In an interview with Lawrence O’Donnell, Rep. Seth Moulton (D-MA) shares a tough decision made to protect U.S. interests while he serving in Iraq. Moulton says President Trump failed to make a similar strategic decision to avoid creating more problems than it will solve. Aired on 01/06/20.
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Seth Moulton: Trump ‘Most Reckless Commander In Chief’ | The Last Word | MSNBC
wow… i’m glad people are starting to wake up…
Took them long enough
@Grim Reefer
it certainly did…
t’rump lost a battle of wits to a piece of toilet paper…

And his supporters think he knows what he’s doing in the Middle East?
Or wind…blowing that dead toupee around.
And you do!
His defeat against the umbrella must have been devastating as well…

Ro G Who cares; war over there is inevitable, so let’s get on with it, shall we? Ken Jamison
@Ken Jamison Wow…

Who knew bone spurs are also a mental condition?
No….that’s his Herpes.
president dotard chump, Draft Dodger In Cheif (DDIC) is sending Americans to war… what a criminal act and all to distract from his impeachment trial…
Extra-Chromosome-in-Chief has un-treated syphilis.
Yes, it’s a side effect of putting his foot in the mouth every time he opens it.
How can Trump encourage Ukraine to fight corruption, when he himself created the most corrupt administration in American history.
Instead of surrounding himself with highly qualified experts, he has surrounded himself with an unqualified staff of C and D list sycophants, roguish grifters, scallywags, and the most unprincipled neophytes ever assembled. And they are all swimming together in a sea of moral turpitude..
Most elegant and accurate comment I’ve seen today
David J You left out carpet baggers.. they’re even worse than scalawags. Ken Jamison
It’s not only dangerous to the U.S.A., it is dangerous for our Mother Earth, the entire globe, life as we live it now because it is nuclear bombs Republicans are threatening Iran with.
Yep and what about Isreal whom they claim to love, they are in worser danger now.
Trump: “First of all, critical thinking is for dummies. When you’re a stable genius like me, you don’t have to think. Besides, who’s got time for all that thinking when you’re so busy acting on knee-jerk impulses. There’ll be plenty of time for thinking later when the dust clears.”
Wake up, he’s not reckless. He’s doing exactly what Putin wants him to do. He has all along.
Putin backed trump’s loans with DeutscheBank. End of story.
husqvarna17 Exactly. Trump is owned by Russia and America is in deep trouble. We need Trump protests, massive protests to get Trump out.
M M, he definitely acts like the lives of his children depend on him keeping Putin happy.
husqvarna17 They do make a great team! I’ll take Putin over any corrupt Dumbocrat Socialist any day of the week! Ken Jamison
@J MacDonald Your main boy Mueller spent 35 million dollars and said no ties to Russia and Trump !
Trump is a simpleton.
Not even the Russian bots can defend Trump!
Putin has thrown Trump under the bus. He has seen the writing on the wall. Sure Putin is dangerous and untrustworthy but a much bigger threat to America lies in Mitch McConnell.
Grim Reefer Trump doesn’t require defending. Vote Trump and Reps in 2020, and everything gonna be all right! Ken Jamison
You are evil.
You went to a war on a lie and he is evil…
Calculus is a subject Trump never took.
Once American bombs rain down on Iran, those who feel safely ensconsed in their isolated little world in the good old USA far from danger might start to wonder about their own safety, due the fact that the tentacles of Iran have an extremely long reach. “Over there” these days has a tendency to quickly become “over here”.
Noone should be getting excited about anothr Middle East war, especially one against Iran.
Carlos Tuckerson said Sulaimani is not fit die as mytardom .Trump made him Hero of the Middleast after Alexander the Great.
yeah, he gets it…
George W has hundreds of thousands of INNOCENT Iraqis blood on his hands too and was a bad dude ,, should he be executed by a drone too
He is a Republican so it’s OK…. but if Obama did it he would be dead right now..
Maybe, just maybe, there’s something wrong with your constitution when an imbecile criminal can become your commander-in-chief.
Maybe there’s something with the idiotic populace in America
Mr Steve Schmidt called it when he said “trump is inept selfish boorish and incompetent and American’s blood will be spilled because of”. That blood will be on trumps hands.
Blue Velvet But that’s OK, it will wash right off.. no problem. Ken Jamison
Dump doesn’t care
Trump isn’t reckless, he’s just very, very dumb.
“How do we get everyone to stop talking about impeachment – I know, let’s start a war!”
spud2go yes war is good! .. has gotten us through several depressions, and made money for lots of people. Ken Jamison
Jerk offs, what was Iran doing in Iraq?
Moulton and MSNCB mouthpiece, you’ve convinced me that you have all the answers for the Mideast crisis. Why don’t you two geniuses hurry and fly over there and take care of this mess.. Petreus, where he now, probably still humping his writer girl friend. Ken Jamison