Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell clashed over sweeping voting rights legislation that would set federal standards on early and mail-in voting, and expand access to the polls.
#CNN #News
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell clashed over sweeping voting rights legislation that would set federal standards on early and mail-in voting, and expand access to the polls.
#CNN #News
Wow these people get paid 6 figures and never miss a paycheque and this is what they do…
@William Fisher Fisher You’ll see. Well….then again maybe you wont.
But yourself in my position. It’s impossible trying to reason with you guys. As soon as you point out that one piece of evidence is flawed you just mover on to the next. Doesn’t it bother you that you can’t back up your claims? How is that ok? It’s pathetic!
@Humphrey you cannt wait to h3ar the true stop retoric see 2hat the courts sau
@William Fisher Fisher Lets leave it that. Neither of us will convince the other.
@Humphrey agreed there is 2 side to this story yes lets see what will be
Doesn’t matter what they do we’re still gonna show up and vote ha ha Ha ha ha
Damn Right we’re showing up
@Hu Me Maybe there’s another reason.
Right on
@Ray Stanczak democrats found a way to always get in power. Fraudulenf mail in.
Chuck is a criminal
We can’t use our phones at work or while driving, but some of these guys can play with phones while we are paying them to work.
@kaye lucier using letters like this means your mad, lol how about banning pacs, spacs, dark money, and corporations, only US citizens can give money. ban lobbyists or anyone else that has unfair access and insider trading. this would be a government for the people and by the people and not the rich only.
Uh I’d rather have them text in a meeting than everyone else texting on the street where they can kill people.
That’s like saying, “we can’t stab our knives into other people, but some of these guys are stabbing their knives into their steak while we pay them to work.” … yeah two totally different things buddy.
@Mitchell Hardbower he thinks he’s suave trying to falsely claim Biden was sending stimulus checks to illegals. It’s laughable how he lies to his more moronic supporters, he’s thinking if it worked for Trump it aught to work for me…. forget he called my wife ugly
This is one of the most difficult countries to vote in an election. I have lived in countries where voting day is a national holiday and every citizen is automatically registered to vote as soon as they are of age and voting is expected! Only the U.S.A. bans primary voting for no party affiliation or independent voters. Only U.S.A. thinks it’s okay to hold voting on a work day. Only U.S.A. makes voters line up for hours and limits voting locations. Democracy in U.S.A. is a SHAM!
It wasn’t like this when blacks and all other non-whites couldn’t vote…they made it so when blacks would have to choose between going to work or going to vote… many blacks would choose to go to work because they couldn’t afford to lose a day’s pay or their job … it was a choice of having employment or getting empowerment.
I agree with you. The US isn’t who bans primary voters for those not registered with a party, though. That’s up to the committee leaders of each party, at the state level. A party can require their primary voters to be registered members, or declare an open primary. The purpose of a closed primary is to prevent Republicans from voting in a Democratic primary, to help the least popular Dem win, so that the Republican will have a weak opponent in the general, or vice-versa. All parties have done it in various states, depending on whether they suspect opposition voters will be able to succeed at that underhanded tactic. A closed primary does force people to decide which primary candidates they want to vote for, sooner, but it doesn’t actually block votes like these new suppression bills & laws do. People can still choose to vote for any 3rd party on the ballot or for either major party. In most states, you can just change your party registration online, once you know who you support. My husband changed his from “unaffiliated”, with no problem & it was only like a week before the primary, so he had plenty of time to research & decide.
No shame on y’all!! The People are not stupid like y’all would like to think

@SCAMPISH FOXX This is absolutely not true. We vote on Tuesday because many voters lived in rural areas, a day’s travel from town. They did not want to travel on Sunday, traditionally a day of worship and a day of rest. So they would travel on Monday, stay in town overnight, usually drinking and celebrating, vote on Tuesday, and then head back home so they could take up their farm responsibilities Wednesday morning.
They need to leave their phones in a basket before entering the chamber. Act like children, treat them as such.
Yes Ted Cruz inattention speaks loud how engaged he is. C’mon Texas get rid of this lazy man.
@Bonnie Robinson I love how Ted Cruz told that masker (
) reporter he could leave if he wasn’t comfortable being around him without a mask. We are always looking for good ways to keep Leftards from lurking about.

