Sheldon Adelson, the chairman and CEO of Las Vegas Sands and a major donor to Republican politicians, died following complications related to his cancer treatment, his company said. He was 87.
Adelson took a leave of absence from Sands last week to resume treatment for non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, which his aides first disclosed in late February 2019.
He rose from a hardscrabble childhood in Boston to become one of the world's richest men as founder and CEO of Las Vegas Sands Corp. (LVS) He was Sands' first employee, which has since grown to 50,000 employees.
"His impact on the industry will be everlasting," the company said. Sands' shares opened slightly higher.
Adelson was born August 4, 1933, in Boston. His father, an immigrant from Lithuania, drove a cab, and his mother, whose family came from Wales, ran a small knitting service. He and his siblings slept on the floor of the family's tenement apartment.
Adelson often touted his rags-to-riches story and his determination to claw his way out of poverty.
At age 12, he was selling newspapers on street corners in Boston. By 16, he had invested in candy machines. After a stint in the Army, he continued to run businesses, selling condominiums, working as a mortgage broker, taking a turn as a venture capitalist.
"Despite being the grandson of a Welsh coal miner and the son of a Boston cab driver, I've had the remarkable experience of being part of almost 50 different businesses in my more than 70-year business career," he wrote in the Washington Post piece touting Trump.
His big break came in the late 1970s, when he launched a computer trade show known as Comdex. He sold it in 1995 for nearly $900 million, parlaying that convention business into a casino empire that comprises the properties in Asia, and the upscale Venetian and Palazzo resorts in Las Vegas. His venture became the world's largest casino company.
His properties ranged from the opulent Venetian casino resort in Las Vegas, where visitors can ride in gondolas, to a string of lucrative casinos in the Chinese gambling enclave of Macao.
In October 2020, the company told multiple outlets that it was in "very early discussions" about a possible sale of its Las Vegas properties. He sold Sands Bethlehem in Pennsylvania in 2019.
In person, Adelson was instantly recognizable for his thinning patch of bright red hair and the electric scooter he rode everywhere. He suffered from peripheral neuropathy, a condition that made walking difficult.
Calling his achievements in the hospitality industry "well-documented," the company said that Adelson's vision "transformed the industry, changed the trajectory of the company he founded, and reimagined tourism" in Las Vegas, Macao and Singapore.
#CNN #News
Oh well, he payed for people who support terrorists.
Yes mossad
Ooff wait till you hear about what Obama has done
@Ricardo Gonzales What does.. that.. have to do with anything?
@Caleb Ender Dragon Some people are so stupid that you simply can’t reach them, as is the case with @Mid Mo Guitar Dude. He should take his idol’s advice and inject some drain cleaner to “chase away COVID”.
@Robert Alan Nah, that is correct, repugnicans are more fascist by far, they believe that god should make the country’s laws! Biggest fascist there is!
R.I.P. GOP sugar daddy. Their party is officially done.
@Robert Alan
I do not look at goblin men, I do not buy your fruits: Who knows upon the soil you fed your hungry thirsty roots.
@jeck jeck put the pipe down and stop embarrassing yourself
@Joey Parm
If you say so, Goblin.
Do you honestly think the two party system in anything other than theater? Billionaire oligarchs fund both sides. The working tax payers have no real representation in Washington.
@Robert Alan His work was destroying America from the inside for the benefit of apartheid Israel along with his friends Schumer, John Bolton, McCain, Pelosi, McConnell, Graham, Nadler, and Weinstein.
Look Donald, that’s how it’s done.
Booga booga oooga click click voodoo
Donald does not like to give money away without getting absolute control.
@0 P I think the “thats how its done” comment was more due to this guy successfully running a casino as opposed to trump who ran them all into the ground.
Adelson was not a moral man. He was a racial supremacist. He also said he regretted serving in the American military and wished he served in the idf instead. He was a corrupt billionaire oligarch that used money to influence our foreign policy.
Perfect timing, just as this vile GOP castle comes crumbling down.
@Professor Moriarty ever open a history book and find out what happens to nationalism? It ain’t pretty. keep talking that bullshit and watch the FBI show up at your place.
