NBC News’ Sam Brock reports on the latest ‘disturbing’ details in the Mexico highway ambush in which six young children were murdered, reportedly gunned down while fleeing a burning car. Aired on 11/05/19.
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‘Shattering,‘ ‘Disturbing’ Details In Mexico Highway Ambush Revealed | Andrea Mitchell | MSNBC
Hi there
Is it is
God bless all
Be safe
Really? That’s all you can come up with to describe this?
That was no mistake.
I’m guessing the clock is ticking for the men who did this and it’s just a matter of time before they meet a grotesque and bloody ending themselves.
Heads will be rolling
The chances are that they will get away with this. They do get away with such things on a regular basis.
Cartels are like Nazis..You don’t play with them, you exterminate them.
@Gary Hawkins Of course it is. It needs to move above the table.
It’s a lot harder since Eric Holder has been sending them literally TRUCKLOADS of AKs for years during the Obama administration. The cartels outgun the Mexican military now. Fast and Furious
@Douglas Campbell They’re money hungry and they’ll do anything to get it, drugs are not what the war is about. It never was about the drugs, it’s about control and their problems with the government.
Who killed Joseph Smith and chased the mormons out of Missouri and Illinois…Americans.
Drug cartels have clients. Why do you buy drugs instead of living an honourable life America?
Drugs are needed to cope with Life in America.
I only buy locally grown weed, don’t worry.
They were targeted because they were Mormon. https://www.chron.com/news/article/Victims-of-Mexican-slaughter-were-from-NXIVM-14814764.php?utm_campaign=socialflow&utm_medium=referral&utm
We’ve had far worse mass shootings in schools and places of worship here in America from gun nutters. 20 babies were gunned down in Sandy Hook, and the NRA and right wing extremists responded by attacking their parents.
@Margo Lenney So tell me what are you so upset about ?
Congratulations everyone!
This thread has won the YouTube’s “Saddest Thread of The Week”!
Your prize is in the mail….
@Daisy Elmir I always end my comment with a
. You’re not new here, stop trying to deflect.
Personally I’m very disappointed , because you didn’t end with
@Perro dehont

Lol…good memory.
This is the cartel sending a message to the group, not mistaken identity.
@Matilda Greene so please tell me how being a mormon fundamentalist equates to justifiable homicide, please enlighten me
@Aesthetic Medic NOTHING justifies murder…I did not say that….Just learning of the pieces of a puzzle…like most murders.
@Aesthetic Medic Americans delcared war on the mormons in Missouri and Illinois and even killed it’s founder, it was justified in 1844.
@Aesthetic Medic Firstly as a child of cain myself F the mormons. Secondly that sect is also attacking the cartels. Its known world wide.
This attack was a warning shot.
That lebaron family has been making trouble for the local cartel gowing back to 2012 when MIT Romney ran for president. Google it
Prayers for the family, and those babies

What is praying going to do?
@Walking In Truth & Knowledge
What a midsomer your moniker is.
@Daisy Elmir it’s truth. You Judy don’t like what I said. The fact of the matter is I feel sorry for the millions of black people that was killed. And the many lives that are yet being taken.
No prayers for the children in Yemen? Gaza?
@bryan chimalli they only pray for red demons.
It was los Zetas cartel that did this!! They are famous for murdering women and children

Best thing to do, is label all cartels as domestic terrorists, enemies of the state and treat them like enemy combatants in a war and use the full force of the Mexican and American army to systematically target them and eliminate them piece by piece.
They have done this for decades. Its called drug war.
The Mexican army is the cartels.
More people will be good if we focus on creating more good in the world.
the langfords, johnsons and millers have a definite response.
blessings and amen
I’m wondering if Bone-Spurs has the balls to send in the SEALS…
@Francis Fulloffrenchpeople Touché. The circumstances between the two are pretty far apart, though…
Trump has offered to clean Mexico up you dipshits. If the Mexican government refuse then we know they are involved
i have a feeling we may turn on the news in the morning and see video of attack helicopters flying to mexico,blowing up fields,warehouses,processing plants and big houses with expensive cars in the driveways,,he DOES have the balls unlike a former president
@TheRealCritique and Hillary would have already opened the border, guess we should do that a d it’ll all go away… right?
Oh my gosh! This is so sad
It’s horrific, but you can imagine that this must reflect what the refugees are running from.
Very true.
At least Mexico wants a just response for these deaths. I guess they’re more civilized than people here for all the deaths of migrants under that orange White House squatter.
You’re so brainwashed. Obama gave guns to the cartels. Trump would never do that.
They are holding on like Ike and Tina
So heartbreaking it’s very disturbing even if it’s my country I’m so dissapointed
@peacefulheart Yeah… While we hunt terrorists abroad, we turn our back to our own neighbors… We have military power! Many different ways to wipe out the cartel. But we seem to not care.
Mr. Howley Mexico tried to tackle the cartels with military strength, but the cartels retaliated and killed many civilians and innocents. It’s incredibly disturbing how humans are capable of such destruction and horror.
You don’t fight battles with the cartels, you need to sabotage them completely and eradicate them.
@Roberto Santibanez Yes. Bait and tackle. Espionage. We have a satellite that can see the smallest details. Just ask tRump about that leak… But there are many, many reasons to address this b.s. New US military tech is here.
This is so sad..

I know that some media will state that the cartel members responsible for this are astute scholars!
What’s new.. maybe they should mention the history but still sad
Where is the proof it was cartel?