Sharpie-Gate? President Trump’s Alternate Hurricane Map – The Day That Was | MSNBC

After days of claiming without evidence that Alabama was projected to be hit by Hurricane Dorian, President Donald Trump displayed an apparently Sharpie-doctored map in the Oval Office on Wednesday that showed Alabama to be within the storm’s path.
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Sharpie-Gate? President Trump’s Alternate Hurricane Map | MSNBC


    1. >>My diagnosis is TDS. Turn of the video and go outside for a walk.<< According to the Encyclopedia of Animal Deceases, Trumpanzee Derangement Syndrome (TDS) is only contagious amongst the inbred trumpanzee minority itself. Humans are 100 % immune.

    2. Trumpanzee Derangement Syndrome (TDS) will cause intense butthurt, extremely foul language, insane delusions and debilitating sophophobia.

    1. @Kip McEwen From Trump, he’s still talking about Russia, he went to the G7 and couldn’t stop talking about Russia

    2. @Kip McEwen You are either a Russian troll or a complete moron. There is a lot of information on about the Russian interference in the 2016 election if you would only look. There is also the fact that numerous members of tRump’s Cabinet, campaign staff and tRump’s children have highly questionable associations with Russia. Several have already plead guilty for lying about it.

    1. @Spearhand yeah tRump doesn’t know how to be right. Except when comes to right wing extremists…good people on both sides.

      Commrade tRump,!

    2. There is also a map of Dorian’s path that had a lot of lines added to it, some drawn to Alabama. The original nap of Dorian’s possible paths is readily available. No path was predicted that got anywhere near Alabama.

  1. Absolutely unbelievable!
    Donnie breaks yet another law by having an official weather map changed to match his clueless tweet! Like no one would notice!

    1. @The Laundry Mat News NO! It’s unlawful to knowingly alter an official weather prediction..DUH! (Back to your cheetos, with you)

  2. *WANT THIS TO END?* _Vote ALL republicans out of ALL federal and state political offices mercilessly and without remorse in 2020._

    1. @Logan McLean What is hilarious, is watching the President of the US having to alter a map instead of just being a man and admitting a mistake. Same goes with his supporters, they need to grow some balls and admit the man is mental.

  3. “You can see the hurricane starting out over Greenland and moving towards the peninsula of Alabama in this tremendous scientific map. It’s a very fine graphic, very big, many people say it’s the best map ever.

    1. Ha ha ha! Dorian started in the south pole, and will zig zag up and down Drumph’s tanning bed and yellow wig.

  4. President ——— ” I don’t know anything about sharpies” I do not own one and have never used on , I never knew that there were such things …………………………………………

    1. Here in Florida we know of 2 counties were hacked by Russians. Now we learn might be 4. FBI made all representatives sign NDA’s before being briefed. Said it’s to protect election officials. I would think they would want to be open and protect voters. Why the secrecy. Is it maybe votes were changed and Gillum is our real elected official ☝☝☝ Governor and Sen. Nelson is our real elected Senator and not POS SCOTT?? MAKES ME WONDER😡😬And no I never vote for LYING CORRUPT THIEVING REPUBLICANS👎👎👎

    2. @BbetrGODczU L Me either and I do believe we have been cheated and Republicans are all MOSCOW MITCH’S….they are corrupt and will seel the country and democracy down the river for a Russian payout. There is a revolution coming and I wouldn’t want to be a Republican when it happens

    1. Now, if he really happens to tell the truth for a change and warns us of impending danger, nobody will believe him. What a freak he is

    2. It really is amazing how he manages to rewrite the rules of stupidity every single day. He really is quite talented like that.

    1. Actually its worse than that, someone who will brazenly lie about small things that are easily caught is a sure sign of a pathological liar. Lying about big things is something everyone has done, because well.. big things usually have big consequences. Lying about a tiny thing that is easy to point out, shows a desire to lie shamelessly.

    1. Yes we do. A poll in my country shows almost 100% dislike of him – and we actually laugh at what the US has become because of Trump and his voters. But we are a bit afraid of what this maniac can do also. Wish you luck! /From Europe

  5. What is even more frightening is the sheep that will continue to follow thinking this is all just hate from the left.

    1. It’s not fake if that’s where the cone was actually heading, is it? All of the initial predictions had Dorian crossing the Florida panhandle, which means it would likely effect, if not slam right into the state with the rolling tide. The very unusual, but welcome path, that kept Dorian from making landfall on the US, is besides the point. If you look at the trajectory of the white storm cone does it look like it will hit Alabama, or not. I don’t have to squint to see that it sure looks like it’s headed that way. If he said Oregon, or Oklahoma they might have something to laugh about.


    2. Jody Sephus So wait a minute, you saying this here coverage is “fake news” too? Are you inferring that Trump didn’t actually LIE about this whole Alabama fiasco?

    1. @Alex Mitchell at least he has hope of getting it right some day. When it comes to not getting triggered by Anti-Trump comments you have no hope.

  6. Trump to his staff: ” Trust me guys, no one will ever notice that I drew on this map with a sharpie. See look….you can barely notice it. Trust me guys, I know what I’m doing….you know it, and I know it.” 😂😄

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