At least one person is dead and four are critically injured after a shooting at a church in Laguna Woods, California, according to the Orange County Sheriff's Department. CNN's Camila Bernal has more on how churchgoers stopped the suspect from potentially harming more people. #CNN #News
Sheriff gives details of what churchgoers did to shooting suspect

Something seriously wrong with America.
@Stephen Jordan it’s called the heart of a man you’re deceived
@Alan Dewhirst the heart complexion is the same and is the most wicked a deceitful above all I say black and white has issue’s ooin
@okcool Ordering my groceries online
@Cruz Varela I will every time he opens his funny shaped mouth
How the hell do you shoot a 92 year old?
That is just pure evil.
Never let him out from jail….
The shooter himself was a senior citizen
I don’t know. The Poway synagogue shooter killed a 60 year old woman. And then was disarmed by the 60 year old rabbi, who had a couple of fingers shot off each hand, in the struggle. Saying these shooters are sick, is an understatement.
The gunman was from Taiwan.
Don’t screw with seniors.
Sounds like my neighbors.
Hatred is a learned behavior, it’s not inherent.
We live right up the road in Aliso Viejo and we were at the park when this unfortunate incident happened… There were suddenly a massive explosion of OC Sheriffs, fire trucks and paramedics zooming past for and I’m not even joking, a good 20 mins. Then the helicopters started to arrive. We were oblivious of course until about an hour later when we saw it on our phones. Things like this don’t happen to our neighborhoods! Especially in affectionately called, Leisure World!
What’s even more strange, the Costal Fire that broke out a few days ago that burned all those expensive homes was in Laguna Niguel, is just up the road from us in Aliso Viejo. (We could walk to it) Seems like we’re being hit on every side recently!
Same here neighbor live in vantis apartments
@Beatrice Britt so if the majority of car accidents happen on the freeway, somehow it will happen on my dirt road too?
@Bob Cob yes, accidents was happening on dirt roads before highways was paved.
Last fight
@Rene Miranda Lol, we’re at City Lights!
What’s this country coming to these days where we Americans can’t even feel safe going to Church or anywhere else? Honestly I’m really thinking about buying a bulletproof vest.
Why assault riffles Republicans seem to love go through them!
We feel safe going to church here in Texas. Californians get what they voted for, not surprising.
“Legacy Americans” Take Note : of the courage displayed by a bunch of over-aged ” immigrants “.
Last fight
Also helps that Taiwanese had mandatory military service.
@feereel African were explorers to the Americas long before any Europeans, The Songhai empire is one of many who traveled to various places before the Europeans, It is unfortunate but nothing is really taught about African Empires and their reign.
A weird, sad, and senseless act of hate.
@Alexander Zapata you got a crush on biden or something? Theres many other places where you can talk about your imaginary boyfriend biden for as long as you like.
Another one
@Alexander Zapata Do you have a soul? Do you understand proper etiquette? Do you understand that the adults are talking n we have no use for you or your irrelevant comments. Go to Truth Social or something, we have no use for you here
Last fight
You Can Become What You Yourself Digest.
Every single Taiwanese male has required military service when they turn 18, can be deferred some for school. Not entirely surprising that many of them knew it was better to attack the gunman than to run. Regardless, very brave move for senior citizens.
@TheZSquaredMusic Taiwan is the province of China.
Observing from these comments… this is how the world learns that the HISTORY class went wrong in China
Taiwan is Taiwan; China is China. They are two different countries leaded by two different presidents, and there are two VERY different governments. Btw, the gunman is an immigrant from China.
@Ann An Taiwan is a sovereign nation.
Obviously, the shooter Taiwanese wasn’t trained very well so that he was caught by other Taiwanese. Church shooting happened between Taiwanese.
This shows that if a community thinks behaves and acts together in unison not even a gunman can stop them
A person with a gun can stop them.
Last fight
Sorry but I would’ve secured my position in hell by accidentally leaving him face down in a post mortem baptism. I get that you mean a targeted attack but making people fear the place they feel safest is as hateful as it gets. I’m not religious but I find this amongst the sickest acts these domestic terrorists commit. Especially at a point in time where faith for many is tenuous at best due to everything going on around the world.
I agree.
@jbknight311 If things weren’t in this state I’d rationalize against carrying a gun in a church but given the state of the country good men like you need to be able to interject.
Last fight
“People shouldn’t be afraid
To learn about other people
And other cultures”
-Tatewin Means, Dakota, Planet Earth
Oh America… It’s like watching someone shooting itself in the foot over and over and over and over again and still being surprised by the outcome.
So Americans have to be afraid of going shopping and to church? “Hey, honey, I’m going to the store and afterwards to church. I might not make it back alive. Wish me luck.” Crazy.
1 TrixiLovesYou Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
@Karnov Talonhawk Sorry but your BS don’t cut it. Australia multiracial = hahahhaah. I have a buddy who has several cousins from Australia and they have been to USA twice and I drank beer with them both times, so tell me about. hahahah OMG RU 4 real?
@Karnov Talonhawk gday mate it’s a shame about Shane Warne mate , , I love cricket
1 Jean-C Hor Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
Saved not a good guy with a gun, just some good people. Its not more guns thag are needed, more good people.
Hold the media and politicians accountable for creating these monsters.
Nailed it. Enforce current laws and write new ones. I’m sure the EU and most of the world would act as one on this issue. Stop the hate or crash and burn the internet down.
1 Brandon Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
Well done, church goers. Sorry for your loss.
1 Lost Pony Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
Thank you, the whole CNN team for your consistently awesome reporting! Much love and respect from Russia!