Andrew Campbell wants his political rivals dead. The true face of a Democrat
@Jared Stevens
Said ‘political rivals’ are literally domestic terrorists. According to the constitution. Andrew is just.
At least he was around long enough to see the republican movement each itself.
That’s disgusting. This is politics. The hatred on here is disgusting
He was a slum lord as well.
See 100 worst landlord list NYC
Satan has a special space for him
A man who made his fortune from the weaknesses of other people – and Evangelicals are okay with it!
They are destined for hell, along with him. And Trump.
You watched too many cartoons, Satan is not in charge of Hell.
Oh no, but bribery is legal in the US. Poor GOP who will miss out on their bribes to sway legislation. Sad.
Incorrect. His wife will take up the mantle. And there is a Super PAC he created that will continue the work.
@Robert Alan
May she follow her husband; Fingers crossed.
Don’t worry soros has the democrats
Ttis that
oh wow
@Diego A Yep. People are so blind to the real way things are run. Billionaire oligarchs fund both sides.
@David Sisneroz the Israel lobby controls both parties
@jeck jeckHow do you know this fact not in evidence
@David Sisneroz he believed the GOP would protect Israel at all costs bc of the Evangelicals in the GOP and what they believe.
@Lionel Jaftha
It’s a common knowledge; Like sky being blue, and conservatives being liars.
@jeck jeck Sorry bro. Responded to the wrong person. With you all the way. Forgive
I hope he is not too hot.
Just kidding. Hope it is really hot.
I don’t think they believe in a hell in the Christan sense
@Professor Moriarty To be fair, no one should believe in the abrahamic hell. It’s sadistic to do so.
@Professor Moriarty no Christians believe in hell
Ytis that
oh wow
Finally now we’re just waiting on the last Koch brother
@Riley K far far far from it hahah. He isn’t American. He has zero clue how this country works just like I have zero clue (and I don’t care) how his weak country of sweden works
How’s he doing? Did he get the vaccine? Hope not
And hopefully that’ll be soon…….
The Mercers need to go too!! Another evil family!
@Debbie DeVore they’re really really bad.
The Republican Terrorist Party just lost their “Honey Pot”.
@Robert Alan Yes shes equally wile person … then again why not just cash in , $4 billion is plenty for rest of her life … $200 mil a year , whats that $600 k a day to spend .
@I am White
YouTube doesn’t make a decision about closing comments. It’s whoever posts the video. Fox” News” closes their comments all the time. Nothing to do with YouTube.
Good riddance.
and thats soo anti semitic of you . dont you know that he is jew ?
@I am White No, brother, no one is afraid of you or MAGA or Trump. You are afforded the right to say and think the most racist, misogynist, bigoted, anti-semitic, Qanon, or other anti-social philosophies. However the legal and constitutional limit on free speech is that you cannot act on your beliefs to harm another discriminate, or promote, facilitate, fund, or in any other way have anyone act on your odious beliefs.
The Anerican military will act to protect the constitution NOT Trump or MAGA.
Anyway it is ironic that people who terrorize others and cancel their speech are ALWAYS the ones to cry the loudest when their own freedom of speech is curtailed. You should remember that “Cancel Culture” is used daily by both the Alt-right and Alt-Left.
ALL the funding is drying up in one week for GOP.
Not so fast. Maybe he left a big stash for the GOP in his inheritance.
No one sane is sad about this
Let’s all celebrate!
Thank you. When Adelson arrived in hell his words were, “hello dad. I’m home.”
Been waiting a long time for this! I suppose they couldn’t get him in to his Michael Jackson oxygen capsule quickly enough?
Who still waiting for their 600 stimulus money Direct Deposit ??
I got my direct deposit on January 2nd
Feels like he made money laudering money for the mob
If there’s any justice, he’s running a roulette wheel in hell…
GOP mob boss’ last words: “Trump is next!”
I’m here to see how many times “Good riddance” has been said
All you have to do is count the overall number of comments – I think they ALL say that.
Has anyone seen the body?
Maybe he helped fund the attempted Trump coup and he has fled to Israel?
I want proof.
Another billionaire who didn’t want to pay taxes, but had 100’s of millions of $$ to buy Republican politicians with.
Adelson just bought loyalty to his beloved Israel.