible” gun owners. It’s never because guns are easy to get, it’s never because laws are to weak, punishment is weak, no its always because they were “crazy” or “evil”….never because they had guns though.
@Roger Smith
he was cappin’
for sure!
she, planned
Now this is an officer who is professional, and knows how to speak to journalists. Good thing he is taking charge.
Pretty talk don’t stop mass killings!
@Travel Crawl Trump live rent free in ur head,

, yall have an incompetent president rn. Politics is creating too much tension in yall country.
@J Hillybackyard I agree but it’s too bad he has the goofy accent..what a good looking man though!
Between Chicago(68shot 8 killed) and New York City(4 dead 51 shot) and this parade shooting(6 killed over 40 hospitalized) Democrats injured or killed over 100 people this weekend alone
What’s sad is that our society seems to be producing more of these monsters who have no conscience.
@Chingo Mandinguez His daddy’s a die hard Trunt enthusiast. So, no.
@Retired AF CE You said he’s “a transgender” with felonies like both were illegal. That’s where I got that.
The cia is really good at making these monsters
The police usually only know as much information as other people have provided to them. Social Media is HUGE and the police have no means to monitor EVERYTHING that’s posted. The public, in general, have to speak up when they see disturbing things online and notify authorities. The police can’t do everything. They need help from us.
They sure be gunning down unarmed Black folks with impunity! But they are kind and gentle to the real killers!
@TRuth The Black That’s the truth
@TRuth The Black yeah but those people deserve it.
@Senor Spielbergo Really it seems more like the family failed. They didn’t press charges when he made the threats against people. The father later sponsored (signed off on) an FOID card for him that allowed him to buy firearms and ammo legally. Who would do that for someone with his history of no only threats bit threats of suicide? There were failures on multiple levels that took place with this.
It’s just one of many horrible things happening two often. The first response team did a good job.And thanks to the police involved in there job.
1 Michael T Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
Exceptionally articulate and knowledgeable Highland Park Polic Communications Officer!
Yeah, the whole team down there police station are terrific and dedicated officers. No doubt in my mind the guy was going to be caught quickly.
He’s not from the Highland Park Police Department. He’s from the Lake County Sheriff’s Office.
@Howard Luken That is incorrect. His LinkedIn profile states he’s been with Lake County for 12 years, 4 months. He started as Deputy Sheriff – Patrol. He was Sheriff’s Office Spokesman for 7 years.
@RaymondHng Excellent fact checking… We need more of this in cyberspace and the blogosphere!
This guy is great at these briefings. Covers almost all of the relevant facts and is able to think on his feet and handle questions without deflecting.
Well they didn’t shoot the monster 60 times, so yea good job!
you did an excellent job with all the questions that the media wanted answered I commend you no stuttering or BS I commend you
@X V True!
Last fight https://youtu.be/dpoFCCQYllw
He was Sheriff’s Office Spokesman for 7 years.
“Dressed as a woman.” “Mingled with the crowd to initially escape.” Man! armed Law Abiding Citizens (“Bought his weapons legally.”) are getting smarter at killing sprees. I just feel for the ones who lost their loved ones to this kind of people
@Greg Maybe because they apprehended the shooter so soon?
@BunzeeBear you are right it was but even so I feel like people will use that as a reason to hurt others and I just hope not since we don’t need so much violence
@Beach girl exactly
@Beach girl why is always people who don’t own guns think they know everything about them ?

But the officer doesn’t want to say she identified as a woman
It’s crazy to me how when I saw this had happened my initial thought wasn’t shock but more of “dang another one happened”. I just realized as horrible and sad as this is, I think I’m actually becoming desensitized to this madness. It’s just a bizarre realization I had and it’s sad…
@Amelinda TOEIC cringe
I think that’s a normal reaction. It’s good that you realize it because we can’t turn apathetic to this nightmare.
We need to talk to our children and explain that if I say run you run with me you don’t ask why you don’t look back you run and we hide. It’s sad but I think a lot more parents need to have that talk, you just never know when something like this can happen
These police did a really good job with this entire horrid situation.
Last fight https://youtu.be/dpoFCCQYllw
They literally responded to a prior incident where he had threatened to go on a killing spree (armed) and did nothing. They just let him go, and guess what? He did what he said he would yesterday. Those officers could have done literally anything to prevent this but they didn’t. The police who STOPPED him were brave though, for, you know, doing their jobs.
and Im sure you do a fabulous job as well JEM Ma
They managed to let him go several times beforehand, so yes. Das right gurl.
Hard to get a county sheriff speaking so well in front of the press.
Because he’s from Lake County. We are proud of our dedicated and educated officers.
@EPA 234 Footage lol all same. 36th street was last 1 lol. Drill gone live with actors
@EPA 234 my own eyes lol all actors camera men always on site lol same at 36th street subway ACT LOL
He was Sheriff’s Office Spokesman for 7 years.
Great interview by the way! This officer did a great job. Really makes Uvalde police look incompetent unfortunately.
They made themselves look truly incompetent all on their own. Will say this man was well spoken and informed.
damn right,,uvalde did covering up ..saving there asses
Last fight https://youtu.be/u244gu7o5ys
He’s not from the police department. He’s from the Lake County Sheriff’s Office. He was Sheriff’s Office Spokesman for 7 years.
I appreciate the officer saying
“The firearms were purchased legally”
**sits back and waits for the comments**
Just exercising his right to bear arms. It’s 100% legal until about 0.1 seconds before an innocent mother, father, brother, daughter or …… dies.
Yeah what is the NRA screaming now?
Last fight https://youtu.be/3RVEXAp6PuU
He knew what he was doing. You have to have some amount of awareness of your actions to plan this for weeks and disguise yourself as a woman to escape. He isn’t crazy or mentally impaired; he is evil.
Agreed AND our laws made it quite easy for him to do it
They all know what they are doing! What even is your point?
I love the way this officer composed himself during this press conference. Great job. Very professional.
Sad thing is this will happen again next week and the week after and we will continue to offer our condolences and moments of silence….
1 Eric So Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
It’s been over 24 hours. I’m sure it has already happened again. It’s a daily routine in this country sadly.
I can see how this guy got his job… he’s listening to what everyone is saying and he’s answering each question very well and seems very patient here
He was Sheriff’s Office Spokesman for 7 years.