The White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany baselessly linked CNN reporter Brianna Keilar's comments about the Kentucky Attorney General to the shooting of two Louisville police officers after the killing of Breonna Taylor. Hear her response.
#BriannaKeilar #CNN #News
“I promise to never lie to you.” Kayleigh’s started her career with a lie and hasn’t stopped lying since.
**I keep waiting for the crucifix on Kayleigh’s neck,,, to burst into flames!!!! She sold her soul,,, she knows Trump is the devil!!! She sold her soul,,, for Fame and money!!!! It’s quite pathetic,, to watch her try to justify,,, the insanity,, that comes out of trumps mouth!!!!!**
True Justice would be a recording of Kayleigh’s “I promise to never lie to you” being placed on a mini recorder around her neck and replayed to her every 60 seconds for the rest of her life. Sort of like those electronic ankle bracelets they use for felons.
This exactly what I’ve been saying, the Kentucky AG was bribed by the US AG to say those exact words…smh
Tucker is a child, he acts and talks like a child, his reporting is sleezy and immature.
@Julie B The orange nighmare fits that to a tee. Look at his rallies and then watch a clip of Hitler. It’s stunning. We have taken our democracy for granted…yes’s showing how fragile it is. Some of our forefathers mentioned that.
Wow! All I see and hear these days from Dems is pure Hate! Girls and boys, you need to do your own research and think for yourselves instead of being a bunch of donkeys.
Bruce Boring, a criminal for what?
@The Big kahuna Obviously, her crime is reporting FACTS, not lies that make donny dump look good.
No he’s not, that’s a lie
Are you 14 years old?
Do u still watch Pee Wee’s Playhouse?
We know she lies after lies. I never watch her press.
The pres has made statements ‘there’s a few bad apples’ when we ALL know there are a lot more corrupt policemen on the force among those great ones who are really caring taking their vows seriously to serve and protect Everyone. Studies clearly show ‘b’ people who make up a FAR smaller portion of the total population than ‘w’ people, are still killed three times more than ‘w’ people. And although more people ‘w’ people commit more crimes than ‘b’ people – more ‘b’ people are behind bars. hmmm. go figure. Further, the majority of gun deaths in the US are not homicides but suicides, and ‘w’ men account for 74 % of them – not to mention mass shootings within schools and malls. Thought it was interesting that one Sen. Scott who spoke at the convention, I did not hear him speak on his personal experience of being stopped multiple times by police within the course of one year – as he has mentioned before. It is a big problem being pushed under the rug.
@john smith The evil leftist make it up as they go to try to win things criminally rather than virtuously.
john smith if they policed white people the same way they police poc those stats would be a lot different.
@jason S That’s not true. The murder rates are the murder rates, it’s not like because police aren’t going into white neighborhoods that there are murders taking place in white neighborhoods that we don’t know about. We know when a murder takes place because there’s either a dead body or a missing person.
john smith rt murder isn’t the only violent crime though so that’s y it comes in to play. Also we have done a damn good job of keeping poc in poverty so that would increase crime rate ya know
George Washington: “I cannot tell a lie.”
Donnie Trump (and Kayleigh McEnany): “I cannot tell the truth.”
MAGA zombie: “Derp, I cannot tell the difference. (Derp).. Lock her up!”
You mean the “Chinese virus ©” ?
@Kampfer derp.
@don’t Care aww.. that’s cute. Reminds my of a little baby bird.
@Kampfer derp.©
BRILLIANT JOURNALISM. Sadly, only the choir got to hear this beautiful anthem to truth and justice.
@Meh now it’s time for you too.
The Canadian Take your meds Trudeau.
Maria Romano is a Russian bot
@The Canadian how long have you worked for CNN?
