1. @Terry Tater violent crimes have no bail too, What about ICE detainers they don’t hold violent criminals on too be deported, they’re let go and kill or rape again, same thing as no bail.
      But keep believing what the Democrats tell you rather than your own eyes.
      Why allow people in California too steal up to $950 and just give a citation to appear, no arrest? $15 minimum wage, crime and crap so bad businesses closing, people moving by the thousands out of California, high taxes..etc.
      You’re right about real estate being unaffordable for even $15 an hour people.
      That’s because of BLDG. Codes, corrupt city officials charging to many fees, and bribes just to replace a board on a deck..
      Trust me, the local state governments are corrupt just as bad, more so in Democrat cities & states, so logic should tell people Democrats are more corrupt, some Republicans too but not half as many, the worse cities should tell you that. Look at the corruption investigation in California right now by a U.S. A.G. for city counsel over property at airport.
      I grew up in N.Y., people don’t understand Trump, he’s a Queens guy, Manhattan guys had the money & prestige, Brooklyn guys were the tough guys, and the Queens guys had to have a chip on their shoulders and exaggerate a little. Trump does exaggerate at times, but he’s doing the job, keeping his promises.
      Any failures Trump had in his private life wasn’t because he was a crook, like a casino bankruptcy, it was the people he trusted that screwed him over.
      Were do the millions go to help homeless in Cali? It gets worse because it goes in corrupt officials pockets.
      If California is the model for the rest of the country, than we’re in trouble.

    2. You just can’t help but notice the majority of liberal “males” are BISEXUAL and or HOMOSEXUAL 🤔

    3. @Spearhand I’m not on team Bernie. I felt the “Bern” last time and I didn’t like it. His followers are as fanatical as Trump sycophants, just not as evil. I voted for Bernie in the Primaries but when he lost I voted for Hillary. But the Bernie fanatics didn’t bother to vote and that’s how we ended up with this Trump nightmare and we all got “Berned”. I would like to see a Biden/Warren ticket or Biden/Buttigieg.

    1. salmonline how am I triggered? I’m not the loser threatening to stomp someone. Even though we both know you have never and will never stomp anyone. You’re stuck in a fantasy land pretending to be someone you’re not. Real tough guys don’t make threats on social media.

    2. salmonline see you just keep repeating yourself with the simpleton and trump trash comments. I mean if you’re gonna run your mouth and act like a tough guy please come up with something original. Fake Tough Guy.

    3. Nailed it. -Former Resident (yep y’all heard me, Iowans–P.S. there’s little to no arthritic or inflammatory pain in GA–feel free to see for yourselves.)

  1. When I was young I used to think adults sat down and actually listened to candidates and their policies and how it will impact their lives and their families and neighbors lives. I thought surely they’re adults they have experience they know what they’re doing. Now that I’m much older myself I see that most adults vote like we did as kids when we voted for class president. It’s all about feelings and who you think is most popular. It’s pathetic. Not one single person interviewed brought up a single policy as their reason for supporting a candidate. Not even the Bernie supporter. And that’s why we will continue on doing what we’ve always done.

    1. @Rod Steel It doesn’t matter to me if a Republican or Democrat did the corporate welfare we call a “bailout”. I am against it either way. Your point is moot.

    2. Its because the truth is, most candidates wont be any different in office, most things have to go through congress. And the economy is likely to crash in the next year or two. I just want to know what its like to have a president i really trust.
      BERNIE 2020

    3. Arie I completely agree. If people are at this convention and still don’t know enough to decide, maybe they should go home and let people with issues and spine make the decision.

    1. @alex carter
      Concentration camps???…sucker you’ve been fooled by the same MSM trying to ruin Bernie

    2. Rachel Madison Bernie Sanders stance is no secret towards the apartheid stare of Israel. https://youtu.be/tG2mT7D3GS4
      Bernie Sanders who happens to be Jewish and lived in Israel was consistent on his opinion about the occupied territories of Palestine. Why would USA give billions of dollars from US taxpayer to Israel ? when Israel killed 34 innocent Americans while attacking US liberty in 1967 to make it look like Egypt did it so USA destroys Egypt but Israel was exposed but Lyndon Johnson who was POTUS back then kept top secret so Americans won’t discover who are their true enemies are https://youtu.be/LMzvgCLtCG8

  2. There they go with the “electability” angle…who’s leading in the polls now? Where’s your establishment candidates? Hmmmm CNN, what are your motives here with this story? Play it safe and lose.