Why do we pay idiots for this crap?
@Mark uk calm down Robespierre!
stupid cruz always in his phone when a democrat is speaking, pretending not to listen
Most likely he was texting for someone to throw him a life preserver as the BS getting deeper
He’s must be planning a vacation.
His heart is with Trump, and his mind is in Cancun. What a loser.
waste of space-
Teddy planning another Cancun visit next winter when Texass freezes again?
The place I stop at every day for gas on my way home is owned and operated by a Asian
American family. It’s been there for as long as I can remember. A week ago today, I stopped
there for gas like I always have and there were 4 State Troopers an a ambulance, I thought to
myself, ‘they had been robbed. They hadn’t. It turns out some white man were putting up sings
saying “VOTE WHITES ‘ and other derogatory stuff in a vacant lot across the highway and 2
of them had been in the store harassing other Asians in side the store. The store owners son
just happened to be a US Army ‘Green Beret.’ That explains the ambulance. The signs were
taken down, the 2 white guys on there way to a hospital. The republicans might want t re-think
there oppression tactics, The US Military mails in there votes, The last thing republicans want
to do is piss off the US Armed Forces, they mail in there votes. “De – Oppress ‘o’ Liber,” To free
the Oppressed.
Free the oppressed. VOTE RATpublikkkans out.
Um. Fact check who attracts this group of people whom you speak about before joining the just make up crap train.
I would love to read the newspaper article that was obviously written about this. Can you tell me the city this took place? Also the date, so I can find the article. That would be awesome, thanks.
So Mitch doesnt want the People to have “loophole” access to their democracy? Yeah what’s new. Mr. Obstruction, shame on you!
How can we make it so they can’t play with their phones when in session when they make the laws. Vote them out!
Vote all republicans out. They hate America.
@PaulScott Rock are you a child ??
Perhaps they are afraid that if they take away all the GOP phones they will play with something else. Hint the GOP are 100% this body part.
@Jean Lynchyour parents proud of you ??
Yes, yes and anyone that thinks their party is more important than America, please give up your job because YOU’RE NOT DOING YOUR JOB. A merica wants a fair shakr not your lies.
They can figure out how lottery earnings go to legit people but can’t figure out the voting process.
They don’t want to figure it out because like they have always done they put in office who they want.
TURTLE almost CHOKED on that LIE he was telling
@Marvin Guigar You’re the one who cannot comprehend basic facts. The human brain doesn’t develop until the second trimester of pregnancy. That is my point. But I realize you can not understand how to argue with adults with actual facts and science as you have to go to insults when you have no basis for any argument. Again try to learn something before engaging with adults.
@G & G Property Solutions Graham It is proven _false_. Where do you get your “information?” It’s not like people didn’t _try_ to find evidence of fraud. They just did not find anything significant.
@Marvin Guigar No Marvin, I listen to the words coming out of the politicians’ mouths. If you cannot understand the difference between facts and the obvious misinformation, there is little anyone can do to help you at this point.
@Stephen S everything that has been investigated have shown fraud but the courts wouldn’t review the majority of cases.many are still ongoing
@G & G Property Solutions Graham You are in full delusion mode. There is no evidence of anything significant. If you insist there is, let’s see it.
Mitch just needs retire….and a VOTE who takes his seat. He should NOT be allowed to pick !!!!!
Hope he desides to leave,
He’ll never leave. Hence why he’s so obsessed with removing voting rights from his own state: Georgia. His state’s turning blue & he’s terrified.
Tell that to Kentucky im sure they’ll listen
Do you see Ted Cruz just setting there on his phone texting. He doesn’t care a word of what is being
@Challenger160 I agree .
@Moogie8596 I’m sorry hope you both will be okay.
Cruz has a separate video. It’s also on You Tube.
He has everything heard the whiny old air head has to say many times before.
@R C where is proof of fraud! Speak truth!
“They had things, levels of voting that if you’d ever agreed to it, you’d never have a Republican elected in this country again” Trump
The only thing trump said that I agree with
Mcconnell crying now that he doesn’t have the power. When he used to laugh about halting everything during obama second term. Now he is ” you are abusing you power, it is not fair”. Republicans set the bar so low.
Mitch is only out for himself. I had to turn this off after he spoke for a few minites. He disgust me!
Ted Cruz on the phone booking a holiday in Mexico.
Why is it so hard for them to make every voting day a National Holiday!?!? That’s just unbelievable just make it a National Holiday already.!!!

@tim ahlf mail in voting was the largest contributor to the fraud in the last election. we must never allow it to happen again, or we will be a banana republic.
@Thats Me or just go back to election prepandemic, it worked so well, and was fair to all
Republicans once said that we have enough federal mandated holidays. Funny how we have labor day, a holiday to celebrate the hard working american, but not one to allow those workers to go out and vote.
@BILL W but that’s where you are wrong as before they still wouldn’t let people who had served their time in jail to vote, they kicked people off the voter rolls who had non white sounding names, they made it harder for POC to vote and limit led where and when they could vote and they made it impossible for native Americans who live on reservations to vote. It was fair if you were white but not to everyone else like me who have non white sounding names. I had to fight for months after I was 18 just to get a voter ID to cast a vote but they sure did tax the heck out of me and all my family members and out family businesses
Mitch McConnell said the filibuster has “no racial history at all.” However, “the actual use of the filibuster as its developed has been, almost more than anything, a tool of the white supremacist South and a cudgel to block civil rights,”