Council on Foreign Relations President Richard Haass discusses global reactions to the first presidential debate, calling the event 'a qualitative deterioration' of America's image abroad. Aired on 09/30/2020.
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Shock And Dismay: International Reactions To The First Trump-Biden Debate | Ayman Mohyeldin | MSNBC
Trump totally embarrassed this country last night! No wonder the world keeps laughing at Trump!
Lan Evans afraid of trump?

@Lana Kahl November 22: Trump wins by 276 electoral college votes…. despite losing the popular vote… Good god. What are we gonna do then !
It’s concerning to see that people still think that Joe it’s just fine. Both guys are a joke, stop lying to yourselves. We are in serious trouble for that.
As MSNBC wrote it: “Trump BULLDOZED over Biden”.
America wants an ALPHA-MALE like Trump to oppose America’s Enemies, & NOT “beta-male Biden” to be their doormat. BOO-HOO-HOO that Biden was OVERWHELMED & out of his depth..and America saw it ALL
@Suzy Feria Biden Harris are far better than trump pence. I would vote for Rocky and Bullwinkle o
Trump was a toddler who missed his nap and found trump jrs cocaine stash. The United States of Embarrassment since 2016.

@Fun Stuff But he doesn’t owe $400+million to foreign banks. Talk about compromised.
@Fun Stuff lol, ur here to troll i see, next thing u will say it was “biden” who wouldnt denounce white supremacist
@Fun Stuff hurry, get to a doctor, you’re losing your eyesight and hearing.
@UCJykkU90a7PlKseHpD44Oqw fake news. move along.
@Fun Stuff wrong. Return your Trump money back to him so he can pay the rest of his taxes. It’s okay, we won’t tell on you.
Trump is vile…we as Americans really deserve much better than this
I’m utterly disgusted
@Buchi Chu The American people did nothing. The rigged 2 party system, in particular, the DNC, did that. Abolish the 2 party system, Abolish the electoral college. 1 person 1 vote
For generations you’ve allowed your education system to fail. This is what you get as a result.
VOTE Biden in November and get the FAKE President out of the White House NOW!! Trump must GO!!!!
@Aunchient Pistol “the American people did nothing.”
That’s literally my point. You whine and tweet and even protest (now that you have time) but you DO nothing.
@Peta C apparently it only adversley affects republicans. I got the same education as my moronic trump voting peers. It’s society. A society that craps on teachers while suckng at the teat of Fox and ilkkk.
US needs a real democraty, not this system with a president who got 2 mill. less votes than the opponet. No wonder so many don’t vote.
Don’t forget that the Republican Senators represent 153 million Americans (based on the populations of the states they represent) versus 168 million Americans represented by Democratic Senators. Furthermore, Puerto Rico and DC are not represented in the Senate at all. It’s time to stop pretending, we have a minority rule system.
@CShield Precisely. Not a pure democracy where mob rule steps on the necks of the minority.
@zeppo shemp Why is it that you uneducated idiots don’t understand that “democracy” and “republic” are effectively the same thing..? Go to school, fool.
True democracy will only end in chaos.
@David Druckman I do think your answer prove my point.
45 senators to represent 168 million
2 independent
53 senators representing 153 million.
Thats also minority rule in my eyes.
Less people with more senators.
I’m not realy sure a did a correct count, it’s late here and I am a bit tired.
Last night’s “debate” wasn’t a reflection on our Democratic system, our political “model.” It was a demonstration of one of the effects that freedom of speech, freedom of expression has on exposing a narcissistic, xenophobic and misogynistic BULLY of a Con Artist.
“Sunlight is the best detergent.”
That’s the point. A petulant whiny charlatan will THRIVE in an environment that doesn’t allow such people to display themselves to the World on National television, commercial-free lol even my 73 year old Trump-loving father-in-law complained this morning about how absolutely EMBARRASSING Trump’s behavior was, in front of not only the voting public, but the entire GLOBE.
I’m telling you; Give him enough rope and he’ll hang HIMSELF with it! If Democracy dies in darkness, LET THE SUN SHINE IN!
Sorry, its definitely a reflection on your system. That’s why we all watched
I fully agreed. It was his poor performance in the covid tasks force briefings and all the backlash he got for the way he talked that made him stop them. People got a look at the real Donald and he had to stop that from happening
Trump has turned We the people into, them and us.
Rich and poor
@Brian Effler no, it’s more white against non-white.
@Miel Mani nah I don’t believe that
@Brian Effler I think that’s what it actually is, though not everyone has caught up to the realization yet. It’s the poverty bit that fuels racial tensions most of all.
