An abortion clinic escort in Nebraska looks out for bombs to keep patients entering the building safe. See how she's using TikTok to confront the anti-abortion protesters surrounding the clinic. #CNN #News
She was fed up with anti-abortion protesters, so she broadcast them on TikTok

My mother is 78 years old and told me this story just yesterday as we
discussed our shock over Roe vS.
Wade. She told me about this poor
woman, back in the 1960’s. She was pregnant and she was married. She and her husband were excited to welcome their first. Come the last trimester, the baby died while inside. The doctor sent her home to hopefully miscarry the dead baby on her own. Days went by, still she laid in bed and in pain and the baby had not released itself. The husband begged the doctor for help. The doctor told the husband it was illegal to preform an abortion and he could do nothing more. Meaning he cold not abort or give inducing medication. The man’s young wife died of gangrene in their martial bed. This woman died because she had no rights. This woman died because America was a different world back then. We are reverting back to ignorance. God help us all. Freedom to all Women all over the world!
@John Freeman Not everywhere, not anymore.
@shade38211 Right. The lives of fetuses mean more than anything else, especially people who are already here and out of the womb. Who cares if a few women die? You cant make an omelette without breaking a few eggs. All those babies that will be born and put up for adoption, placed in foster care, or kept by their mothers and abused, neglected, or killed are worth it even if thousands of women die in the process of getting them here. Getting them here is what is most important. Everything after that, well, it doesnt really matter.
Not in some states now!
I hope they protest around gun shops everyday with the same conviction
@Edward Squirrell I have no respect for cross lovers in anyway. I am 54 yrs old and never had respect for them and even less respect now!
Here here!
Shelley ,You are a good person Dont get deterred.You DO CARE and we LOVE you for what you are doing .
The insane part that they think it’s Funny doing tik tok videos, it is so painful wach that long walk to Death… why do Human Being think it ok to kill onother innocent Unborn Human Beings .
Sheley gets what she deserves.
We need more of this reporting.
@Shari Lucas Ha ha, thank you for the virtue signal but you do not feel sorry for me.
It happens every day literally
@Danielle131 reporting on hecklers at abortion clinics happens every day? I must be missing it. Abortions and the process as well as miscarriages tend to not be spoken about. We’re just supposed to go through it without talking. Unfortunately, that’s going to have to stop. People need to be educated about what happens in real life. Heck, ppl can’t even talk about periods because it freaks people out.
It uncovers the truth!
I think everyone who protests against these women, need to sign up for adopting an unwanted baby, rather than being detached and judgmental against other humans.
Their judgements against others where they don’t know anything about their situation, will actually be what is “judged” when they “meet their maker”.
They will rather adopt someone in Africa before their own USA baby.
@Meurum Train Actually… that’s not really true!!!
Yup! Karma
They must really admire Schwarzenegger who was adamant to give birth to Junior.
When it is men’s time to go through pregnancy, it is men’s time to decide whether it should be legal.
One womb, one vote.
Why would someone jeopardise the patients by seeding bombs if they’re trying to save the lives of unborn children?
Are you seriously asking for logic? It is all about hatred and fanaticism and control.
@Ekan Ang Yeah I might as well be asking a dog math questions
She deserves so much more credit than she is getting! Thank you for helping our women
@Apache Worrier ‘nice’ attempt at deflection ya pillock!
“I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery.”
– Thomas Jefferson, letter to James Madison, January 30, 1787
The time has come to remove tax exempt status from all churches, Federally. If religious groups want to play politics, put them on defense fighting to remain financially viable.
Ain’t gonna happen. It should, but it won’t.
Yes I say we get it to the Supreme Court!
There’s nothing unconstitutional about religious groups participating in politics.
Last fight
@The Fires of Mount Doom Currently, the law prohibits political campaign activity by charities and churches by defining a 501(c)(3) organization as one “which does not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distributing of statements), any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for public office.”
The IRS administrators the tax laws written by congress and has enforcement authority over tax exempt
Thank you Shelley and Dr. Cathart, may you the other escorts and those who come to the clinic be safe and protected.
That seems like a perfectly fair, valid question. Now I’m curious as well!
@Lerian V “No one needs an abortion. What’s wrong with you people?”
In your opinion, you mean. I have a perfect solution for you: don’t have an abortion. Pretty simple, isn’t it? The simplicity is almost stunning – it smacks you in the forehead area. Why didn’t you think of that?
there are a lot of lunatics out there so Shelley needs to be careful! Kudos to Shelley and Dr. Cathart!
1 Will Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
Imagine never learning anything since 1973, that’s what happens when you think you can get everything from one very outdated book.
1 roy dunn Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
Most of these types want to go back to the 1600s
The creepiness of old men calling a younger stranger on the street “mom.” There is something mentally wrong with these people.
There’s nothing wrong with that.
The creepiness of people MURDERING their own babies boggles me to the core!
Thank you for everything you do, Shelley.
And to all of the other walkers, doctors and nurses that put themselves at risk everyday to make that walk less lonely and more protected, you have my gratitude and respect.
I wonder how many of these “pro life” people also believe in the death penalty?
I bet they are pro- life
Big difference between killing innocent unborn human and a death sentence for an evil murderer. And I’m a woman who owns a gun for self defense, not for murdering others.
Y A and if you use that gun and kill someone that’s still ending a life. But I guess that’s ok.
She is doing a great job.
Keep these nutjobs away from the patients. Each patient has good reasons for getting their pregnancy ended and should be respected for their decision.
1 Papillon Dogs Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
@Kenia Mcguire Keep the nut jobs away from the clinics that are truly saving lives and away from government buildings.
Facts First:
Even the Pope agrees, if you’re “pro-life”, then you should also….
1. Ask for more gun control laws
2. Provide more support (financial, emotional, and physical) to mother’s
3. Support the under-privileged
1 Joe Friday Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
Mad respect for this woman! Yes, Shelly!

This good and brave woman gives me such hope in these dark times