Defence Minister Harjit Sajjan discusses an independent report which calls for a civilian system to investigate sexual misconduct in the military.
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Liberals professionally trained in lip service! Almost like they believe what comes out of their mouths
Makes you wonder how many Sajjan got it on with while he was serving???
I served and I’m not surprised at all with the amount of sexual harassment/and other commonly reported issues. seeing is believing.
Wow, textbook politician , not taking any accoutability, giving no relevant answers. Who talks this way? .. a politician.
Anyone in a job outside of politics would be quickly terminated with an attitude like this. There is something broken in politics.
Like his boss Just in True Dough
Sajjan is such a perfect fit in JT’s cabinet. Just listen to the way he answers questions. Just like his PM.
This guy is like captain socks . Should be fired.
Justin Castros entire cabinet should be fired a bunch of misfits
Anybody take Sanwhatever serious? I never will.
Sajjan is still here? Wow….no ethics from this guy.
Why hasn’t he done anything about it ? more than words needed. So useless.
And yet this guy is still the Minister of Defence. Canada has become such an embarrassment.
Lol is a shame not leadership ..we are screwed in Canada
Well done Evan.
This guy is a desgraceful too much talking points, just answer the questions. 6 years too long can’t happen overnight jeeeeezzzz.
Is this the hero of Afghanistan? Oh he lied. Nothing new here.
How in the hell is this guy still employed? You had one job Mr. Sajjan you failed in every aspect!
This guy is a joke! Get off the stage.
I spent 6 years in the military back in the late 70s early 80s. There was always sexual harassment. You learned to just deal with it.
She experienced it differently.
enough is enough. You must leave the government Mr Sajjan,