Meh You’re not even American. Funny thing is that CNN is supported worldwide. Fox is banned in many places for being entertainment and propaganda and not the news. Nobody called CNN fake news before Trump. His supporters just parrot that because they have to justify their support of Trump so it’s better to attack any news that isn’t a glowing review of Trump. Even Bush had months of silence as he didn’t say stupid things daily unlike Trump.
Tucker always looks like he just pooped in his diaper!
@Mark Torrez yeah torrez i thought i would try it the demonrat way for a change
I really hope you’re 8 years old…
Thanks for making me laugh
Tucker Carlson spent 6 months saying that the virus was a “democratic hoax”. And let’s talk about the girl that said on her first day “I will never lie to you”. Ha ha ha
@Gates Lattes eh I’m not much of a fiction guy.
Theres no doubt the Dems are using it to pursue political advantages, including hiding Biden in a basement so no one can see what a geezer he is, and blaming Trump for all the deaths China and the governors are responsible for. Say mindless drone for me Terrance.
No Trump actually cares unlike every sociopathic / psychopathic Democrat in Congress.
@John Barnett Here is the proof you asked for. Maybe Faux news or OAN did not share it with you so Your welcome.
Tucker Carlson really needs to start licking every door handle, door knob, and credit card machines.
Brianna got her clips together like she’s presenting a PowerPoint presentation
This kind of reporting has to continue. Thank you Ms. Keiler keep bringing truth . The People needs to hear about what’s really going on. Biden/Harris 2020.
@Suzette Figgs The truth? From CNN? That’s a stretch.
@Lobster Venus what a cowardly comment with no real basis.
@Lobster Venus Tucker and Maganoodle with her book of lies are both disgusting liars.
@Donna Willams You must be high as a kite. Tucker is the most honest news person in America. Period.
Tucker Carlson is a smirking sphincter too painful to watch.
@Don Kliewer The idea that a Democrat voter can’t understand 7th grade level sentence structures is unsurprising.
Your lot has always been known to have spawned from the shallow end of the gene pool.
Azman Ibrahim That’s exactly what he looks like. He’s always lying!
Damn right!
Carlson is the most confused looking person on the planet. Good grief that expression looks painful.
Socialism is for losers, just sayin.
Yes because Don Lemon is SOO much more articulate
@B Lemon is a racist bigot like all the Demonrats.
Carlson barks with full of crabs for fake man
It’s factually impossible to be honest when representing a pathological liar.
True. When you are the spokesperson who NEVER tells the truth, you have to disconnect from reality and brainwash yourself into believing that truth is whatever some Rightie says it is, evidence be damned.
@Marchant2 yes. And when you’re CNN. The rightie that you believe won’t let you see how you’re wrongie!
No explanation necessary. Kayleigh needs TP to her wipe her mouth everytime she stands her front of the podium.
Phenomenal reporting Brianna Keillor. Thank you. Let’s give Trump everything he demands of others and watch him fall.
I love how Brianna calls them out on their BS. McEnany, just like Sarah Sanders and Kelly Ann Conway, has sold her soul and is willing to lie continuously.
Y’all clowns if you still believe CNN

We love you Brianna for holding their feet to the fire! You are a journalistic hero and we thank you
I can’t take ANY one seriously if/when they say things like, “tRump never lies” or “is not racist, in the fact he opposite of racist (Kim Klacik? lady), and has done more to help black Americans the likes of which have never been since, uh, since Lincoln.” GTFOH! Disingenuous, bad faith, Dear Leader pandering disqualifies one from being a source of facts.
Angel Lastname Biden can be found taking pictures with multiple racist do y’all not research Biden at all

The crowds behind The idiot seem to be getting smaller since We know it isn’t down to social distancing ! November 3, let people see the light and get out and vote early!!!!!
“WH BOB” needs a nose job. It’s getting so long that it took a hard left turn.
Brianna keilar always has her facts and explains thouroughly.
She’s awesome!
mcenany lies EVERYTIME she is at that podium. I can’t believe she can even look at herself in the mirror. Shameful very shameful