Shifting Demographics Reveal New South, As Activists Turn Out Voters Of Color | MSNBC

Latino voters and black male voters are increasing their turnout in Georgia and beyond thanks to the efforts of these activists and more, as shifting demographics reveal a new South. » Subscribe to MSNBC:

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Shifting Demographics Reveal New South, As Activists Turn Out Voters Of Color | MSNBC


  1. Tiffany brought up excellent points and very relevant guests, really enjoyed this segment and the entire show 👏

    1. Exactly! Thank you! Hold the corrupt politicians who have gained 10-20 times their salary accountable. We’ll start with the left.

    2. @RK1916 Wouldn’t that depend on how they made their extra money? For example, if I write a book and it sells well that’s OK. If I’m putting election funds in my pocket that’s not OK?

    3. @RK1916 The wealthiest people in Congress are Republicans. There are a lot of wealthy Democrats too, but the wealthiest are Republicans.

      So, if your goal is to get rid of rich people in Congress then why are you starting with the left? Sounds to me like you are just playing party politics again and aren’t really interested in getting money out of politics.

    4. People will always vote against their own interests cause they will always be seduced with their fear and their hatred. That’s why the Republicans will win in Georgia. Hate and fear are always stronger than love and courage.

    5. Somebody needs to do something all shenanigans scamming promoting violence pardon criminals and killers need to be looked into and held accountable

    1. Look at this 👆 bot/troll account–joined YouTube 2 weeks ago to support Trump and Republicans. The influx of these disinformation-spreading fakes should tell real Americans everything they need to know about the GOP.

    2. @Carolyn Talbot I can’t join YouTube and have an opinion about my country? That’s very democratic of you LOL

  2. Also, the mass exodus of California residents who lean liberal are moving to traditionally Republican States, especially Texas.

    1. @Steven Fry I can’t tell if you are a Trump supporter or not. Trump won Texas. Are you saying it still isn’t lost to Biden and we need to do a recount of Texas?

      I mean, none of that matters because the election is over. I am just interested in what you are trying to say.

    2. @Jason Hatfield Yes, Biden did lose Texas by 600k votes, but that’s because, like always, Mexicans didn’t vote, at least not nearly in proportion to their potential voting strength. And far too many of those who did, voted for tRump. For some mysterious reason Mexicans just DON’T VOTE, and I’m not talking about the undocumented ones – I’m referring to citizens, those who are legal and are thus, qualified to vote. When it comes to politics and Civil Rights issues Mexicans are just too doggone passive and apathetic. They don’t fight hard enough and don’t engage deep enough in the political process for their own betterment. If they did, the issue of immigration couldn’t be used as a Republican billy club the way that it is.

      For some time now Mexicans have had the demographic numbers that could enable them to be the absolute deciding factor in most elections in several States, and with a serious effort they could actually control the whole political process throughout the Southwest USA if they would only go to the polls and vote. Texas would have LONG ago flipped from Red to a Blue State if eligible Mexicans would just VOTE – and vote for the Party and Candidates who would fight for them, advance their causes, and work in their best interests….which would, of course, be the Democratic Party.

  3. Vote Big Georgia! Vote Democrats for Senate, Rev. Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff !! Be America’s heroes! Make the Senate play fair!

    1. @Frail Bones Biden you’ve given all your money to the corporations, forced to work for peanuts in unsafe conditions with the spectre of hunger and homelessness just around the corner. Your priorities are f’n jumbled like a fox news cast

    2. @Steven Fry The United States of America is an independent nation.We need to keep it that way. Beijing Biden and his Billionaire Puppet masters will change foreign policies to that of Globalization. Globalization will bring us down, many decades we’ve enriched foreign industry at the expense of American industry.We’ve made other countries rich while the wealth and strength of our country has disappeared.The wealth of our middle class has been ripped from the homes and then redistributed across the world.

    3. @Frail Bones Biden when has a democrat ever tried to take any of those items away…the same lie you used with Obama ….who actually allowed the assault weapons ban end …so stfu…moron…

    4. @Lawrence Harris it’s been ripped from your wallets and given to corporations to help ‘stimulate’ them. Your socialist republicans just forgot about the people in their wealth distribution plan. Globalization is the death of free society and the rise of the corporate plutocracy. Wonder how man GOP are sitting on the boards of these globalist companies that put profit over people? Who wants to reigne in corporate greed, those you call radical leftists? Sounds like you support less corp and more people power

  4. It’s funny how whenever there is a high turnout the party of hate, division, and the KKK’s favorite party loses!😊

    1. Look at these bot/troll accounts like “Trap Daddy”–joined YouTube 2 weeks ago to support Trump and Republicans. The influx of these disinformation-spreading fakes should tell real Americans everything they need to know about the GOP.

    2. @Carolyn Talbot How about them stores being looted, cities in flames, innocent civilians being beaten to a pulp, carjackings, pure lawlessness. Typical excuses being made by you and your followers.

    1. Back to the people??? 😒 You mean lockdowns, destroying small businesses and restaurants, keeping corporations and foreign countries happy. Sure, the people.