The truth of it all is becoming so evident, Russian brilliance at it’s best… What they’ve managed to guide us to do to ourselves.
Each vote is precious now. Vote Trump out in a landslide.
I vowed not to watch or listen to any debate. I listened to a few, and I do mean, few minutes of the first debate. Honestly, Trump all but stamped his feet and lay down on the floor and pounded his fists. I heard today (9-30-20) that the sponsors of the next two debates are considering cutting off the mike of any candidate who doesn’t play by the rules. Considering?! What’s to consider?
@Gary Kerns – Have them in sound proof booths too.
@Kath Casey Yeah! No disagreement there
Kath Casey – that is SERIOUSLY a good idea!
@Kath Casey In Trump’s case can you make his booth both soundproof and air tight?
It wasn’t a shock. America’s reputation is in the toilet, and the debate just confirms it. The rest of the world just can’t respect America’s leadership anymore. It is what it is.
What leadership??
The world laughs at the USA
@quiktri1 After they finish laughing in hysterical terror, we can get on with the part where we all cry uncontrollably together. Just worldwide sobbing, by 2021.
I rather take my chances with Biden and Harris over this dictator or clown.
# me too
Because of this President, the US is a global laughing stock! We deserve it!!
@Noah Spurrier stop acting like the electorate isn’t the problem. the politicians are only a reflection of those who elect them.
Nuclear Disarmament and Trade Sanctions should be required as your country employs children to be in charge
The electoral college is an excuse
@Nifty Ab72 And that’s what will start WW3. Dumb third-world country with nukes who puts all their money into their military and weapons and you think they’ll just hand it over? I think we should all fear an America off its leash.
Only about half of the American population deserve it. The ones that vote for Trump, they deserve to go down with their cult-leader, not the rest of the population.
Trump is a poison slowly and insidiously killing the United States of America. Will November be the antidote or the lethal injection?
R H They think we can easily bribes! Kamala Harris picked a Chinese name and every Chinese voted for her in Cali. That’s not how the Chinese American’s political involvement should be.
@chenzhuo li you’re so right. As Kamala was literally sliding out the womb she was like “YO MA, NAME ME KAMALA”
Anthony Total hypocrite. I don’t care if Trump wins, but Kamala Harris has to lose.
Anthony Biden’s fine but again, he’s bland. Trump has his style so he is much preferred.
Anthony I don’t care about exact policies since both parties does not make any difference, both have deep philosophy that I agree with. But it is always glad to see dem’s spiritual superiority gets grappled time after time.
What Donald Trump has done is: taken a baseball bat to Americas knees, and handed allies over to Putin.
Anyone who was shocked or surprised of Trump’s adolescent behavior during the debate… evidently have not been watching reality Trump WH tv..
Canada thinks the border should stay closed just to keep Trump out.
Don’t worry, Canada. We’re gonna put Trump in prison next year.
Canadian here. Been asking for a wall long before this pandemic. You’ve proven me right.
@Tessmage Tessera God I hope so. While many Americans don’t give Canada a second thought, we know how important our two countries are to each other. The US sneezes Canada catches a cold.
C S Canada has already caught that cold in the right wing politicians who are echoing trumpian style tactics to get elected to office. It’s how we got Doug Ford and even offered Sloan the platform to run as a valid candidate. Look at Alberta. In the very near future this is going to contribute to the next world war. The experiment is over and we are all screwed because of the selfish desires of those in power.
Sadly like Vancouver, I believe that everyone of our boarders should be walled,it’s sad that one person could be the final brick,
We heard “Trump was a national disgrace” many times. Trump did not know that.
Donald Trump is not a leader and will never be democracy is dead under Donald…
Trump was clearly the ONLY ONE who wouldn’t let ANYONE TALK and was acting like a mad man on speed. He’s terrified bc if he doesn’t win this election he’s going to jail
It was tragic. Trump is not well. He is grossly unfit to be the president of the United States.
As MSNBC wrote it: “Trump BULLDOZED over Biden”.
America wants an ALPHA-MALE like Trump to oppose America’s Enemies, & NOT “beta-male Biden” to be their doormat. BOO-HOO-HOO that Biden was OVERWHELMED & out of his depth..and America saw it ALL
You mean the Ununited States
…said, Obama.
@statesmanuel the people that were the happiest with trump’s performance were the USA’s enemies. China just called it as it was for them- trump produced a 90 minute pro-communism commercial for them.
@statesmanuel Trolling on the internet is very “beta”.
The world can not believe why America is allowing this to happen. A moron destroying the United States of America.