‘She deserved more’: Alta. reports first death linked to AstraZeneca

The daughter of a 52-year-old woman who died from a rare blood clot says her mother's warning signs were ignored at the emergency room.

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'She deserved more': Alta. reports first death linked to AstraZeneca


  1. So sorry for this horrible loss 🙁 emergency rooms need to be more aware that cases like these will happen

    1. They know, they just don’t know how to deal with it. Same thing happened at the beginning for Covid, only difference is we know how to fix covid cases now. This is all known sense, pathetic science, draconian measures and it needs to stop now. Carla

  2. Oh sweet girl… how brave and caring you are to share your Mum’s story. This should not have happened to her. We are so, so sorry that it did. She sounds like a wonderful mother who loved you very much. Thank you for your courageous message. Your Mum would be very proud of you.

  3. The negligence at hospital emergencies all over Canada is systemic and nobody talks about it.

    1. @glenn hankins …….you are the only commenter to promote what should be in our dialogues as well as the health care…..the drug and the PM.

    2. @Jonathan Swift I’m curious how, I’ve had a stone removed and other than anesthesia, I don’t see where the danger would be.

    3. @Dalton Jones It’s 100% systematic and happens all over Canada. One just needs to experience it or have a chronic condition and one will truly see how bad it is.

  4. Wow- just wow! Im so sorry for your loss….so sad- I hope and pray truth and justice will be revealed in their investigation. Such a sweet girl.

  5. I really hope the person who sent the lady home at the grey nuns feels responsible for this girl’s mom’s death because she is,, this is absolutely unacceptable,, the intake worker at grey nuns and the hospital itself should be held accountable

    1. @Jason Grant if your Canadian you and I know there is only one government official who is mostly responsible but I’m scared if I named him I might just disappear🤐

  6. This is such a tragedy. Poor girl… I hope we can do something to help her. I pray her family stays with her. I pray she goes on to living her best life despite of her loss… much love to them all.

    1. @Guylain Rochon Read the Auditor Generals report on how Canada dealt with this crisis, and then you go and hide.Canada has a horrible health care system, complete with uncaring politicians running it.

    2. I was sent home six times with stroke like symptoms. Around the sixth time my friend flat out told them we aren’t leaving until you get an on call neurologist. Turns out I had a giant brainstem lesion forming from an ms attack. A disease I had probably had for 15 years but even my family doctor dismissed me for years. Universal does not always mean timely or quality care.b

    3. @Laura Shadforth Clearly you have never suffered with a chronic autoimmune condition. Happens all the time.

  7. Go home and take Tylenol!!! Is that the only answer from medical doctors????? Sue them so that it wont happen to others.

    1. The gross thing is I bet if she had Covid symptoms they would have admitted her. Right now the only thing the medical community cares about is Covid. No one else matters to them it seems.

  8. This is sad result of too many problems and not enough help. :(. She will get her answers but they won’t help her.

  9. When my sister was a baby the ER told my mom to take her home but at the hospital she jumped out of the wheelchair which was so lucky because they had to admit her back and they found out if she went home she would of died. The nurse who was watching her when she jumped out of the wheelchair resigned but we were able to find her and convince her to go back to work as she basically saved her life.

    1. So glad that happened. In this country you really have to fight and raise your voice to get adequate care or else have an advocate who will fight and push back against indifferent staff

  10. So very sorry Jordon for your loss…love to your family!❤❤❤ We are being told this is rare….I am seeing more cases every week….why are we not acknowledging what is going on…

    1. I’m afraid it’s not going to turn out to be rare. I think a year from now we’re going to be horrified by the deaths caused by the vaccines. We are in the testing stage now

  11. WTF that daughter is going through hell. I can’t believe she held her composure, I wish the best for her in the future

  12. The medical staff who sent her home should be fired. Period. This happens all too often in hospitals

  13. This is very unfortunate, and I give my condolences to the family… If you’ve taken the AZ shot recently and you’re worried about getting a blood clot, feel free to carry aspirin (blood thinner) around wherever you go. Stay safe folks.

  14. So sorry for your loss your parents would be proud of you speaking out. I’m sure they are looking down on you. Wish you long life and happiness.

  15. I am so sick and tired of doctors and politicians saying that the benefits outweigh the risks when using Astra garbage and J&J. I WILL NOT TAKE EITHER ONE OF THEM 😡🤬😡

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