    1. @Frail Bones Biden Don the Con’s worthless travel ban let in over 400K people from China before it was enacted and over 40K after and then only applied to foreign nationals (the Xenophobic part). It was a full month later that he put in place a similar partial travel “ban” from Europe. The NY outbreak was from the European strain of Covid. The travel ban did nothing to stop the virus as it was already here. Biden never proposed doing nothing, so the 2M dead that was estimated for doing nothing is more of a Don the Con “I always liked to play it down”, “it’s a hoax”, “I’m not going wear a mask”, “don’t let it dominate you”, herd immunity thing.
      Don the Con’s enacting his travel “ban” after 100K’s of people that may have been exposed return to the US is like locking the doors to an apartment building that’s on fire, trapping the residents inside and hoping that the fire will go out on it’s own.
      Your comment once again proves Don the Con really has a type. When he said “I love the poorly educated (aka morons)”, he knew as grifter he’d found the perfect dimwitted illiterate marks. You are the backend of Don the Con’s human centipede and when all you consume is BS then all you produce is BS.

    2. @Suomy Nona Dr. Fauci said Trump’s travel ban saved lives but you know better! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Biden was against travel bans and said that preventing the coronavirus is xenophobic! Just like Dementia Joe you learned about roaches by having kids rub your hairy legs and jump on your lap but I don’t consider that much of a education! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Dementia Joe broke his foot while he was naked chasing his dog’s tail! Do you really need Biden to tell you that you are a MORON! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    3. @Frail Bones Biden First, there’s no such law. Second, you can require them to quarantine. Super spreader Don the Con let them roam freely. You know… cuz free dumb.
      It seems I’m really upsetting you. Try having someone tighten the straps on your straight jacket. 🤣

    4. @Suomy Nona Trump was angry that people came in and not quarantined but not even the president controls and oversees everything! You really think Dementia Joe Kid Touch can do better? 2 million Americans would have died from Cuomo-19 under Dementia Joe Kid Touch and that would have been a long time ago the numbers would be much higher now! This is a REAL LINK #bidentouchingkids you are just garbage!

  5. The one positive thing that Trump has done for America was to expose the republican party for what they are. I live in Michigan, and the I view the republicans as trying to steal my vote, and the more than 155,000 Michiganders that voted for Biden over Trump. I view them as attempting a coup and usurping a legitimate election, and they must be held accountable for their actions.

    1. I’m a Wisconsinite and I feel exactly the same way! These Trumpublican politicians all know the voter fraud claims are all big fat lies, but they still go alone with Trump’s grift for their own self-serving gluttony of power!!! They should all be relieved from their positions in Congress and charged with sedition/treason!!!

    2. @ByeDon Twenty20 , I lived in Wisconsin for 35 years and the last decent republican was Tommy Thompson. I believe in a strong two party system where both parties are healthy and sane, and the GOP is neither healthy or sane.

    3. I’m a Floridian, and I know that they threw all their political eggs into this basket because we are the swing state with the most electoral votes. With DeSantis’ wink and nod, they registered hundreds of thousands of non-Floridian voters to cast ballots in this state. They ran targeted ads to assuage the Republican voters in the state who got upset about individual 1’s bashing of vote by mail (Floridians have been voting by mail for years), and even sent postcards to registered Republican voters urging them to vote by mail! They’re butt hurt because their strategy did not work. Florida’s 29 electoral votes didn’t put them over the top, and they royally pizzed off the voters who actually _do_ live here with their antics of having non-Floridians vote in our election.

    4. Those are not Republcan’s, those are imposters posing as Republcan’s. Republcan’s put Country First!

  6. 349000 death and the republican party is still trying to save themselfs. This is brutal and i hope YOU AMERICANS WILL ACT against the traitors of your country.

    1. @James Madison WELL, if you see the clip, u may find the answer there! So fact check as every republican seems to do? NOT

    2. Paul Soy, Biden was against travel bans and said that preventing the coronavirus is xenophobic,while Trump made travel bans! Its estimated that over 2 million Americans would have died from Cuomo-19 under Dementia Joe Kid Touch!

    3. @Frail Bones Biden You talk about a person that downplayed the virus and said it would go away. If he reacted earlier and mayby saved 10%, it would be almost 39000 persons. And what do he do now, complain and playing golf.

  7. Im glad they’re protesting , he’s protesting , he protested us needy one’s out of a large portion of help we desperately need , Stimulus !!! And he’s happy about it !! 🖤🖤 devil .

  8. VOTE 💙💙💙💙💯 as if your life depended on it.
    If not Mitch Mcconnell will Screw the Country Over
    Blocking Everything.

    1. Hunter’s laptop has evidence of all the crimes of the Beijing Biden Crime Family.They rank up there with Al Capone ,Influence Peddling,Tax Evasion and Money Laundering.Beijing Biden didn’t start receiving money from China until after he became Vice President then he opened up the faucet. We need a special counsel.

    2. @D11Dozer Beijing Biden’s Cocaine,Influence Peddling,Tax Evasion and Money Laundering makes for good novel.

  9. I know, I know, I know times are changin’
    It’s time we all reach out for something new,
    Georgia turn purple rain into blue sky

  10. I love the approach of using Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs!! That’s getting to the bottom line of helping motivate people. GO Georgia!!!

  11. “Information can tell us everything. It has all the answers. But these are answers to questions that we did not ask, and which probably don’t even arise.”

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