Longtime chief news anchor and Trump critic Shep Smith abruptly announced he was leaving Fox News amid growing tensions within the network over how to cover Trump's impeachment inquiry. Gabriel Sherman tells Ari Melber about the internal frustrations that led to his departure. Aired on 10/11/19.
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Shep Smith Leaves Fox News Amid Growing Tensions Over President Donald Trump | The Last Word | MSNBC
Deep Stater running……
What in the world was Shepard Smith doing working for Fox
15 million
@Ed King and trump is traitor for Russian
No, you need it mixed with different perspectives
Shep was great it was a shock and a great loss for fox I hope he gets a job from CNN
Evil never did like to hear the truth,,,sad
@Benjamin Dover thanks brother lol, no I didn’t actually though, not all us subscribe to the left or the right and have no political agenda, I will NEVER in this life call myself a Democrat or a Republican, you don’t have to choose sides
@Lotus Auer
Actually ,people that are Republicans are because they are for conservative ways.Our allegiance is to Righteousness not a party.Democrats never embraced this the core of their party is serving the God of this world.
This is a clear Righteous vs unrighteous.
@ProudDeplorablePatriot thats hilarious two propaganda networks
@Bruce Boring I always like to challenge people like you (but, I’m sure you won’t take me up on this) to read any Breitbart story…any story at random or any story you choose…and tell me where they have misstated the facts.
Can’t wait to find out the real reason he resigned.
Perhaps they had the goods on him Kevin Spacey style?
Republicans when you mention Bill Barr’s meeting with Murdoch:
Oh stop with the conspiracies already.
Also Republicans: He probably sexually assaulted someone.
Me: Can they really be this dumb?
I am sure he did not leave on his own
His show has dropped ratings because he reports fake news.
Arlene Iarossi I’m sure you don’t know anything about this other than you have a faceless opinions.
@Chris Armstrong because fox viewers dont want the truth they want to be fed lies that uphold their beliefs
Shep Smith “resigns” from Fox one day after Barr pays a visit to Rupert (the big boss) Murdoch… Riiiiiight
@WOJness 12 And that is a lie. Social Conservatives have always been the ones to keep down minorities in this country.
Today the Republican party is filled with almost exclusively old white men while the Democratic party is ethnically diverse.
Nice try with the right winger lies though.
WOJness 12 I ageee with your anti confederate approach, but look at Swirvin Birds comment, he addressed the flip perfectly.
@Hope Constance DYK Trump has dyslexia and quit reading at age 13. His linguistic and cognitive level are also on par with a 13-year-old. Morons are considered 13-years old in their maturity and vocabulary but in an adult body. You can buy homework and test answers. You don’t have to know anything to pass. Misspelling and mispronunciation are common in dyslexics too impatient to learn the corrective measures required to read regularly.
So what is your alternative theory?
Atty. General Barr went to Rupert Murdoch’s home for a private meeting. Let that sink in…
@Tony Balony Bill was never under imvestigation by the Obama administration you doofus..
@t.c. H And this theory is backed up by all the evidence you accumulated while investigating President Trump’s collusion with Russia, right?
@4656superman hilary was moron and that’s her man now why you she meet him maybe they best friends
Shep was great it was a shock and a great loss for fox I hope he gets a job from CNN
This is a battle thats been raging for years now. The “News Division” vs the “Entertainment Division”
@Sky Tek You mean the reality that there’s only two genders and white privilege doesn’t exist? Or the reality that liberals are now hive mind racist yeast infections? I know all about reality.
Michael Swift Donald Trump thinks windmills cause cancer.
Canadian Civilian Do you have anything other than a canned reply?
John Appice but you’re watching
@C P Liberals think milk is racist and door knobs are a gender. If you ask me liberalism IS cancer. It’s brain cancer.
Why is it I’m watching a Fox News story delivered by MSNBC???
Liberal propagandists think this is what America cares about.
Because you choose to….
@Jesus Of Malibu lol
“Tributes” from colleagues truly barf-worthy.
He has already worked out his MSDNC deal!
I hope that you are correct
Props to Smith for staying true to his beliefs. People need to make a living, it’s hard to break from the status quo of a employer. Atleast he didnt become some two faced Megan Kelly
I can barely tell them apart.
Whenever I watched Smith it always felt like I was watching CNN
@Billy3ks Ig Yea there are idiots in both partys. I’m curious how you knew they were conservatives. But yea racists exist. Democrats tend to fear monger off of it and use it politically. Best way to deal with racists is to ignore and ostracize them. Not give them a platform or any legitimacy.
could be drugs
I agree
He’ll be on msnbc in a month
I’m surprised he lasted this long.
When is his scandalous tell all book coming out that will try to destroy what’s left of Fox News?
Good. He’ll feel more at home, if hired at MSNBC or CNN.
Does anyone care less than I do that this schmuck is pounding sand? Adios
Moshe Chaim we all careless about you.
yes fox viewers have a problem with anyone who tells the truth
Good riddance. Couldn’t stand his show.
conservatives dont like the truth they like to be lied to
Fox is no news only gossip and TRUMPIS
a man of integrity in this a time where it really matters