    1. Biden is leading nationals and in the 6 most critical states who cares who wins California ? We no they go blue

    2. Uhhh did you miss the last election?? Policy and electability are important! This is how primaries operate, you pick someone based on similar ideas as you and the you pick the “person”. Character, charisma, and relatability are all a part of “electability”. If you disagree then you haven’t paid attention to voters in past elections. Hillary Clinton wasn’t electable…Democratic voters told us that! Establishment Democrats rejected Bernie and chose Clinton instead. Voters responded by voting for 3rd party candidates or not voting at all! She was perceived as having character flaws, she didnt have much charisma, and people couldn’t relate to her.
      Trump had electability. He had charisma, voters saw him as a man of character (that still puzzles me), and somehow a billionaire with gold toilets and private planes seemed relatable to voters.

    3. @Q B most of the reason for Clinton failure was due to trump false smears than of course Comey announcing investigations 2 weeks before ,not to mention Russia fake news. With that said she still won the popular vote by 3 million. The electoral collage has cost the dems 4 out of last 5 presidential elections. Dems need to control all 3 branches so we can change it so every vote counts. Are best chance to win it all especially in my state of PA and 5 other key states is Joe Biden 🇺🇸

    4. @Scrum Thebum2 I agree but to deny that she turned voters off (electability) would be to ignore the complete truth.

  3. All polls show Bernie leading but they could only find one Bernie supporter and kept saying “it’s all up in the air”.

    1. @Hayden Williams havent you noticed yet ? Trump can not be stopped. He’s literally unstoppable he has always been unstoppable

    1. Non Sense Jesus can t you conspiracy nut democrats let it go… since before The President was sworn in the D.C. Swamp has went after him…this is both democrats and republicans …. if you personally have proof of a crime that The President has committed as the leader of this nation then please get the information to Muller, Polosi, Chucky, Schiff, Nadler, the FBI AND OH HELL WHO ELSE HAS INVESTIGATED THE MAN AND FOUND NOTHING. GET OVER IT. The Democratic congress tried to impeach with absolutely no evidence… get over it. I guess President Trump is rigging this one. You realize that make Donald John Trump a criminal master mind who is so smart he is pulling the wool over the eyes of all… Really.. Keep one thing in mind.. With all the heat Trump gets from the democrats and the media why does he keep doing the job? Another thing to remember he is a flipping billionaire and does not do this for money… so in your opinion what is his motive for doing this job and putting up with the bs from the democrats, D.C. Establishment and the media? I can tell you one thing it sure as hell isn’t for the money. He is ready written in the history books as president…. Seriously what is his motive for committing crime.. I am listening. Trump

    1. Good News: The good people of Iowa represent themselves.
      Please do not get confused, the opposing party whether Democratic or Republican hold the first caucus in Iowa to get the feel of the People.
      “One people.”

    2. if anything it is the opposite of this country. white, straight and not multi-ethnic. sounds like the Republican party, not the USA.

    3. Trump is the best representation I have seen for what a US American is, at least since I looked at thrush under a microscope in high school.

    1. @Dusty Gozongas America is always on the back burner of being a successful sustainable Society stop being brought buy the money bags who always been taking your tax money and call it socialist establishment billion dollars bailouts. Now that my friend is really free stuff in the billionaires class. Yeah Ronald Reagan and Trump economics worked out so well.

    2. Bjay AwesomeBlackDude Yeah, 400,000 jobs created and extremely low unemployment rates. I’d say it turned out
      Pretty well. Unlike you, you just like to deny such statistics.

    3. @MuckyWaters Millions of kids are murdered every year. (Just use your leftist “logic” and be happy with children dying.)

    1. I can’t wait until Bernie is president and we can haul every CNN and their family members away to the gulags for re-education. They will pay dearly for their lack of respect to our future Maduro! Bernie or riots America – you pick!

    2. SO true -wigit – this isn”t about policies, this about team mentality – like in the NBA and their support for China! Open Borders and free healthcare for illegals. Vote Blue!

    3. Nice try Gooey republicockholster, but everyone already saw you bragging about your lame game over at FOX about trying to fake people into up-voting your BS and deliberately inciting violence, we’re all onto you… just like the entire trailer park and your mommy!

    1. Biden is an empty suit propped up and manipulated by handlers. He doesn’t know where he is half the time. Corrupt and wishy-washy too. I could go on..

    1. @David Hale we appreciate you. I bet you can’t let this be the last word. Bet you don’t have it in you.

    2. @Super Tramp ok stoner. Go blaze one up. I’m watching the pregame. Golden girls is on for your viewing pleasure. 🖐

    1. You know an actual idiot WON the last election, right? Are you really going to argue that popularity equals quality?

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