Ontario Premier Ford takes questions from reporter where he says people not following COVID-19 regulations will be fined.
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Trudeau version 2
Then move to the states you can do with out a mask.
@Heather Hardy Stick your gag.
After all the chaos south of the border it’s nice to know that it’s actually possible for conservatives to take public health seriously and follow the advice of medical professionals.
The display of the flags with the Union Jack symbol speaks volumes about who is really pulling the authoritarian strings in Canada. Ford, and the current system of British monarchy rule of law, are the enemy.
But nothing about protesting right….Id10ts
Severe severe fines for everybody but me. These rules don’t apply to me just to be clear. One law for me and one law for thee.
Sounds like trudeau
What happens if you don’t pay these fines? Imprisonment?
Aliens capturing leaders and return then brainwashed…. thats the truth.
Doug, the turncoat, and the biggest WINDBAG!
go away
Is Dough Boy going to fine himself and his MPPs for attending a wedding and not social distancing or wearing masks? Why also has no other news outlets besides 680 news reported on his transgression.
Weddings have been allowed for months now.
I got married in June just after it was authorized again.
Government over reach given the numbers are suspicious, incredibly low hospital ases and no deaths.
Exactly. Need comparative ratios. You can show me a case chart to Mars….means nothing unless its relative to sickness…death…hospitalization etc etc. Soooo frustrating
How democratic indeed
Why are we allowing flights from the USA when borders are supposed to be closed

Don’t behave like daddy government wants? Time to pay up.
it looks like a threat , to raise fear , to someone to submit to the mandates .
Fascism in Canada.
The death rate is .03 percent, not the wildly wrong 10% plus from the January model. Why
panic as if the model were correct? Do the hygiene protocols and get on with life. The fines are
a cash grab to curb the huge revenue losses from the lockdown.
“Uncle Dougie, what’s that dangling from that tree branch? Is it a swing, it’s awfully high for a swing?”
“Oh, that? That’s nothing. It’s just a tree, son.”